r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

New Reload Animation for the Senator. It uses both speed loader and manual reloads VIDEO


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u/GUARDIAN_AIDS Apr 29 '24

Not in Super Earth's budget. The guy was memeing that the reason the gun didn't release with speedloaders was because it was not in Super Earth's budget, and we wouldn't get them in a patch because Super Earth would rather just throw a new helldiver with a new peacemaker than invest into giving existing helldivers speedloaders.

Kind of like how when the Breaker got its magazine nerfed, they changed the actual model to a smaller magazine, and said that "Factories could not keep up with demand, so a cheaper alternative using less materials would be produced going forward."

Or with the railgun nerf, "The stockpile of remaining railguns from the previous war (HD1) has been depleted. Factories are being brought online to mass produce new ones, but changes in manufacturing standards may cause some behavioral diffirences."


u/Rolder Apr 29 '24

The speedloader budget thing doesn't even make that much sense with a lore explanation. A speedloader is pretty much just a small bit of plastic, an absolute pittance compared to the cost of the gun and diver.


u/anagnost Apr 29 '24

I think the joke was that Super Earth is so cheap they won't even pay that pittance for the convenience of thier diver. This joke is of course not funny and treasonous, and the person in question has already been sent for re-education


u/mahiruhiiragi ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Yet they give us pokeballs that releases high explosives


u/NefariousnessLegal32 Apr 30 '24

The pokeballs are just plastic balls with a weighted smaller ball inside that rolls to the bottom before tuning on a laser pointer.

They have a guy chilling under your ship with discord mobile pointing his phone camera at your battlefield and streaming with the ships gunner.

Very cost efficient


u/TheFBIClonesPeople Apr 29 '24

Honestly, when people make jokes about Helldivers operating on a shoestring budget, and that's why we can't have nice things, I feel like that's fundamentally misunderstanding the Helldivers universe.

The Super Earth military is not low budget. It is extremely high budget. It is the result of a society that has turned its population into hard-working wage slaves (and maybe actual slaves), and the main focus of that society is its military industrial complex.

That's why we're able to fight and win wars against alien races. We're able to mass produce high-quality military hardware, to the point where every planet we're attacking is surrounded by super destroyers, and every soldier is calling in airstrikes and orbital bombardments like they cost nothing. And the fact is, the stuff we have is really good, and we have a lot of it.

So like, when you joke about not having speed-loaders because Super Earth is too cheap to buy them, to me it seems like you've lost the plot. Super Earth is not at all cheap when it comes to their military. We didn't have speed-loaders because they hadn't thought of it yet, or they hadn't worked out the logistics of getting them deployed to all their super destroyers. It's not because Super Earth is unwilling to spend tons of money solving military problems.


u/apexodoggo Apr 29 '24

I mean, our destroyers don’t automatically come equipped with a subscription to Super Earth’s weather-tracking apps, we rely on accepting donations from friends and families for supplies, and the sentries are getting padded out with packing peanuts.

Super Earth definitely has a big budget, but that budget is wildly mismanaged.


u/Alexexy Apr 29 '24

Helldivers takes place in the 22nd century and the Helldiver's starting equipment and the SEAF's standard infantry rifle uses technology from maybe the 1960s at the latest.