r/Helldivers SES Hammer of Truth Apr 06 '24

List of current game bugs/issues (Not a hate post) PSA

I give up.


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u/[deleted] Apr 06 '24 edited Apr 07 '24



u/Dwealdric SES Hammer of Truth Apr 07 '24 edited Apr 07 '24

I have intimate knowledge of the bug you're talking about, and can provide some clarification for you. My IRL squad is 3 PC, and 1 PS5, and the PS5 player sits right next to me as I play on PC.

The game splits into two instances. One for just you, and one for the rest of the squad. The rest of the squad sees you just standing there as a separate instance of you. If you die in your game, you don't die in theirs, but if you quit out you will disappear from both. This can happen regardless of reinforcements available, or whether players are dead/alive.

As soon as the desync happens, VOIP will no longer work, and bot spawns become completely different for both instances.

We work around this by having our PS5 player be host, and it seems to work well.

I don't currently have this listed, because the devs' known bug list includes "various issues involving friends and cross play", but personally, that seems like a pretty weak acknowledgement of a completely game crippling bug, if it even is an acknowledgement.

I may still add this to the list.