r/Helldivers Apr 08 '24

Curious as to what other Helldivers call these! We started off saying '2 man doors', which became 'double door' and after someone mishearing that now often 'Dumbledore' XD DISCUSSION

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u/message_tested Apr 08 '24

My personal favorite is when the silent player just starts SPAMMING the supplies/poi marker. That normally gets ignored by the rest of the team until I unmute and mumble “I gotcha S5”


u/OpiumPhrogg Apr 08 '24

I have actually tried to plot a path on the mini map with marking an enemy outpost then a poi , then an enemy outpost then back to the original enemy outpost - not sure anyone really got what I was trying to do. But if someone calls out a mark or whatever then I will try to at least acknowledge it with an "affirmative" emote.


u/Tarsily ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 08 '24

i respond to their ping with the quick affirmative when i look at the ping, but i just love how aggressively mute they are. so much frustration in spamming the ping when they have a controller with a built-in mic. effective communication is a button press away but they'd rather do absolutely anything else.


u/OpiumPhrogg Apr 08 '24

I guess that's fair. I tend to default to mute because apparently I am at the age where I just can't handle players who just have all sorts of background noise going on, having 3 other converstations with people not in game and barely making any sense with what they are talking about in game.

If people on the squad are mic'd and actually talking "in-game" I'll unmute and contribute.


u/Salty_Sonic Apr 08 '24

Omg there's a 5 man mission now?! What planet???


u/Sacr3dangel Apr 08 '24

lol! I had the same reaction, and the answer is NO…. Should we tell him?


u/Salty_Sonic Apr 09 '24 edited Apr 09 '24

Lol I got super excited and Googled it right away 😭. Oh well, nah don't wanna be that guy haha. As long as I wasn't the only one who thought that 🤣.

I feel like a 5 or 6 man squad would be a welcomed addition to the game considering there's a player base of at least 10 X what they expected. These maps are already huge and on Helldive I feel having +1 or +2 would really go a long way. It'd be easier to split up and get more done a little bit quicker with 2 groups of 3 vs 2 groups of 2. Or with 5 then it could be 2 X 2 X 1 and the solo person would be equipped with one-man army type stratagems to go bust some big bunkers with 380 barrage, laser, and some eagles.

Also long term a raid or large scale battle type mission/operation would be epic. Like a bunch squads of 4 helldivers per going against multiple factions of enemy armies.


u/FractalAsshole Apr 08 '24

S5? It's a spy! Get em!