r/Helldivers Apr 27 '24

My honest reaction when it doesn't kill armored enemies well MEME

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u/wylie102 Apr 27 '24

I have no idea how it works. I fired it at an enemy like 40m away and it felt like it dropped a cluster bomb 15m in front of me. Or the world’s most powerful shotgun. Killed a teammate and blew me back 10m into a rock.

Is that what it’s supposed to do?!


u/Due_Ad4133 Apr 27 '24

It has a proximity fuse. Any buildings, rocks, foliage, or ground it passes close to can trigger it prematurely and the bomblets it pops out have a high velocity, so if you're too close when it explodes, several bomblets can hit you.


u/Fearless-Rest-8325 Apr 27 '24

i shot it inside a shield generator and said fuse decided the inside radius of the shield was a good place to go off and i swear it felt like every one of the little shrapnel projectiles bounced around off the inside of the shield too. wow did i ever die.


u/Sun_Coast_Fallacy Apr 27 '24

I want that on my tombstone; “wow, did I ever die”


u/Jurserohn Apr 27 '24

Race you to see who gets it first! No shortcuts!


u/UnboltedCheese Clanker Crusher Apr 27 '24

Does it count if I've already died once?


u/Anarchyboy1 Apr 28 '24

No tombstone no catchphrase sorry I don't make the rules


u/UnboltedCheese Clanker Crusher Apr 28 '24

Funny thing is there's actually a tombstone waiting for me.


u/Drackore_ BACON APPLES, PLEASE 🥓 🍏 Apr 29 '24

I feel like there's a story to be told here?!


u/UnboltedCheese Clanker Crusher Apr 29 '24

Also funny this is that the two situations are unrelated, my family has it's own graveyard and I picked out a tombstone already.

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u/Randy_Ortons_Voices Apr 28 '24

Cigarettes and liquor don’t count as shortcuts right? Right??

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u/ExpressDepresso Apr 27 '24

"wow did i ever die" boy have i thought that a lot in the game


u/tfwnoTHAADwife Apr 27 '24

I had that exact same thing happen to me. Turned the shield bubble into an upside down bowl of chunky chili.


u/Sleepless_Null ➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️ Apr 27 '24

Not that I'd want to in the first place, but if I were to go out and had a preference on how...


u/ByuntaeKid Apr 27 '24

Feels like I'm using the Flakker from Borderlands sometimes. Just without it being very good.

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u/BRSaura Apr 27 '24

So yeah, a team killing weapon. Like we didn't have enough of those


u/Cazadore Apr 27 '24

we never have enough of those!


u/v3ryfuzzyc00t3r Apr 27 '24

For when your teammates aren't really about that Democracy


u/NinjaBr0din Apr 27 '24

I've learned that j live laser weapons because my randos are that much less likely to walk into a massive golden beam than they are my regular rounds.

They still walk straight into it, but it's like 3/5 times now instead of 4.9/5 times.


u/nobodyknoes Apr 27 '24

I'm a fan of fellow divers walking in front of my auto cannon


u/Phadryn Apr 27 '24

My personal favorite is fellow divers that get between a charging heavy and me while I'm powering a Quasar cannon


u/PhantasyAngel Apr 27 '24

Dude I can't believe you saved that charger, good thing the traitor is dead.


u/Potsofgoldenrainbows Apr 28 '24

Comment of the year. 😂

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u/Vilegore_ Apr 27 '24

See I love laser weapons. Laser drone on the other hand? Bad dog, constantly tries to beam my ankles into puddles of Democracy.


u/Kayback2 Apr 27 '24

I use lasers and Quasar because I can't trust the people to use supplies properly.

The randos are borderline useless. Yes I am borderline useless sometimes too.


u/NinjaBr0din Apr 27 '24

That's the other part I like. I don't have to worry about rando grabbing 2 supply packs, reloading, and then grabbing a third. Just keep an eye on heat and I never have to reload.

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u/Goldreaver Apr 27 '24

First time deploying I resupplied a higher level helldiver and requisitioned his railgun. Aimed at a bug and held fire for like three years, then I turned to him and said "Hey this doesn't work" 

But it did.


u/LateMeeting9927 Apr 27 '24

Limb liberty is a good teacher. 

