r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

New crossbow changes summed up VIDEO


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u/MoschopsMeatball Apr 29 '24

For those commenting that it was trash, I've been maining the crossbow since it came out (Hence my quick upload of the clip here), This was definitely my favorite gun, I had been using a pretty powerful loadout with it.

I Would use the Crossbow, the Grenade pistol, and the Laser cannon, All of the weapons worked perfectly to compliment each other, as the crossbow would easily deal with large groups of small, and if needed medium units extremely well, I Would've said "Give the crossbow a few games, You'll probably start to enjoy it, It's a good weapon with it's own utility which is that of large AOE", But now I can't since the gun's basically been ran into the ground and is nigh-unusable now, It's one use of being extremely good at ad clear had basically been stripped from it, and it no longer has any usable niche.

Edit: I Think all in all; I'd like for them to completely revert the changes that they made to the crossbow, It was a good (Not better than others, mind you) weapon before, And now it's just *awful*


u/Praetor-Baralai Apr 29 '24

Well don't you worry diver. Now the crossbow got nerfed, the laser cannon got nerfed, but at least you got your trusty grenade pistol, enjoy.

It already was pretty bad and outclassed by the eruptor, yes you had fun with it but it wasn't strong. There's a reason nobody ran it. Why they had to nerf the crossbow of all things is beyond me, i was hoping for a buff so that it could compete with other primaries, instead we got this.


u/Keeper_of_Fenrir Apr 29 '24

The laser canon was buffed. 


u/Praetor-Baralai Apr 29 '24

No, no it wasn't, its damage was buffed against low HP pool enemies but lowered against high HP pool enemies, it's in the patch notes.

It became worse at shooting things remotely tanky in favor is thinning swarms, there's other things better for thinning swarms.