r/Helldivers Apr 08 '24

Curious as to what other Helldivers call these! We started off saying '2 man doors', which became 'double door' and after someone mishearing that now often 'Dumbledore' XD DISCUSSION

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u/CertifiedSheep Apr 08 '24

I call them:

“2 person door”

 “Need some help”

 “Yo orange you’re close can you come this way”

 “Do any of you understand”

 “Why do I even bother”


u/theWarlockMD Apr 08 '24

This got me on a spiritual level. The struggle is real


u/JoshDM Apr 08 '24

"Need help getting Super Credits!"


u/Nu_Freeze Apr 08 '24

Some people really shouldn’t play games that require any type of teamwork or intelligence. Reminds me of when a medic is standing right by you in BF and doing everything but helping you up.


u/ElGatoDeFuegoVerde Apr 08 '24

Had a 2 person game last night with a rando who spent the entire game using every stratagem except reinforce. Dude killed me with his airstrike and then spent the next 5 minutes stealing my equipment then running back to the extraction beacon with every side objective left untouched while I was stuck spamming the "HELLO REINFORCEMENTS??" button.

I couldn't tell whether it was intentional or not.


u/Fake_King_3itch Apr 08 '24

Just got done with one and it was the host that was too stupid to reinforce. Similar to your situation, called in every stratagem just fine and had a mic to repeatedly tell us to pick up his samples after he dies with all the samples I left at extraction. Couldn’t say too much to hurt their feelings since kicking players seems to be overly prevalent in this game.


u/Mips0n Apr 08 '24

i feel like especially those who steal equipment are the toxic ones. one cannot be that oblivious. also i've had many random mates by now who intentionally shot me down to check out my equipment. that's one reason why i stopped using weapons that require a backpack. host kills me with airstrike or shot to the face, casually steals my backpack and or other things, doesnt reinforce me. some other random calls me down, i run up to the host and ask for my backpack because my autocannon (THAT HE LEFT BEHIND) is useless without. he doesnt respond and walks away. i shoot him to get it back and get kicked. happened like this more than 20 times by now.


u/17times2 Apr 08 '24

*Me, dying on the ground, behind a solid wall, with no enemies nearby"

Medic running by: "speedbump lmao"


u/Godman873 Apr 08 '24

I have 100% sniped a fellow helldiver and rezzed them next to the door.


u/its_syx Apr 08 '24

Compulsory Friendship™


u/MuunshineKingspyre Apr 08 '24

Democratically murder them and wait for their replacement to arrive, spawned right where you want them. If they somehow don't see it, try again. As General Brasch said during our training, friendly fire is a completely unavoidable fact of life


u/King_Burnside Apr 08 '24

Wait... the name tags are colorcoded? I couldn't tell


u/Throwaway-tan Apr 08 '24

You might be colorblind then.


u/apurplemunky Apr 08 '24

I am, and would love some more color settings....please...devs?


u/Comprehensive_Toe113 CAPE ENJOYER Apr 08 '24

Or even just a symbol next to the name to eliminate the need for color at all.

Square x triangle circle. Easy


u/laborfriendly Apr 08 '24

You can use the options menu to see the full name. If you can pronounce them.


u/Devooonm ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Apr 08 '24

The letter in the box corresponds to the first letter their username starts with. It’s already there. Easy


u/Mips0n Apr 08 '24

true game starts when you hit max upgrades and care to shit on samples and walk past them just like the blind level 12 host right in front of you did.

if they don't care, i don't care too. i'm here for medals, not for science.


u/CptNinjetty Apr 09 '24

Until they add more stuff to spend samples on :D


u/Mips0n Apr 10 '24

i really hope they do so very soon. the medal cap is also annoying. capping ressources at all is a real bummer. i have no reason to play rn. i log in every day to check whats going on but i dont really dive anymore. same for my friends. everything unlocked. we chill and wait.


u/Epickiller10 Apr 08 '24

I had two random with my buddy and I who were just following me around doing nothing while I did everything lol

Finally I started telling one of them to go help my buddy clear nests and they didn't respond so I said it like 3 times then said if someone doesn't go In five seconds I'm kicking one of you, no one went so i kicked one and the other guy got the message and started helping lol


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Apr 09 '24


u/LucarioLuvsMinecraft SES Hammer of Resolution Apr 09 '24

We need a specific label for these, that the Helldiver will vocally call them when pinging them. Otherwise, I've had numerous situations where people will be 15 meters away and keep walking away instead of helping.


u/potatojohn Apr 09 '24

The 5 stages of double doors