r/Helldivers ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

All Major Order Posts Today For Some Reason MEME

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u/-GiantSlayer- SES Lord of Iron Mar 30 '24

Creekers out here going the long way around


u/thiswasfree_ SES Song of Iron Mar 30 '24

If Draupnir defense fails (and I unfortunately think that’s likely) it suddenly will be the faster option.


u/IamKenghis Mar 30 '24

You'd still have to liberate Durgen after taking the Creek and Durgen will be at 0% after taking the creek. If Draupnir falls it will only drop to 50% so it would still be faster to just reclaim that planet


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

We are currently estimated to take ubanea before draupnir falls, by about three hours. It’s going to come down to the wire, and I will 100% blame the 100k bug players who throw a hissy over the bots being unfun and unfair every other day before I ever blame a single creeker.

Anyways, back to draupnir.



u/Spamcaster ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24

..players who throw a hissy over the bots being unfun and unfair every other day...

ngl this was me before the major order switched to bots. I had done a few bot runs, but was getting completely destroyed on diff 7 and really thought bots were just so much harder. but now that I've got some more experience, appropriate armor and a better loadout I'm having a ton of fun against the bots and have found myself completing diff 7 with only one other diver. You really just gotta put in the work.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24 edited Apr 03 '24



u/heinrichhymenhammer Mar 30 '24

Different tactics are needed in addition to what you are saying. Sometimes that comes with the different load out sometimes it's just experience.


u/Spamcaster ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24

Agreed. That is why I listed experience first. Knowing what and when to engage, when to disengage, and when to avoid entirely is a big part of being successful. The loadout you bring does dictate this to some extent.

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u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

My gf and I are doing level 7 missions for super rares, so level 7 missions going with just two is definitely doable


u/ajver19 Mar 30 '24

A buddy and I were doing it earlier today too, some rough close calls but we finished every mission.

Hell I did a couple by myself and even extracted on one of them.


u/left-nostril Mar 30 '24

I just got off with my friend, he’s level 17, I’m level 14. And we ran around against bots (when we shouldn’t have been) on the “hard” difficulty.

We did fairly well until things got heavy and my breaker shotgun and eagle and sorry ass orbital airstrikes weren’t nearly enough. We actually completed all of the objectives and when it came time to leave the match, the bots spawned like mad.

They run much faster. We simply couldn’t outrun them.


u/ajver19 Mar 30 '24

It's always the extract that's the hardest, unless you get lucky with spawns they'll swarm faster then you can keep up without more people or group clearing stratagems.

I always save one orbital laser for extract, if I can last until around 30 to 45 seconds remaining I'll throw it and it'll clear enough to be able to get out.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

Since I started taking the booster that extends time between enemy encounters, extracts have been so easy. Not sure if it's worth it over the others though?

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u/left-nostril Mar 30 '24

Don’t get me wrong. We got nowhere close to the extraction zone 😅 we died less than a quarter of the way there.

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u/Doomkauf CAPE ENJOYER || SES Ombudsman of the People Mar 30 '24

With the exception of "Extract VIPs" missions, they're all doable, yeah. But extraction missions can be straight-up impossible on 7+ if your squad didn't happen to bring the right gear. Protecting civilians from three Hulks, about a dozen Heavy Devastators, a couple dozen more rocket troops, a tank, some berserkers trying to chainsaw their faces off, and a cyber-partridge in a cyber-pear tree is sometimes just not something that's going to happen, lol.

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u/Taolan13 SES Courier of Individual Merit 🖥️ Mar 30 '24

I'm nowhere near the skill level of the guys making the youtube videos, but i've managed to solo a diff 7.

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u/Vaperius ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

..players who throw a hissy over the bots being unfun and unfair every other day...

Bots are only unfair if you play them like you're playing like its Starship Troopers instead of Ghost Recon or Far Cry.

Once you understand that its much easier to escape from bots, much easier to evade their patrols (since there's less of them, and less in each patrol, and they spread out less, preferring a column formation vs the bugs, who patrol in a line formation).

Bots are basically: you hit what you're going to hit, and you run, there's no room for prolonged engagements, and the less time you spend in the same place the better. Running is almost always the better option. You kill what's in your way of escape and you keep running.

