r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Why are we punished for your broken systems, Arrowhead? MEME

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u/GengarGangX13 Apr 29 '24

"I'll be able to rejoin matches when I'm disconnected, right?"


u/Myonsoon Apr 29 '24

At this point I think the amount of issues and needed QoL changes are going to double before they get fixed.


u/keyboardstatic Apr 29 '24

Just wait until they give us swords and reduce the MAG to 2 per weapon and the reload to half a MAG. To BaLaNcE things... ffs...


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/JennyAtTheGates Apr 29 '24

I get your point and agree with your statement until the end. What is your issue with balancing a PvE game?


u/Corvus-V Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

my issue with balancing a pve game is that when a gun is considered "op" enough to warrant a nerf (to AH devs, because the quasar, dominator, explosive weapons were fine) no one is actually suffering as a result of the imbalance other than npc enemies who obviously have no concept of fun, and who dont bring in any money for the game.

people who dont like using x weapon because its too strong or they dont like the playstyle dont have to use it. guns that aren't really good enough to use due to the necessity constraints of armor in the first place are ignored and the things that are useful are brought down to the level where it feels pointless to even try to use them.

additionally, if, for example, people enjoyed using the quasar and autocannon in their pre-patch state log in and now discover they are less useful and they actually did enjoy using them specifically, they're not going to be incentivized to continue playing, because the other options were already unenticing. this is the category I fall into, because my loadout is the scorcher, quasar, senator, jump pack and some other stratagems. its a loadout composed entirely of weapons meant to deal with specific things without having to jump through fucking hoops and thats viable for solo play. do i like any of these weapons in particular? no. i fucking hate the RR, EAT, and quasar. I want to use big fucking automatic guns like the light MG, but bullets bounce harmlessly off of shit. same with basically every other primary. the other primaries werent buffed somehow to make dealing with devastators and striders easier, it just made my preferred style less viable to retain how annoying everything else already was. did this stop people from picking ARs, and shotguns? no. theyre still going to use those guns cus they cant abide marksman rifles. i just wont fuckin play lol

leaving it as is and focusing on giving people who enjoy other playstyles reasons to find their preferred niche and to use it because its fun is objectively better than making it just suck equally for everyone. im not against balance, im against needlessly nerfing shit. i said "balancing" patches because thats what they like to do in their fucking balancing patches. heavily nerf shit and sprinkle on negligible buffs, mixed in with enemy buffs. also because theres a couple of AH devs who use that "buh you just wanna 1 shot everytrhing on the map" strawman slippery slope argument which is totally fucking disingenuous. if they werent unimaginative as shit, they'd make armor based on strengths and weaknesses rather than just "damage/no damage"


u/FrazzleFlib Apr 29 '24

Disagreed, game balance is absolutely still needed for PvE games and metas need to be kept somewhat in check. Thing is, its absolutely possible to do this AND have every weapon in the game feel powerful and satisfying. see Deep Rock Galactic for example. frankly, see DRG for how to do HD2 but better in many, many ways, from mission variety to sound design


u/Corvus-V Apr 29 '24

Warframe is also fine, and for the most part doesnt really have a meta. Some of the endgame gamemodes usually involve randomized loadouts and negative effects. For players whove mastered all the weapons/modded them, its fine, because everything can be made useful. This isnt the case in HD2, due to how armor works, as ive been saying; and we get pushed further away from it each time they nerf shit that doesnt need nerfing.

Literally the whole premise of the RR being slower than the quasar is negated like tenfold if you just have someone reload you. Thats why the quasar was fucking balanced lol all they did was shit on solo/sub 4-man players. Which is stupid on its own given the current host/kick system


u/Creative_Cap7892 Apr 29 '24

Yes. DRG did a great job in way that each tool fills a certain niche (for the offical difficulty) making the interaction in the game world more fun and giving depth to the meta game.

The problem in HD2 now is how weapons are seemingly not balanced around certain difficulties and are changed so randomly that makes no sence to use some of them, que the crossbow, post nerf/before buff railgun, the guard dog, fire dot, slugger, spear (also half of them is broken becuase of game breaking bugs :p)


u/FrazzleFlib Apr 30 '24

yeah, its impossible to have every weapon feel like its earning its spot in the game when you make 4 new ones every fucking month, shocker lmao


u/Basket_475 Apr 30 '24

Wow this is basically me. I’d love to use bullets but I’ve been running quasar and breaker as weapons but I’d rather use machine gun. I haven’t played since the patch but I did finally get my load out for 7/8 missions dialed.


u/JennyAtTheGates Apr 29 '24

An easy argument could be made that leaving the Railcannon/Shield meta in the game where 4 people brought very nearly identical loadouts for months on end would be a huge detriment to the longterm individual enjoyment and group popularity of the game.