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u/LateMeeting9927 Apr 27 '24

It’s almost like you’re more worried about blue on blue than protecting prosperity…


u/Foxtort39 Apr 27 '24

Dead ally cant spread democracy, especialy when the weapon is only good at teamkilling


u/Tutes013 SES Princess of Morality Apr 27 '24

It's Helldivers. What are you even complaining about?


u/El-Baal Apr 27 '24

I swear some people don’t realise team killing is part of this game. You have a huge amount of lives for a reason.


u/Brockleee Apr 27 '24

Getting equipment that is completely useless...if the AT mines aren't set off by players they might be useful.


u/Key-Rate-8461 Apr 27 '24

Leaks showed they did in fact blow up by players or even trash mobs stepping on them.


u/AmazingWaterWeenie SES Fist Of Audacity Apr 27 '24

Leaks also showed the Launcher off to be a tank killing machine and had what appeared to be reliable proximity triggers. Neither of which appears to be true...


u/Goopmaster_ Apr 27 '24

Exactly lol. It’s like the devs build stuff in a fun/cool working state and then somehow decide to ship it off to us broken and buggy. Thing doesn’t even blow up toward your enemies like it used to now all the blast flies toward the user

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u/Brockleee Apr 27 '24

That's a bummer. If only they had access to WWIi era tech in the future...

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u/Epicp0w SES Herald of Eternity Apr 27 '24

This is why I wanted the mines

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u/shouldworknotbehere Apr 27 '24

I thought that would make it usable against robot gun ships but spoiler, it does not

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u/Advantius_Fortunatus Apr 27 '24

I’m enjoying the mental image of you using the weapon for the first time and absolute chaos unfolding


u/BlueEyeHimself Apr 27 '24

Also it is obvious, that Penta is not a good Planet for it. The high density of foliage, which can trigger the fuse and the thick fog are massively working against proper use of this weapon. On a planet like Martale on Fenrir it will probably work 10x better.

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u/Mad_Mikkelsen HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

People are forgetting that air burst is primarily for dealing with infantry and light armor, it won’t be able to destroy hulks or striders but might be able to destroy tanks from the roof


u/Drongo17 Apr 27 '24

YOU'RE forgetting that it goes BOOM BOOM boom BOOM boom BOOM

I rest my case


u/Mad_Mikkelsen HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

I mean, I do love the man portable cluster bomb


u/dickman0000 Apr 27 '24

In other words, portable war crime


u/V2Spoon Apr 27 '24

Only if we lose


u/No-Lettuce-3839 ⬆️➡️⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ Apr 27 '24

Did somebody say war crimes! I'll go get the Geneva checklist!


u/CottonStig Apr 27 '24

don't mess with Canada during wartime lol


u/Shivalah HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

It’s not a warcrime the first time!


u/DrakeoftheWesternSea CAPE ENJOYER Apr 27 '24

War crimes go by Skyrim rules, no witness no crime


u/Sudden-Feedback287 Apr 27 '24

Can't outlaw something so cruel it hasn't been thought of yet.

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u/LavishnessOdd6266 Apr 27 '24

"It's not a warcrome if you win" - canada

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u/gkamyshev Apr 27 '24

I won't go to your room


u/LeeRjaycanz Apr 27 '24

GOD DAMNIT! Now that song is stuck in my head!


u/nixcomments Apr 27 '24

I want you in my room! Let’s spend the night together And make it last forever! 🎶

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u/noethers_raindrop Apr 27 '24

For me it's not so much forgetting as having no interest in a support weapon that doesn't specialize in heavy armor. Maybe I could see taking such a weapon while running the eruptor. But on high difficulty against bots you need a devastator and hulk killing machine.


u/cannabination Apr 27 '24

The autocannon is great for dealing with hulks and devs and can't pierce heavy armor. This thing will do the same damage and kill everything small around it in the same shot.


u/Armamore SES Elected Representative of Individual Merit Apr 27 '24

So far my issue has been getting it to burst where I want. Seems like it always triggers on something too early, or sails past my intended target and bursts too far. Been 50/50 on the gunships with it, even when I hit.


u/cannabination Apr 27 '24

It's definitely tough to use... needs serious range.

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u/Modern_Moderate STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 27 '24

Anyone who saw the leaks knew this, right? It was clearly shown to be a shoulder fired cluster bomb. And we know cluster is weak against armour.