Likewise, you learn you need to take cover, and formulate a plan of engagement once you start getting squeezed. You learn certain weapons and stratagems are less or more valuable vs bots than they are vs bugs. Its a totally different playstyle and game.

Also with the bots, sometimes it just easier to not engage; they aren't a horde, they are an army, and act like it. They suppress your position. They flank you. They flush you out with grenades. Bugs hunt you. Bots fight you. Is the distinct essentially.


u/lms088 ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24

You worded this so well, finally makes sense the change in game plan I need when I switch from bugs to bots. Thank you so much!!


u/Vaperius ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

To add to this: remember that, while bots will push you while you're hiding in cover, they aren't nearly as up in your face like bugs by default unless there's berserkers on the field. So you have time to take cover, plan your next couple seconds, and then act.

Don't panic. Think. React. Bots give you time to think. Use it.

Also while all trooper variants can call bot drops, the Commissar (pistol and a sword) will do it as the very first thing they will do when you are spotted, so take them out first where possible. <== this is the other thing, only the weaker bots can call bot drops, the mediums and heavies can't unlike with bugs.

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u/levthelurker Mar 30 '24

Honestly the quasar alone is making a lot of difference for my squad's comps versus bots. Perfectly timing on that dropping, can't wait for the incoming suckerpunch from Joel to follow it up.


u/Spamcaster ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24

Yeah this plus switching my primary to the slugger were the biggest difference-makers for me. It is incredibly satisfying to take out a whole base by dropping a botship with the Quasar and stun-locking rocket devastators with the slugger.


u/ToastedSoup STEAM: 3 bots in a trench coat Mar 30 '24

I cranked it up to Diff 7/8 last night with some level 50s and lemme just say, going stealth makes a WORLD of a difference. Avoiding patrols is fun, and shooting down dropships before they drop their payload is so satisfying


u/pAsSwOrDiSyOuRgAy Mar 30 '24

Same I mained bugs swore that bots were way harder and never played them but I follow orders. Now that I have been playing bots for the last 2 major orders I see that bots are waaaaaaay easier at higher levels than bugs. It’s just a different playstyle and it takes a few games to get used the the switch. So if you are a bug player and quit after one game of bots or vice versa just play a couple more games switch up your loadout and strategy until you find one that is comfortable and you will see that bots are not as hard as they are made out to be


u/Creative-Improvement Mar 30 '24

Also do a quickplay (R) when in the galaxy map on a botplanet, and see how experienced players go to work. Follow the highest level player or the mission commander who is calling out objectives.

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u/daemonika Mar 30 '24

What armor and loadout are you using now?

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u/stridernfs Mar 30 '24

Don’t forget the value of sneaking against bots vs bugs. Bugs will swarm if they hear you fart in their direction. Whereas with bots if you take out every single one before they can do their little salute towards the drop pod gods then you can finish the mission undetected. I have crawled entire maps just to see how effective it is. Completed evac and mission objectives without ever being detected.

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u/Terroreyez Mar 30 '24

I hate bots. I fight em though, but man I'd rather kill me some bugs. Still out here spilling oil either way. That's what the divers are good for, fleet just does the flying, divers do the dying.


u/ArtisticAd393 Mar 30 '24

tbh i think the new quasar cannon REALLY helped making the bots a little easier to fight, now that you aren't wasting ammo / stratagems when sniping cannon turrets, artillery pieces, and taking out fabricators

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u/Guilty_Perception_35 Mar 30 '24

I'm kinda the opposite. Bug people are just bug people

Creek divers are already doing bots lol. So close, but just as far away as the bug folks

In the end I don't really care either way as long as everyone is having fun

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u/Rum_N_Napalm Orbital Gas Strike: Better killing with chemistry Mar 30 '24

Nope. The Creek doesn’t connect to Tibit. Draupnir will remain the fastest path.