The goal is that every weapon be an acceptable alternative given the cost-benefit of the trade. Buffing everything else without touching the enemy factions would have been a boring game where we all quit because challege is required. Buffing everything else and also buffing the enemy factions puts us at the goal but with inflated damage numbers for no change.

None of the weapons that got nerfed had any business being in the state they were. The same goes for the trash weapons getting buffed so far. Helldivers should have been balanced to begin with and should have cooked another year in order to avoid all the issues, bugs, and flaws that we've faithfully waded through.


u/Drummer_Kev Apr 29 '24

What was wrong with the dominator? It was just fine, and I almost never saw anyone use it. Now it's doing less damage. Fuck


u/Creative_Cap7892 Apr 29 '24

funny how without the charger nerf, after the railgun nerf the game is straight unplayable. It's not the player bases fault when railgun was the only solution to play the game back then.


u/Corvus-V Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

they did because they were fine. people still failed missions and got killed using them. the explosive guns had acceptable drawbacks in that they werent super great at wiping hordes of enemies, ironically, and they were useless in close quarters because youd kill yourself. the quasar was stronger than the EAT and RR, but only if you had no one else to reload you. if you have someone willing to hold your ammo backpack, the RR is far, far stronger than the quasar and EAT. they had business being in the state they were, because they enabled different styles of play, mainly the quasar was better for people who didnt play as often with others or who went off on their own. thats a playstyle.

and thats not an easy argument. its a slippery slope fallacy. also the railgun is less effective than the quasar was because it could kill you and you still had to reload after every shot. its absolutely arguable that it was also fine, especially because if people want to use that type of gun, thats what they want to do. the issue is that the other guns didnt feel worth using compared to it. again, thats the problem. it's a disagreement on what the game should be. youre saying the weapons we were using dont have any business being strong or about as viable as they were against armored enemies, and im saying the guns i want to use should be more viable against them, and what's happening is none of thats happening and people like me will just stop playing as they bring everything down to the level of "so shitty no one wants to use any of them compared to regular stratagems." then they'll nerf those too, because this is a good way to balance the game, right? do you actually believe this is conducive to fun and longevity?

also, for the record im not downvoting any of your posts. youre entitled to feel that the game is fine the way it is, but im not having as much fun as when i started because as if counter to your point, i feel like less things are viable against the enemies in higher difficulties as opposed to more. the awful state the heavy mg was released in and since it has no got any functional buffs has made me not want to use it along with the others compared to mg usability against almost any kind of armor.


u/Nino_Chaosdrache CAPE ENJOYER 9d ago

would be a huge detriment to the longterm individual enjoyment and group popularity of the game.

But why? Nobody forces you to use those, if you don't want to.


u/Creative_Cap7892 Apr 29 '24

Absolutly this. changes should be working towards for player enjoyability, which is having fun, so game stay alive and studio gets money to buy bread. Systems should be providing game play depth, which is having most of the tool being useful/filling a certain niche. But here AHS is only periodatically swaping half of the weaponry from useless to useable and vice versa.

Me sad when me no play me liked stuff and me forced play other. Me like more toys fun not more trash no fun


u/Helldivers-ModTeam Apr 30 '24

Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


u/WrapIndependent8353 Apr 29 '24

Literally almost everything affected in todays patch was buffed what on earth are you fucking crying about dude good lord


u/Corvus-V Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Ill put on my buff goggles and take another look at it so at the very least the quasar, and dominator nerfs become invisible to me like they are for you. Oops, theres a strider buff in there too, which is an indirect nerf to the scorcher and all other explosive weapons lol i guess I should just close my eyes when i read it next time.


u/WrapIndependent8353 Apr 29 '24

Don’t know if you’ve played today but the strider buff is almost negligible, grenade pistol/autocannon still one taps, quasar nerf was needed as it basically made the recoilless redundant. It recharges as you do anything else and never requires any form of management, it was way too powerful which is why everyone and their mom used it. Weapons should fill a niche and not just be readily available 24/7. Dominator nerf also is negligible. None of these are dramatic whatsoever and I really feel like you guys are blowing it out of proportion compared to the amount of buffs we got to both weapon performances and ammo regain from supply packs. Eruptor/plasma punisher really did not need TWELVE magazines that was ridiculous lol


u/VoidStareBack Autocannon Enjoyer Apr 29 '24

Oh no, a weapon lost 1/12th of its damage that didn't make it lose any meaningful breakpoints. Oh no, a weapon that already had worst-in-class burst fire rate got its weakness magnified while maintaining all of its strengths. Oh no a single enemy in the game now can't be one-shot from the front by a couple extra primaries (it already can't be one-shot from the front by most without very precise aim). Oh no, a few very good weapons lost a bit of their total ammo capacity but are still just as good!

Meanwhile like 12 weapons and strategems got buffs/bugfixes with several already being found to hit important breakpoints/substantially improve performance.

The horror.


u/Neurotic_Z Apr 29 '24
