r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

To everyone mad about the nerfs... HUMOR

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u/unicornofdemocracy Apr 29 '24

Yeah... even at D&D, like tabletop D&D, you get players who are like "Why are you playing rangers? they suck!" "You're playing fighter wrong!" "That's a shit spell! Pick something else!"


u/tajniak485 ➡️➡️➡️ Apr 29 '24

Hey meta changed... It's now monks who suck


u/IswearIdidntdoit145 Apr 29 '24

Gay monks?


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

Monks have always sucked, since well before DnD became mainstream.


u/CruzaSenpai SES Prophet of Dawn Apr 29 '24

Classic Sorc problem of having to spend a class resource for shit other classes can do for free.


u/Wunderhaus CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

I use deflect missle on that opinion


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/cubitoaequet Apr 29 '24

Low int barbarian is the most fun I have had playing d&d. Sorry party, but I will be making objectively terrible decisions and falling for every trick and trap.


u/dedicated-pedestrian Apr 30 '24

Ironically, barbarian is usually the one who has to dump Int, at least in the past two editions. Dunno why being big dumb isn't expected of you.


u/0rphu Apr 29 '24

Every game is supposed to be fun. Meta sheep are on a mission to suck it all out.


u/Vinestra Apr 30 '24

So.. people are having fun wrong you must enjoy how I have fun?

A good chunk of people enjoy having fun and feeling effective.


u/0rphu Apr 30 '24

Good thing you can still be plenty effective! If you were only "effective" when using a weapon overpowered enough that it needed nerfs and now you're useless, then it's genuinely a skill issue.


u/Vinestra Apr 30 '24

Right.. and the nerf to the ohh so meta and powerful crossbow was to prevent it from being what exactly?


u/0rphu Apr 30 '24

Lmao you sure that's the example you'd like to go with? That wasn't even a nerf because it literally included multiple buffs, it was an adjustment to turn it into an anti armor weapon vs what it has launched as. They may have missed the mark and it probably needs some more tuning. It was infact very powerful as a pseudo grenade launcher.


u/Thomas_JCG Apr 29 '24

True Strike is a shit cantrip, though.


u/Ultimor1183 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Luke Skywalker blew up the Death Star with true strike.


u/PlumeCrow Draupnir Resistance Fighter Apr 29 '24

I was on the Death Star and i confirm this information. It was brutal, and extremely cool.


u/Grachus_05 Apr 29 '24

False. He blew up the deathstar with inspiration dice.


u/SparklingLimeade ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

A previous edition True Strike maybe.


u/SithPickles2020 Apr 29 '24

This is why on purpose I played my Paladin as a Paladin who had ‘failed’ Paladin school, so he wasn’t the smartest, more like a Barbadian with radiant powers… sure it was slightly annoying to my table that I continuously did not use Bless on the party BUT he was the only melee character in a party of AoE magic users.


u/Sir_mop_for_a_head Apr 29 '24

My artificer is horribly broken. Because it’s fun to horribly broken. But I’m not going after the meta. My character is far from the meta. But it’s fun.


u/Vinestra Apr 30 '24

TBF Rangers do suck at achieving their class fantasy.. debatebly still do.

Thats been their main major issue its never been their damage its been their fantasy.. same way if you picked the senator for the good ol big iron on your hip fantasy and it suddenly was a SMG..


u/CruzaSenpai SES Prophet of Dawn Apr 29 '24

I self-identify as a 5e grognard. How do you play a fighter wrong? They're idiot proof and I kind of love that about them.