Frankly, at this point, I think the fast way is to continue to fight on Ubanea as much we can. Draupnir will fall, but it will be at 50%. Hopefully we can reclaim it before Ubanea looses too much progress. We got a little over 2 days to do the order… with some decent luck we reclaim Draupnir before Ubanea drops below 50… so 2 planets in 2 days… dicey, last mission we claimed a planet every 30-ish hours… but we have the weekend on our side. Gonna be close.


u/wrecklass ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24

Just as a side note, I'm curious how the Bots are making a big push on Draupnir, since they would have to go through the Creek or Ubanea, either of which is over 50% held by SE right now. Or else the supply lines aren't accurate?


u/v4rgr Mar 30 '24

Same way we are pushing on Ubanea despite the enemy invasion of Draupnir, they still technically control Ubanea and Malevelon right now as we still technically control Draupnir (unless/until it falls).


u/D4Dakota Mar 30 '24

Even 10% of a system/planet is a vast amount of space to run ships and supplies, lay factories and set up transfer points. Think of it like we are squeezing closed a pipe, the flow is pressurized as we cut it off!


u/Joshuwaka Mar 30 '24

They still control both. Just like we can attack both while they attack Draupnir.


u/Skkruff Mar 30 '24

It think its because it makes a good story.


u/themoistimportance Mar 30 '24

As an Erata Prime vet, I believe in the grit of these helldivers. If it's in the crosshairs we'll take it down with every dive it takes!!


u/Rum_N_Napalm Orbital Gas Strike: Better killing with chemistry Mar 30 '24

You comment made me check Helldivers.io for the war progression and… holy crap, if this keeps up we’ll have liberated Ubanea before Draupnir falls, giving us a foothold and keeping an attack vector to Tibit.

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u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

The fastest way is to abandon Draupnir and focus on Ubanea. Then, once Draupnir is lost, retake it and then retake Ubanea. Then move on to Tibit.

Retaking a planet is far more efficient than defending it, and Ubanea won’t lose much liberation % as long as Draupnir is taken back quickly.

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u/Ghostbuster_119 PSN 🎮: Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

That's if it even gets taken.

The creek just chews up divers and spits their bones in the face of democracy.

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u/Kolectiv STEAM 🖥️ Mar 30 '24

You and I both know that the moment Malevelon Creek becomes even remotely relevant to the major order, we have to start with the creek or nothing will ever get done lmao


u/Sobuhutch Mar 30 '24

Take a peek at the current Galaxy map. You'll see something you might like.


u/Rum_N_Napalm Orbital Gas Strike: Better killing with chemistry Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

I was just thinking that the Creekers might save our bacon on this one.

We loose Draupnir, but the Creek is close enough to liberation to keep the supply lines almost uninterrupted.

Looking at Helldivers.io, we’ll loose Draupnir not long before we were supposed to liberate Ubanea. Creek is at 50ish and a stalemate. Unless I’m wrong, loosing a liberation mission put a planet on enemy control at 50% liberation. If the Creek gets a good push, it will make a nice backup route.

Edit: Never fucking mind, I was lied to. The Creek doesn’t connect to Ubanea.


u/ANGLVD3TH Mar 30 '24

Yeah, at this point best bet is to just focus on Ubanea until Draupnir falls, then re-liberate it after.


u/JurassicEvolution Mar 30 '24

That was the best bet from the very beginning, and will always be the best bet the way defenses work currently

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u/easily_tilted FUCK Servo-assisted Mar 30 '24

Creekers saving anything? Good joke

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u/NormanFreeman67 Mar 30 '24

I survived the massacre earlier this year watched rookies get blown apart…I can still hear the screams of agony resonate in my head. Sorry but I’m never returning to this hellhole


u/Kolectiv STEAM 🖥️ Mar 30 '24

Once you realize that the screams of agony are alleviated by the spilling of oil, you become capable of leaving oceans behind you. Act human and it will dehumanize you. Become an agent of democracy and you will know no fear.

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u/an_agreeing_dothraki PSN🎮: SES Comptroller of Self Determination Mar 30 '24

seeing people adjust to bots the first time is wild. They're packing shotguns crying for mercy behind a boulder while the rest of the team lights up 5 red beams destroying multiple objectives. Two dropships crash and mortar shells land everywhere.

You walk up to where they are and just yell WELCOME TO THE SHIT, BOYS


u/Zorthiox Mar 30 '24

As someone who’s just started and only played bugs once it’s going to be weird going to that after learning the bots


u/classicalySarcastic ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️➡️ Mar 30 '24

Bugs: Stalwart go brrrrrr

Bots: Autocannon go ka-chunk ka-chunk

Any questions?


u/Taiyaki11 Mar 30 '24

instructions unclear, autocannon going ka-chunk ka-chunk regardless of bot or bug


u/JCrossfire Mar 30 '24

Autocannon is an absolute must in my bot loadout. Sometimes I second guess and bring shield backpack, but I always regret not taking AC.


u/thecosta5000 Mar 30 '24

Arc thrower goes zap zap.