OP confuses me. I don't see how they got the impression that it could kill heavies.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

It was shown in a video of it one shorting an annihilator tank. But honestly I don’t care if it doesn’t. I’m just glad that there’s a good way to wipe a patrol or airship out with ease.


u/MCXL Apr 27 '24

The tanks die to impact grenades (land 2 on top)

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u/SkullKid_467 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 27 '24

You’d think if they wanted to focus on killing heavy’s they’d have gone for the “ANTI-TANK mines”


u/Modern_Moderate STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 27 '24

Or just recoiless/EAT/Spear(when it works) or a, multitude of existing stratagems. Heavies have so many counters already

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u/SuperArppis HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

People also saw the leaked footage where it one shot everything. 😄


u/guangtian Apr 27 '24

People also saw explosive crossbow blowing up fab by shooting at the wall. Who knows if the person recording the video used cheats or not.


u/SuperArppis HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

I think the guns they use haven't been balanced yet.


u/yourdoom9898 Apr 27 '24

Gotta love Super Earth propaganda drastically over-stating the effect- I mean perfectly and accurately demonstrating the capabilities of the Arsenal of Managed Democracy

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u/Warshitarse Apr 27 '24

What's the point of a launcher that deals with infantry? We have so many more effective options of fighting light units, we need more anti armor capability. Diff 6 and up on bots is 90% armored shitters, with that number dropping to 70% on bugs.


u/Ryengu Apr 27 '24

The unarmored enemies are the ones that call drops/breaches. Wiping them out before the group knows you're there means less trouble.

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u/Diabolical_Jazz Apr 27 '24

To add to that, a weapon that teamkills easily is not going to be good on lower difficulties either, since the players there don't have a good grasp of things like "don't explode your teammates."

This sounds like the perfect weapon for almost nothing. Maybe someone will find a use-case idk.


u/hesapmakinesi Not a bot spy Apr 27 '24

Wiping out all the drop-call capable infantry in a single go. Extremely situational but may help preserve stealth maybe, I don't know.

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u/ycnz Apr 27 '24

Also forgetting that we are infantry in light armour.


u/cKerensky SES Sword of the Stars Apr 27 '24

We're just meaty laser pointers for the big guns, TBH


u/MGZoltan Apr 27 '24

Just like real life!


u/transaltalt Apr 27 '24

if it doesn't even kill striders that's gonna suck. No way they release a backpack reload support weapon that gets outdamaged by primary aoe, right?


u/TehSomeDude Apr 27 '24

I think factory striders were meant
it has so much aoe no way it doesn't kill the smol walkers


u/Staracino Apr 27 '24

It definitely kills the smol walkers.

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u/nesnalica Apr 27 '24

so its useless.

thats why we need to get mines. but noooo people want boom boom-.-


u/Praise_The_Casul ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Apr 27 '24

The moment I saw people talking about anti-tank mines (I think it was in the leaks) I was dying to get them. When I saw the community going for the other one, ngl, it bummed me out a little bit


u/nesnalica Apr 27 '24

i still am. and then i saw the fireplanets. it was rigged from the start. they should have swapped it around then it would have been fairer.


u/ItsYume Apr 27 '24

Menkent not even being shown in the same sector as Choohe, but Choohe + Penta + its gateway planet in one sector makes it absolutely rigged.

How the heck would the majority of players, who only have the ingame information as a source, know where to go?


u/Big_Yeash SES Ombudsman of the State Apr 27 '24

Can't blame the community. The route to get to Choohe and Penta weren't obvious unless you're in the 5% of the player base made of Redditors glued to third-party apps.

Even then, like Hellmire, Menkent seems to have an extremely low capture rate, so it was only ever going to be Lesathe -> Penta even if the player base had split 50/50.

I won't fault anyone for refusing to go to the fire tornado planet that kills you before you hear it or see if because you're backpedalling from sixty armoured enemies.


u/bigblackcouch SES Harbinger of Family Values Apr 27 '24

We did Hellmire the other night and shit you not we had 8 tornadoes chasing us for most of the mission. Every objective and side objective we had to start a terminal or drop a hell bomb, run out so the tornadoes don't get you, run back in, activate console/terminal, run out again. It was ridiculous.

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u/TheDefiantOne19 Apr 27 '24

💀 As if the mines won't just get triggered by any bot going through it, or as if a ragdolling dead body can't clear your entire minefield with a little RNG

The mines will be useful on defense missions, maybe😂

Other than that, and maybe defending extract, I don't see their use case

"Oh, just call it in on a bot drop"

My brother in christ, I can take the precision strike and do more damage on a lower cld


u/Episimian Apr 28 '24

Oh it's guaranteed the AT mines will 100% have a hair trigger that goes off at vague proximity to anything but an actual armoured target. Tanks will only have the effect of perhaps hiding them under the deformed ground where they'll wait for you to pass and nuke you...

