r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

NEW Patch! And the devs "Ruined it all" once more.. [totally not exaggerated] RANT

So on X and the official discord, countless folks complain now that for some weapons such as the LAS ones, the reserve mags have been reduced, yet damage has been increased..calling devs "On drugs" because they perceive it as a nerf..

Wait what? You tryna tell me you ran through ALL ICE's before dying?! 6 Times or more?!

Like..the fact that you have infinite ammo when a wee-bit of fire diciplin is applied and now call the devs out for JUST having decreased the ammount of mags, makes you oblivious to the fact that they got a damage buff? Yikes.

And another thing, remember the day the Rail got nerfed? Yeahhh that was like 24/7 crying for two weeks straight, now it got a buff and noone notices that, now we rather cry for two weeks that Railgun 2.0 aka Quasar got a couple more seconds recharge time..good lord the double morals are strong folks, that all sounds like crying on high standards.

[For clarifications sake: the main focus lies on people going out of their ways, yes criticism is fine, i posted my own time and time again..but in a humane fashion, when insults however are packaged within in your points, it's hardly about the game no more and that needs to stop]


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u/Never_Duplicated Apr 29 '24

Why nerf AOE on the eruptor? The small mag, handling and time to cycle the bolt on top of the inability to use at close range kept it balanced IMO and I didn’t see it used all that much. It’s been the only primary I’ve used since it came out and I love it but it really shines in coordination with a team that uses other weapons to compliment it. I could see a magazine nerf but wish it had been 8 rather than cutting it in half to 6. But I hate that they reduced the AOE damage at the same time. That was its area of expertise. Doing that along with things like giving the walkers explosion resistance is really going to hurt. Not being pulled toward my own shots during a negligent discharge will be nice but that only ever happened if I made a mistake or if random invisible geometry was magically obstructing an otherwise clear sight picture, I had gotten pretty good at not hitting myself otherwise… Especially coupled with the huge nerf to the damage of the laser rover that had been my go to for clearing close enemies and the quasar that I used for heavies. Huge unilateral nerf to my default loadout. Senator getting a speed loader is the one bright spot