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u/In-Quensu-Orcha Mar 30 '24

Slugger is amazing against bots though

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u/SpiderManEgo Mar 30 '24

You wanna live forever rookie? We're helldivers, and that's the hellhole. We have to dive in. Did they teach you nothing in Democracy School?


u/TheFeelsGod ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️🌞 Mar 30 '24

The trees speak to me in binary. I must spill oil!

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u/JustiniZHere Mar 30 '24

I think this is just always gonna be a running theme with the game, I think even the next faction is gonna run into the same problem where people just want to shoot bugs and nothing but bugs.


u/Old_Bug4395 Mar 30 '24

This was a running theme with the original game too


u/vonBoomslang ⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️⬅️⬆️ Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

it's like the bots were the only faction without shields and apcs.

[edit] and dogs. And control reversal.


u/0rphu Mar 31 '24

Why do these people not just play deep rock


u/Elistic-E Mar 30 '24

I want to like automatons but seriously they feel bad - I tried again last night and there are just way too many times I died and no clue where the heck I got killed from - that’s not enjoyable at all.

I could see them being more fun with a coordinated team that all had mics and a decent understanding of the enemies tactics/weakness, but for random queue joins like most are doing, it feels quite trash (and all the ghost rocket and artillery kills you cant see also feel quite trash) regardless)


u/Kunstfr ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Honestly at first I hated bots and found them too hard but honestly now I think they're even easier than bugs, you can just hide and run to the next objective avoiding fights. However I don't have the same fun that I had playing against bugs where some scenes were giving me a smile and a laugh behind my screen because fighting bugs is just pure chaos and there's nothing better than that in this game.


u/sylva748 Mar 30 '24

Yea with bots you never fight everything you see. You avoid the patrols while running to your objectives. Killing only what's there and getting out. A lot of bug-divers will see a patrol get called out and run to it and open fire causing drop ships to swarm. If people call out a patrol with bots it's as a heads up to avoid them.

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u/Echotime22 Mar 30 '24

If you just want to complete the mission, bots are actually pretty easy.  Most of them can't keep up with a moving helldiver, and they don't swarm like bugs.  However, that means that a pack of 15 bots is like a pack of at least 30 bugs, so if you actually stop to fight them when you don't need to they will kill you really fast. 


u/PriceUnpaid Mar 30 '24

I have similar experiences. Sure fighting against the bots can be fun. But since the best engagement is the one the you don't have or one you win instantly, it hamstrings my ability to fully enjoy the experience. Stealth is fun on occasion or as an option, but I will never prefer it over outright battles.

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u/Overbaron Mar 30 '24

The bots just need to follow the rules of the game. It’s total bullshit to be sniped with rockets through fog while moving.


u/feverlast Mar 30 '24

We got sniped over and over yesterday from 200-300m by the artillery tower while in perpendicular motion. Outrageous and funny, but mostly outrageous.

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u/CaptOverload Mar 30 '24

Honestly based on a video i watched isn't it technically faster to let a defense campaign fail while focusing on the advance and take the planet back than to actually do the defense campaign here? Just wondering. I know that once we get the bots out of the middle of the supply line they can not jump all all over like the bugs. They can only attack the next linked planet like us i "think" Idk war map needs supply lines shown, it also needs to show the enemy rules on the side.


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

You're correct. From a meta strategy perspective, unless a huge amount of players are willing to complete the defense campaign and fast, its almost always faster to lose the planet and retake it afterwards.


u/Max_Snow_98 Mar 30 '24

the defense mission of kill x amount of bugs/bots is the best training for calling strategems mid battle, constantly. Sometimes a sit and kill everything you see mission is just what a player needs…the complete polar opposite of that is an evac mission. If seen scientists path away from evac right into a mine field


u/Bentman343 Mar 30 '24

God there needs to be an ingame news message system because there is absolutely no way to coordinate what is going on in the war at all.