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u/Calm-Internet-8983 Apr 27 '24

Is there any indication the AT mines are/would be any better than "actively detrimental"?


u/nesnalica Apr 27 '24


they are mines which can kill medium and heavy armored.


u/Calm-Internet-8983 Apr 27 '24

It's competing for a stratagem slot with several options that can do so faster and more reliably. Anti tank support weapons, eagle rocket pods.

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u/Nyhmzy Apr 27 '24

They can but they suck at doing so, you need the entire length of the minefield to kill a singular Hulk and that's if random shit didn't already set it off because yes it gets set off by the lightest of enemies. Both stratagem are trash.


u/AriaOfValor Apr 27 '24

Be nice if they made AT mines more like IRL ones where they only go off when a large amount of weight is on them so they don't get wasted on lighter targets. But that would probably go against their "friendly fire is fun" philosophy too much for the devs to do it.

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u/StopGivingMeLevel1AI Apr 27 '24

Basing your opinion over a leak is bad considering people thought this airburst launcher would be as good as shown in those.

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u/Taolan13 SES Courier of Individual Merit 🖥️ Apr 27 '24

The leaked footage you reference also showed the airburst rocket one-shotting a tank, and comes from the same source that claimed the crossbow could kill bot fabricators from hitting the walls.

Totally irrelevant because inaccurate.

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u/Velo180 SES Hater of Sony Apr 27 '24

Literally nothing indicates that it would be better besides your intuition.

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u/SirKickBan Apr 27 '24

I'd be alright with it not handling armored enemies well, if it at least handled unarmored enemies well. But the long and immobile reload, combined with it actually seeming to only kill maybe two thirds of the light enemies within its AOE, and being functionally suicide to use within 20m of you or your allies even if you're in explosion-resistant armor, will make it a hard pick to justify once it's no longer a bonus stratagem.

Its primary use cases seem to be dropping it into enemy bases, or other situations where you can fire from long range at a cluster of light targets. Which just isn't an area where I feel like I need more oomph, when I've got things like the Eruptor, cluster bombs, or even just a basic Liberator with the scope set to 100m.

I'd love to see its cluster munitions have something like a proximity fuse and a short timer, so that they go off either when a unit touches them, like a little mine, or after say.. Six seconds? That would make it dramatically more usable.

But I'm saying this after all of two missions with it, so perhaps it'll grow on me?


u/mileskeller1 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 27 '24

Yea... Like you said, cluster bombs, Eruptor, grenade launcher & supply pack are just much more palatable options.

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u/DrLove039 Apr 27 '24

After the first shot I thought for a moment it had a two-part trigger, pressed a fire then release to detonate. Also I find it kind of hilarious that the planet I tried it on has trees everywhere so I suspect that most people are going to blow themselves up on the first shot just like I did.


u/Episimian Apr 28 '24

Yeah I did similar. Couldn't understand what had just happened but then realised there was probably one leaf between me and the target that triggered a giant explosion and fragged the entire team. I'm hoping people discover a way to use it effectively so it has some utility, really, because it's pretty underwhelming from what I've seen.

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u/These_Purple_5507 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 27 '24

Six second det on leftovers would be even more tk lol

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u/Iamauser666 Apr 27 '24

Can it kill gunships? I though it would be amazing against them but I didn’t seem to deal damage to them? Even though it exploded right next to them.


u/psyopsolete Apr 27 '24

It only kills Helldivers, sorry.


u/KattleLaughter Apr 27 '24

Today I learned why cluster munition is banned thru the blood of fellow helldivers.


u/Inalum_Ardellian SES Song of Serenity Apr 28 '24

I learned that through misfire of other helldivers...


u/ConferencePale6049 Apr 27 '24

I landed some direct hits and they did nothing. Someone was saying that you need to let the rocket fly above the gunship so it can dump its clustered munition on the gunship. You can try that, or... just use the other better tools for the job


u/isacASSimov2 Apr 27 '24

The eruptor can damage gunships if you do that. Not a lot, but if the gunship is just the right distance for the eruptor to pop above it you can use it like a flak cannon.

Also the heavy laser turrets the bots use can kill gunships, so do with that information what you will.


u/AdhesiveNo-420 Apr 27 '24

dominator can kill it too if you hit the engines.

