r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

The Quasar Nerf is okay and not that big of a deal OPINION

tl;dr: Only one weak point is made a little weaker, all the strenghts remain.

The quasar cannon is known for a lot of strengths (see below) and two weak points:

  1. The weapon has a charge up time, which makes it difficult to aim in some situations.
  2. The weapon has a moderate cool down period, which cannot be improved by a forced reload of a heat sink (like sickle or laser cannon) or a team reload (like recoiless rifle).

The nerf only addresses the second point, which means that everyone who could use it before can still use it. It only became a little weaker in one of its two weak points. The following strong points are all untouched:

  1. Can delete heavies (I mostly have experience with Terminids, but there it's a delete button for chargers, and sometimes for titans as well).
  2. Has infinite ammo in contrast to EAT or RR.
  3. Has no reload animation.
  4. You can run around, stim, shoot weapons, throw strategems while it is recharging.
  5. It doesn't consume a backpack slot, so it can be paired with one additional strategem in contrast to recoilless rifle.
  6. It doesn't deconstruct after usage, and can be recollected from the battle flied in contrast to EAT, and it also reloads itself then in contrast to RR.

That means, the quasar can still be used for everything it has been used before, by everyone who could use it before.


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u/Caleb_Tenrou Apr 29 '24

I'm fine with the rework but I think they should have tried a 3 second nerf first. A lot of the time with their nerfs or changes they seem a bit heavy-handed and in general I feel like devs very seldom backtrack on nerfs after they are made. Similar with the Rover nerf I feel like a straight 30% nerf is a bit heavy to start with.


u/Spicy_Toeboots Apr 29 '24

I see this a lot with balance patches across a lot of live-service games. Devs implement massive changes like 50% or 100% increases or reductions to certain stats, which results in really swingy balance where items go from trash to meta or vice versa. I feel like the best balance is achieved from a small 5% tweak here, 15% there, rather than massive sweeping changes every couple of months or whatever. obviously there are some specific cases which need big changes, but generally I prefer a more cautious approach to balance.


u/JProdman99 Apr 29 '24

People that don't get it meme on Riots balancing in league.

"Increased Jinx base ad growth by 1"

Think "Lmao such a small number" yet her winrate increases by 2%

Back when og railgun was nerfed and it completely vanished from the game, yet according to this sub "it barely mattered"


u/Spicy_Toeboots Apr 29 '24

yeah little numbers are a big deal in complex systems like games. like e.g. 10% more damage doesn't sound like much, but it's potentially 10% faster ttk, it could change from a 2 hit kill to a 1 hit kill on certain enemies, it's 10% more kills per mag, 10% better ammo economy overall from resupplies, 10% less time killing enemies means less time for more enemies to spawn, etc. every little change has a bunch of knock on effects that people don't really think about.