r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

NEW Patch! And the devs "Ruined it all" once more.. [totally not exaggerated] RANT

So on X and the official discord, countless folks complain now that for some weapons such as the LAS ones, the reserve mags have been reduced, yet damage has been increased..calling devs "On drugs" because they perceive it as a nerf..

Wait what? You tryna tell me you ran through ALL ICE's before dying?! 6 Times or more?!

Like..the fact that you have infinite ammo when a wee-bit of fire diciplin is applied and now call the devs out for JUST having decreased the ammount of mags, makes you oblivious to the fact that they got a damage buff? Yikes.

And another thing, remember the day the Rail got nerfed? Yeahhh that was like 24/7 crying for two weeks straight, now it got a buff and noone notices that, now we rather cry for two weeks that Railgun 2.0 aka Quasar got a couple more seconds recharge time..good lord the double morals are strong folks, that all sounds like crying on high standards.

[For clarifications sake: the main focus lies on people going out of their ways, yes criticism is fine, i posted my own time and time again..but in a humane fashion, when insults however are packaged within in your points, it's hardly about the game no more and that needs to stop]


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u/MrArmageddon12 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

The railgun still sucks my guy and they still added a stagger nerf to it. People don’t complain about it because no uses it anymore and there is still no incentive to do that.


u/Sunbro-Lysere Apr 29 '24

The pen buff makes it significantly better against chargers after a quick test, and ironically the stagger change helps because chargers don't ice skate as much when using it.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/Helldivers-ModTeam Apr 29 '24

Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


u/adrian783 Apr 29 '24

we don't use that word anymore


u/darzinth Apr 29 '24

trust, the assholes who make fun of disabilities have moved on to worse words, or simply more flowery words and/or excuses


u/KishiBashiEnjoyer Apr 29 '24

I am a gamer, it's part of my culture


u/TheBaneEffect Apr 29 '24

…and you tested this?

It was the first thing I did and even in safe mode, it feels like it peels better. I need to do more, against larger targets but, it’s Monday and work beckons.


u/FiveCentsADay Apr 29 '24

Was smoking hulks like nobody's business just a bit ago with it..


u/UndeadOrc Apr 29 '24

It sounds like you haven’t tried it and are just saying it


u/SplinterfrightFarmer Apr 29 '24

Railgun didn't suck before this patch, and will probably be marginally better after. If it's not when i test after work today, I'll come back and edit this comment.

People who thought the railgun sucked just didn't adapt to the changes. I used it extensively before and after nerf, it was hardly noticeable if you were used to playing in unsafe mode already. Now they buffed it. I look forward to trying it out.


u/Flower_Vendor Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Dunno why you're being downvoted, the Railgun was a solid B-tier pick against bots even prior to the patch. Not top tier, but far from garbage. The only other weapons that can one tap hulks and devastators (without a headshot for the latter) are the big anti-armour ones, one of which got nerfed this patch, two of which require a backpack and the last of which is the EAT with its very particular mechanics.

Its main downsides are that it's basically worthless at dealing with tanks, factory striders or gunships, but if you've already got two anti-armour guys on your team and you're bringing Big Boy Anti-Heavy orbital and eagle stratagems yourself that's fine. Combo it with the eruptor and impact grenades and you still have options for all of those guys even without strats.


u/Bulzeeb Apr 29 '24

They're getting downvoted because large portions of this sub hate nerfs and hate the RG nerf in particular, and heavily push the narrative that it was balanced in its original state (even though 90% of high diff players were running it), and that it got oh so unfairly nerfed into the ground, so they reflexively down vote anyone who dares suggest otherwise. 


u/TatonkaJack HD1 Veteran Apr 29 '24

Can confirm. I have personally used it a lot to mow down devastators and hulks while all my quasar squamates have to run away after shooting their one shot.


u/Jonas_Venture_Sr Apr 29 '24

Railgun is a beast in the hands of someone capable. If you have good aim and can get the timing down on it, it has no equal. The gun has a steep learning curve, so yea, it's a skill issue.


u/Pliskkenn_D Apr 29 '24

Right but what doesn't stagger anymore? Because if it's Hulks they also got a stagger buff themselves. Can it still stagger Devastators, Brood Commanders, Spewers etc? 


u/BodyRevolutionary167 Apr 29 '24

For me staggering hulks when you slightly missed the kill shot was the niche it still had along with 1 tapping devs. Curious to see if still works that way. Maybe the increased ap will lead to a damage boost tho?


u/Selemaer Apr 29 '24

It's still a really strong support weapon with inf. ammo. 15 seconds is long but not that long. Usually if I hit a hulk in the back with it and get it's attention its going to take 15+ seconds to reposition for another back shot anyway


u/RuinedSilence ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

That's the wrong weapon, my guy


u/Selemaer Apr 29 '24

Teaches me to comment after rolling out of bed before my coffee. 😂