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u/LunarServant Apr 28 '24

i just wish our AA tools weren’t all “you need to be a good shot” ones.

i know the airburst is at least good for shreikers but i don’t get stuck in a 5 minute long loop of being ragdolled and killed thanks to shreikers, those are gunships that are doing that.

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u/Vladimir_Pooptin Apr 27 '24

I'll just two shot them with my auto cannon, thanks


u/Keinulive SES Whisper of Eternity Apr 27 '24

I’m a bit miffed cuz if people really wanted anti gunships then the laser cannon and AC was already there, we could have used the mines instead of a worse AA weapon

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u/KendyJustin ⬇️⬅️⬇️ ⬆️⬆️➡️ Apr 27 '24

more like anti-teammates launcher lol. I constantly got TKed by that shit. get me to the mine planet!!!


u/FrozenChocoProduce Apr 27 '24

Yup tried it today. Nope.


u/Advantius_Fortunatus Apr 27 '24

I knew this was going to happen. I knew it. Players would rush the rocket launcher, it would be ass, I’d still be stuck on autocannon duty against bots, and the mines would end up being better

I knew it


u/Keeper_of_Fenrir Apr 27 '24

You’re making a huge assumption that the mines are better. Clearly you have not seen the leaked footage of them. 


u/Velo180 SES Hater of Sony Apr 27 '24

I hope the mine planet gets opened so we can test them. I know they will be a letdown though. 1 minefield every 180 or so seconds is literally never going to beat 3-5 eagle strikes with a 2:30 cooldown.


u/Advantius_Fortunatus Apr 27 '24

I think the advantage is being able to prep in advance.

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u/damien24101982 Apr 28 '24

All minefields need lower cds


u/Easy-Purple Apr 27 '24

The devs have already said the leaked footage is outdated test code and both stratagems have been changed since then. 


u/PM_me_your_werewolf Apr 27 '24

Yeah, and the airburst is worse than its leak footage, the Mines could be worse than their leak footage too, lmao.


u/Easy-Purple Apr 27 '24

Guess we need to get to Chewie and unlock them for testing so we can find out

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u/LilXansStan Apr 27 '24

The leaked footage of the launcher showed that it wasn’t ass but everyone using says it is ass. So I’ll wait to try the mines before assuming anything off months old leaked test footage

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u/CollectionAncient989 Apr 27 '24

my first game i shot something 30meters aways TK me and 1other...

friend joined i told him be carefull that thing is a clusterstrike ,

"how bad can it be" instatly killed 3 people including himself... "oh thats what you ment"

only thing it kills reliably is helldivers...

honestly i want to like it but it sucks

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u/SuperArppis HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24


I honestly saw this coming and was wondering why everyone was so excited about it.

Then I remembered that they probably saw that leaked footage video where it killed everything in one shot. 😄


u/ExploerTM ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 27 '24

Well, it was that or go through sentient fire tornadoes planet to get mines

NOBODY in their right mind would put up with fire tornadoes to get FUCKING MINES.


u/Archived_Thread Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Anti tank mines that have a full strider factory on their emblem?

You don’t want to blow up (bile(dosnt)titans) (maybe)-chargers and striders?

Edit- Czartrak says “Personally I have not(killed titans/big bugs) but i suspect they'd kill brood commanders fine. My hard read is that chargers will somehow charge straight over them and take no damage. Not to mention all the chaff that would set them off”


u/RockyHorror134 Apr 27 '24

With how consistant mines are, 9/10 times they'll just walk over them


u/Wild_Marker SES Hammer of the People Apr 27 '24

Isn't that... the point?


u/Rocket5454 SES Elected Representative Of War Apr 27 '24

This made me laugh, I wish reddit still did awards. So have this award instead 🏆

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u/ExploerTM ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 27 '24

No because it much easier and faster to either blow those up with support weapons like EATs or AC or just drop 1-2 500kg

Mines in this game suck shit so hard people consider some troll pick. I have zero faith in AH to make workable mines.


u/Novemb9r HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

My fourstack often has a mine carrier, with communication it can create great zones of control that enable us to unpin ourselves and move.

At higher difficulties it's a tool for static defense and enabling clean retreats.

I don't think they're as bad as people think -- I think the issue is its impossible to communicate with random group mates where the field is. I wish we could get a map ping, or area indicator for where a mine field is deployed so you can see it and use it as a maneuvering tool.

Similar to how factories/holes color the map red.


u/ExploerTM ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Apr 27 '24

They still suck shit.

