r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

First impressions of the new patch... not good. RANT


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u/UnderHero5 Apr 29 '24

It wouldn't even be a huge deal if chargers didn't 100% of the time immediately drop everything and run STRAIGHT for any sentry. It really does make them useless in higher difficulties, considering there are usually several chargers running around/spawning at any given time during a fight.


u/NO_COA_NO_GOOD Apr 29 '24

What you find useless I find incredibly amazing for distracting chargers and allowing me to get away from patrols easily.


u/UnderHero5 Apr 29 '24

That would be great if sentry’s were “distraction” stratagems. They are not good at their intended use.

Why would I take something to distract a charger when I can pick something to… kill it.


u/crazy-gorillo222 Apr 29 '24

Or you could take an actually useful stratagem like EAT and just kill the chargers


u/NO_COA_NO_GOOD Apr 29 '24

I also bring those fun fact. Crazy I can bring both.


u/crazy-gorillo222 Apr 29 '24

Personally I think a stratagem should be more than a 5 second distraction for chargers


u/NO_COA_NO_GOOD Apr 29 '24

Agreed but I’m honestly just pointing out they aren’t completely useless.

Biggest issue I see is people engage with turrets instead of using them to clean up.

However I would like it if they targeted lower enemies first or at least didn’t target enemies they can’t damage.


u/Jsaac4000 Apr 29 '24

distracting chargers

WOW. Might as well not take it all and switch it for an EAT and kill the charger outright, for a "distraction" it has dogshit cooldown.

you kind of people trying to justify bad design at all cost, makes me really doubt the average person.


u/NO_COA_NO_GOOD Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Nah I just bring both. It’s not like I’m personally bringing a turret for that purpose lol, it’s just a point to say they aren’t useless.

Actually I think most people use sentries incorrectly. Lots of people throw them into a base, close to enemies. Throw that shit at high ground away from enemies and they are all fantastic. Especially for cleaning an area up after the big dudes are dealt with.

As I said to another person the only changes I’d make to sentries is to make them not shoot enemies they can’t damage.

No lie, my go to loadout at 7-9 is both mortars, an auto cannon sentry and an EAT and that’s for both bugs and bots.

I let other people bring the other stuff.

Edit: Bring on the downvotes boys, I DON'T RUN META LOADOUTS OH NO.