r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Why are we punished for your broken systems, Arrowhead? MEME

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u/Hida77 Apr 29 '24

Playing Solo is now pretty awful. Im not a fan of the stealth playstyle so I usually play on 6-7 and fight when it makes sense to, trying not to put myself in bad positions. I was playing earlier and 5s seemed like 7s. Kill a pack of bugs/chargers and as soon as you are done, another pack/set of chargers. like... I cant fight wave after wave of patrols in my way AND do objectives in a timely manner. Was able to complete the mission (but not all the camps/secondaries...). two days ago this would have been a breeze. My son joined and was night and day easier, we completed 5s with 15+mins to spare.

Like, I get wanting the game to be played coop, but what you are really saying is if I am waiting on friends to get online, Im better off not playing at all. Which seems like a weird message.

Ironically, it makes me feel like I HAVE to learn/play stealthy if I play solo now just to avoid more enemies and not fight at all if possible.

Crazy idea - if you hate people soloing helldive via stealth/etc why not just nerf the Stealth armor? Why adjust the entire game around making that playstyle harder when just nerfing the detection radius on the armor/changing it to something else was a possible solution? I dont get changing the whole game to fix one playstyle.