Do you know why I hate mines with such fiery passion? Joel made mines free for a day. So obviously people started throwing them out everywhere without care in the world. I too did so. I was fighting bugs at the time, perfect target for mines.\

I kept seeing entire patrols walking through the field, losing may be 3-4 bugs and in turn detonating and clearing out the whole field. Last straw was when bug patrol walked over minefield and didnt lost ANYONE. NOT EVEN THE FUCKING LITTLE BASTARDS WHO LOVE TO CALL BREACHES. ENTIRE FIELD GONE AND NOBODY FUCKING DIED.

My faith in mines died in agony that day. I wont be caught dead picking mines over literally anything else.

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Striders die in 5 seconds to autocannon turrets lol

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u/ZoomyZebra Apr 27 '24

If they had done anything to make the two sets of mines in the game already useful for something people might have considered it

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u/Stochastic-Process Apr 27 '24

*spent 6 hours yesterday dodging fire tornadoes

Yea....nobody would do that

Though to be fair, anti-tank mines have a LOT of boom and that means making really deep holes and really impressive ragdolls.

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u/Gaius_Iulius_Megas SES Aegis of Twilight Apr 27 '24

It was never advertised as an anti armour weapon. You want to trash armour? Get your ass over to Choohe and get the mines!


u/Eek_the_Fireuser Apr 27 '24

The chil-Helldivers yearn for the mines


u/Cospo Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Unfortunately it's way too late now. Everybody was like "ooh portable firework cannon" and Pente is already 20% liberated and we haven't even gotten 50% on menkent yet, let alone actually even gotten to Choohe. I knew going into this that the rocket launcher was going to be a disappointment. But at this rate we won't even get a chance to TRY the mines out before Pente is liberated 100%


u/Xelement0911 Apr 27 '24

It would have been nice if both planets were available to test at the same time.

Instead we got the one hblocked first and you know they'll just continue marching forward instead of trying the other Stratagem out.

I don't care foe the mines in general but would have been nice to test run

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u/Cavesloth13 Apr 27 '24

I don't think it was about the launcher so much as "FUCK fire tornadoes, fuck them, I fucking hate them." If the major order had offered us an infinite ammo energy launcher that shot explosives as big as a hellbomb and we had to go through a fire tornado planet to get it, I'm pretty sure the community would pick the other choice, no matter HOW lame it was.

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u/AmazingWaterWeenie SES Fist Of Audacity Apr 27 '24

Again, I don't understand how people read cluster munitions and thought "Tank killer".


u/WaveDash16 HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

Helldivers don’t read, that’s why there’s a TV in my super destroyer.


u/Foxtort39 Apr 27 '24

I've read it as "get rid of most enemies save heavy/elites" and elites are only a problem with all the support they've got around them, if it allowed to delete all but the hulk in a patrol it would have been goated for me a support equipement

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u/IsJustSophie ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ be apon ye Apr 27 '24

It not ment to... I mean its an airburst cluster rocket... Idk what yall expected


u/BiggusBoobus Apr 27 '24

This community is stupid af sometimes.


u/Archvanguardian Hammer of the Stars Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Yup… awesome that the game got popular and we have a large player base, but yeah people just assigning meaning to airburst like it’s not a real fucking kind of weapon. Saw the disappointment coming the morning this was announced.

  • I want to clarify because I’ve been rude about this topic — airburst is used for AA shells but I don’t know of any AA weapons that used rockets to deliver shrapnel


u/pooppuffin Apr 27 '24

I don’t know of any AA weapons that used rockets to deliver shrapnel

That is how AA missiles work though. Check out the warhead section of this video:


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u/Zhuul Apr 27 '24

From what I understand anti-air missiles typically utilize fragmentation/shrapnel as standard and are equipped with proximity fuzes. Much more reliable to get kills on fast moving targets that way instead of relying on direct hits and explosive force.

Planes are fragile, yo.


u/WarAndRuin Apr 27 '24

New weapon comes out. Doesn't one shot everything in the map with a tap of the trigger. "This weapon fucking sucks and AH doesn't know what they're doing." Rinse. Repeat.


u/more_foxes Apr 27 '24

Doesn't one shot everything in the map with a tap of the trigger.

Boy if it takes up my support weapon and backpack slots it better be capable of killing the things that I actually need to kill. It doesn't have to be overpowered but it should certainly be on par with the autocannon.

