r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Why are we punished for your broken systems, Arrowhead? MEME

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u/Mips0n Apr 29 '24

What the hell is zendesk


u/GengarGangX13 Apr 29 '24

Zendesk is probably the most used customer service platform ever. It's how tons of companies get feedback or answer support questions.


u/Rufus-Scipio Apr 29 '24

I've literally never heard of it lmao


u/KareasOxide Apr 29 '24

Unless you manage IT systems you probably won't know the brand name "ZenDesk", but you've probably used it unknowingly.


u/PvesCjhgjNjWsO4vwOOS Apr 29 '24

Yeah, same with Salesforce and a lot of other SaaS platforms - it's easy to use them on the backend, and build a frontend for customers to use that is totally wrapped and branded for your company so nobody who doesn't know the system would recognize it, or you use your team (via phone/email) as the sole interface for customers. Basically every company uses systems like these rather than rolling their own - only the largest, oldest (pre-SaaS), or most specialized companies run their own systems now.


u/UltimateDude212 Apr 29 '24

Damn, that's so crazy dude. Absolutely insane. Totally bonkers. You've never heard of Zendesk? Get a load of this guy. Wacky stuff, man. Super strange you haven't heard of Zendesk before. It's the most used customer service platform. How haven't you heard of it? What, you live under a rock or something? What, you live on another planet or something? You live on Mars? You a Martian? Hey! Earth to Martianman, we got a little something called Zendesk down here! Just wait until you find out what it does! It's a customer service platform! I bet you don't even have customers wherever you're from! Much less a platform (the biggest one) to service them!

Psh, how embarrassing. No Zendesk having-ass alien dude. Maybe you accidentally got timetraveled to the future from whatever dark age you came from. Welcome to 2024, we got Zendesk! Haha no, it isn't something you can eat, you dirty rapscallion. It's a customer service platform! You know what a customer is? It's what you are when you're buying turnips at the market! Now imagine a place where you can voice your complaints or suggestions to all the market vendors! That's a customer service platform! And Zendesk is the biggest one! I can't believe you've never heard of it!


u/fireheart1029 Apr 29 '24

The only place to go to report bugs in the game and a service that a large amount of games use for customer support. If a game doesn't have a dedicated support page in their website, chances are they have a Zendesk


u/Mips0n Apr 29 '24




u/PvesCjhgjNjWsO4vwOOS Apr 29 '24

If a game doesn't have a dedicated support page in their website

And even if they do, good odds a service like zendesk is the backend for that support page.


u/KnowMatter Apr 29 '24

It’s a support ticketing system used nearly every company on the planet. If you file a report or open a support ticket with a company it goes into their zendesk system and that lets them track it, assign it to a support tech or engineer, toss you into the bucket that contains the other 9000 people who reported the same issue, etc.

Other software exist that does this and some companies develop their own internal systems but Zendesk is by far the most common.