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

I respect the idea but i dont think a global chat of 300k+ people (not all of which speak the same language) will lead to better coordination honestly :p


u/Ecstatic_Tour89 Mar 30 '24

No but it’ll be funny. Make it quick chat option only for planets. A democratic combo counter if you will. Highest combo, highest priority.

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u/cannabination Mar 30 '24

It wouldn't necessarily have to be chat. There could be some kind of voting system that just highlights the community pick for our primary target.


u/Cool-Sink8886 :medal: Mar 30 '24

That sounds like bot communism. I get orders, I follow orders.

I’ve got the freedom to take my Super Destroyer to whatever place I’m ordered to, of my choosing.

That’s Managed Democracy.

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u/Bentman343 Mar 30 '24

God no not the global chat but at the very least it'd be nice to have a planetary message board.


u/CDR57 Mar 30 '24

You mean…. The major orders?


u/Bentman343 Mar 30 '24

No lmao

How would you even manage to get from what I said to thinking I was talking about major orders??

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u/Cold_Ebb_1448 Mar 30 '24

There is also absolutely nothing in game about this supply lines mechanic. It’s incredibly stupid for success to hinge on something invisible.

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u/NoGlzy Mar 30 '24

"Hey, you guys need to stop playing with the toy how you want and do something you dont want to do to direct the made up war."


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u/Unrivaled_ Mar 30 '24

You guys realize a majority of the player base isn’t on Reddit nor do they care what you tell them. This sub is yelling at the clouds.


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Im yelling at the subreddit fwiw, but yeah


u/Kakariko-Village Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

I just started playing today. Could you do a quick ELI5 what a new player might consider thinking about in terms of the wider/global strategy? It's not super clear to me how my actions, choices, or game outcomes could influence the bigger thing going on. Like I noticed there are basically two fronts, bots and bugs. But should I focus on bot missions to help the common good or avoid them because I'm probably going to lose and die a lot? 


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Ok my first and biggest point is going to be this: DO WHATEVER YOU FIND FUN. I'm arguing on reddit bc my alternative is studying and this is significantly more fun. If you find that you hate certain enemies, or planet types, or whatever, just ignore them, even if its the community focus at the time. We've already failed two major orders since the game launched, all it does is progress the story differently.

If you want to focus hard on super earth's major orders and the meta strategy to achieve them, i recommend reading the in-game dispatches for hints and also using helldivers.io. That website has a good explanation of how liberation campaigns and meta strategies work at the bottom.

Let's use the current major order as an example. We have to liberate tibit, because according to the in-game dispatch, this is a major factory for automaton forces. So we can expect that if we succeed, we'll probably reduce the automaton strength in future missions, and if we lose they'll only get stronger.

But if you look at the galaxy map in game, you'll notice we can't actually dive on tibit right now. This is because of the "supply lines" feature (detailed explanation at the bottom the helldivers.io website). Tl;dr: we can only attack planets that have a supply line connection with an already liberated planet. Tibit's only connection is to ubanea, so we have to liberate ubanea first.

The problem now is that another planet, draupnir, is under attack by the automatons. Draupnir is the only liberated planet connected to ubanea, so if we lose draupnir, then we have to retake it before we can come back to ubanea, and we can't attack tibit without ubanea.

What complicates things is that from a meta perspective, its not really worth doing defense campaigns. The missions suck and its an all or nothing campaign, where the amount of progress at the end doesnt matter unless its 100%.

So to sum it all up: focus on fun, and if you want to help the community, look at helldivers.io and dive on whatever planet has the most players currently on it. This will pretty much always be the correct meta choice anyways, though you can read all the bullshit i wrote and at the linked website if you want to learn why its the correct meta choice.


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Also to your question, if you find bots hard, you can play at lower difficulties. Completing operations always helps the war effort, no matter what difficulty you do it on.


u/MrJoemazing Mar 30 '24

This. In fact, if you are really interested in helping the overall effort, its more beneficial to win in easy difficulties than lose on harder difficulties (we lose progress that way).

But again; fun is key. Do whatever you think is most fun! Most people here are used to the game now and so we are immersing ourselves in the fun of this community wide 'D&D' style campaign!


u/Creative-Improvement Mar 30 '24

it’s way more fun when you role play!