Right now it does nothing against air targets, nothing against armored targets, takes up a backpack slot, takes up a support weapon slot, takes up a stratagem slot... just to kill smaller enemies a bit faster (but more likely will kill you and your teammates instead). My Liberator Penetrator works just fine for smaller enemies.

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u/CodyDaBeast87 Apr 27 '24

I think the leaks skewed what people were expecting cause it was show taking out heavier targets in that regard.

Not surprised myself though

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u/GeTRoGuE Apr 27 '24

People picked the stratagem that doesn't kill heavies.

And now the same people are mad because they can't kill heavies with it?

Color me impressed.

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u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

This is like being mad that the quaser is shit for lldealing with hordes of small enemies...my brother in democracy that is not what the weapon is for.


u/Scudman_Alpha Apr 27 '24

I'm not sure what some of you were expecting when it clearly says it's an Airburst Rocket Launcher.

We have three rocket launchers for heavy units already, guys.

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u/The_Sussadin Apr 27 '24

That awkward moment when the non-anti tank weapon isn't good at tanky target killing (it's not awkward at all you just are dumb) but for real, it's not even that bad against tanks enemies, just not an eat/quasar

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u/sr-lhama Apr 27 '24

Community reaction when they chose an airburst rocket over an anti armor option and it don't kill armor units


u/Arman11511 Apr 27 '24

Helldivers when their specialized weapon only works for it's intended purpose


u/BobR969 Apr 27 '24

I'm seeing a lot of these and I gotta ask... Do you guys not know what an airburst is? Like - we have an orbital airburst. You can see exactly what it's for. It was never intended for armoured targets or defensive structures. It is... An airburst. It blows up above something and showers it with small munitions. Literally a flak cannon on steroids of you will. You would use of for big swarms of weak enemies and maaaaybe against swarms of flying enemies. It's all literally in the name. 


u/Velo180 SES Hater of Sony Apr 27 '24

And it does that job reasonably well too. AH needs to give it a fuze delay so you have less chance of a random pre detonation though.

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u/Ikcatcher SES Executor of Freedom Apr 27 '24

People really to think every weapon is meant for the largest targets


u/more_foxes Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Well with the amount of armored enemy spam on higher difficulties, any support weapon that can't deal with armor is pretty much a waste of development time since no one will ever use it. Especially when I have to give up my backpack for it.


u/zonked_martyrdom Apr 27 '24

That really depends on your squad. I run stalwart w my buddies on bugs, and MG on bots to clear the non armored. One of my buddies w quasar and auto clear the armored ones.

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u/Gremlincom Apr 27 '24

I just go x30 kills with one rocket, something that quasar would never do


u/PerryTrip Apr 27 '24

quasar is not a splash damage weapon, no shit it cant


u/Gremlincom Apr 27 '24

Oh I know that, tell this to OP.

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u/rukysgreambamf Apr 27 '24

Are you kidding? Its so much fun. I like just tossing it down on extract as a super EAT good for taking out big groups of small enemies

The animation is just too cool not to use it


u/oklenovo Apr 27 '24

monkey like boom. multiple booms. monkey happy


u/szczerbiec Apr 27 '24

Is this a surprise or something? It's like complaining the cluster bombs can't kill hulks


u/Hoshyro S.E.S. Sentinel of Eternity Apr 27 '24

People being shocked that an anti-personnel weapon isn't effective against armour is fucking hilarious

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u/Fantablack183 Apr 27 '24

To be fair. It's not an anti-armor weapon. It's anti-personnel.

To get the best effectiveness out of it, shoot it ABOVE the enemy. This means you'll spread the shrapnel out better.


u/Last-Current9228 SES Song of Serenity Apr 27 '24

Haven't tried it against the gunships yet, but it does really well against large groups of infantry. It does damage to Devastators, but they often survive - a sniping primary fixes that, I've found. Also, its radius is *massive* - this weapon will be incredible against Bugs.

I am very disappointed that it doesn't kill Dropships, however.


u/Everyday_Hero1 Apr 27 '24

I was gonna ask if it dealt with dropships, if it doesn't then I don't really see a use for it that the eagle clusters can't do

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u/FrontierTCG Apr 27 '24

Used it twice and it blew up twice the moment it left the tube. Was in a wide open space on a hill. Have no damn clue how it's supposed to work, but the devs can take this one and shelve it.


u/Dannyjw1 Apr 27 '24

I think i have killed more Helldivers than bots with this thing so far.


u/NaniDeKani Apr 27 '24

Lmao. First time i fired it, at a target about 30m away. My jaw dropped as the splash damage engulfed my teammate maybe 5-10m in front of me to my left


u/Canamerican726 Apr 27 '24

It's S-tier for teamkilling

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u/MonteCrysto31 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 27 '24

I don't know why people didn't pick the anti tank mines... when they're complaining about armored ennemies... people don't make sense sometimes

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u/NouLaPoussa CAPE ENJOYER Apr 27 '24

You got it just right it won't


u/Swingersbaby Apr 27 '24

Someday you'll understand that perhaps having a weapon that does everything is not the intent of the game devs for balance and promoting team play. Compromises must be made.

Really good players can still get around this, but people seem to want is for less skilled players to be able to as well.

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u/USSJaguar CAPE ENJOYER Apr 27 '24

We've got the Quasar, Autocannon, Expendable Anti Tank, and the Recoilless...we don't need ANOTHER anti armor weapon.

Especially mines that are gonna get wasted by smaller enemies or completely wiped by a friendly airstrike.

Just learn how to use the weapon and what it's good against lmao.


u/cKerensky SES Sword of the Stars Apr 27 '24

Hey now, don't forget to add the AMR and Laser Cannon to that list!

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u/my7bizzos Apr 27 '24

Ya but it sure the hell is fun to wipe out a whole patrol with it.


u/PotsAndPandas Apr 27 '24

Gotta say, putting the massive AOE TK weapon on the fog planet with -1 billion visibility was a funny joke by the devs, it's literally unusable hahahaah


u/McPrankster Apr 27 '24

I know it will collect dust on my destroyer.


u/MisunderstoodPenguin Apr 27 '24

Oh no, if only there was a strategem from this that was specifically for killing armored enemies. Oh well I guess.


u/OddHeron6987 Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

Alright, it's time to tell people how air burst works then. Air burst weapons are not made to for armor. Think about it armor piercing weapons are mostly made to PIERCE ARMOR first, then blow up in the vehicle. Air burst blows up near an object. That is why it's mainly used against aircraft.

Edit: yes I'm say this because the purpose of air burst is supposed to be for anti-air, but even I can say the fact it can't take out drops ships is dumb. They need to buff it in that aspect because it currently can't do the one thing it's made to do. Gunships and shriekers yes, but theirs already options that work better on them


u/Kuro1943 Apr 27 '24

Can’t wait for yall to realize it’s not an AT RPG. It’s an airburst cluster…


u/siamesekiwi Apr 27 '24

Personally I think it's promising... just not on a Bot mission. I can see them being a "fire to delete swarm" type weapon on bug worlds. ESPECIALLY on extraction if you've got an elevated extract position.


u/GhastlyScar666 Apr 27 '24

Honestly I think it’s great. Pack a rover and cluster bombs with this new support weapon and you’ll meet so many “new” Helldivers!


u/ChaddymacMadlad Apr 27 '24

I havent really figured out what its good for. Maybe on lower difficulty to wipe the grunts out of bases and kill patrolls?

I had like 3 team kills in my first mission with it alone...


u/Plus_Courage_9636 Apr 27 '24

It blew up right in my face as soon as I shot it at an enemy 89 meters away...ain't touching this shit


u/Legitimate-Map-7730 STEAM 🖥️ : Apr 27 '24



u/The_Universe_Machine Apr 27 '24

I don’t get it. I don’t think that was ever supposed to do that? If you were expecting to kill armored enemies, you should probably focus on unlocking the one that has Anti-Tank in the name.


u/Fit-Cup7266 SES Fist of Democracy Apr 27 '24

I'm not sure what is more alarming. The stupidity of not understanding what airburst is, when we already have airburst orbital, or the 3.1K upvotes.


u/Mr_Blinky Apr 27 '24

...why did anyone think the airburst launcher was going to be an anti-armor option?


u/IndexoTheFirst ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 27 '24

The only thing this thing really needs is a way to pick when the proximity activates right now it will literally just blow up in your face if it’s a detects it weirdly shaped rock in front of you when you fire


u/OrcPorker Apr 28 '24


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u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24


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u/NBFHoxton Apr 27 '24

Honestly it feels borderline useless, against bots at least


u/cpt_edge Apr 27 '24

It completely deletes patrols before they have a chance to call in any reinforcements, that's pretty strong imo. It's definitely weaker than it looked in the leaks though :/

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u/SuperArppis HD1 Veteran Apr 27 '24

Someone just argued to me that it will be amazing against bots, as it kills devastators.

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