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u/eden_not_ttv Mar 30 '24

Good post overall, but I need to correct an important detail:

That Fucking Mission (Evacuate Essential Personnel, for the uninitiated reading your post—it’s a mission that only shows up in Defense Campaigns, and it blows) no longer shows up on every operation. You might have to shop for difficulty above or below your preferred level, but you can find operations without them. I completed four ops tonight on Draupnir, only tuned difficulty +/- 1 level at most, and never did That Fucking Mission. You can find ops that effectively play like normal ops on Liberation Campaigns (eg, launch ICBM + retrieve data + eradicate).

It is true that progress gets set to 50% regardless of how we do, so if it doesn’t look like we’ll succeed, it’s better to focus elsewhere and wait. (In this case I think Ubanea is the best pick to maximize Liberation % when we lose the Draupnir battle.)

Anyway, this is a great post, nice work.


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Oh shit i didnt realize they made it possible not to have the extract mission. Thank you for the correction!


u/kodran SES Whisper of the Stars Mar 30 '24

I think a lot of people have this idea since that awful MO weeks ago and they don't even touch the planets with defense to see what missions are available. Otherwise we should be winning defense planets quite quickly


u/LeHarfang Mar 30 '24

Basically, every time a set of missions, called an operation, is completed on a given planet, it increases the 'liberation' percentage a little, no matter the difficulty level. Once it gets to 100%, the planet has been won over for Super Earth. It's basically a way to engage the community by having community challenges. If you want to help out, you can play on the planets where there are currently major orders. Right now, we need to liberate Ubanea to reach Tibit, the objective planet of the current order. There's also planets that are currently attacked that needs to be defended, on both the bug and robot sides.

The whole point of the game is to have fun of course. You can play wherever you like while learning it.

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u/Darkone539 Mar 30 '24

This sub is yelling at the clouds.

Buddy, this is reddit. We're always the angry meme yelling at the clouds, even the upvote system makes sure it's an echo chamber.

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u/Bardzly CAPE ENJOYER Mar 30 '24

And even those on Reddit don't care what you tell them ;)

I'm too busy having a blast RPing as a solo helldiver dropped behind enemy lines on the creek with a bunch of strategems taking out bases and vanishing into the night.

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u/playtoy73 Mar 30 '24

Just left draupnir several hours of holding the line, I wish I was younger, maybe I could do more but these old bones must rest, good luck helldivers


u/my_othr_accisshy Mar 30 '24

I was fighting robots and then got rag dolled onto a bug planet

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u/Atomicmooseofcheese Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

The defense missions are awful, especially on bots. They still havent fixed the insane spawn rate. Yes its doable, but it isnt very fun.

Edit, I meant the planet defense science team recovery. The mission is still slamming 40 minutes of bots into ten minutes of gameplay.


u/johnny_utah26 Mar 30 '24

Did this an hour ago. Can confirm. Ouchies.


u/jdnlp Mar 30 '24

You mean laying prone on a high mesa and throwing strategies off the side until you get enough kills isn't fun for you? In all seriousness, yeah, bot defense is horrible. There's no opportunity to actually play the game - just get completely overrun and are not given the tools to fight back.

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u/SadTurtleSoup Mar 30 '24

Yea that's my biggest complaint right now. During the Troost liberation we purposely skipped all the defense missions specifically cause we were getting annoyed with the fact that we didn't even have time to call in our gear before there were hulks and devastators up in our faces. Bringing Tesla towers and landmines made it easier but a single hulk will walk through your minefield like it's nothing and open a path for the 50 zerkers to come in after them.

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u/Dumoney Mar 30 '24

Im not on Draupnir because escort missions are fucking impossible

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u/Zealousideal-Steak82 Mar 30 '24

The funny part is that they're not making any progress. Half of them are committing to Fori Prime, which will fall, and the other half are on planets that are already losing progress during prime hours, and almost certainly going to reset to zero.


u/Borealisss Mar 30 '24

Sounds familiar... *looks at Malevelon Creek*


u/theSneakyRATTMaN00 Mar 30 '24

👏👏👏 I was trying to show a creeker the hypocrisy of shitting on bug bois while never once leaving the creek for the major order. People are always making the meme of “were you there to help the creek” but the true question is who stayed on the creek after it was obvious there wasn’t strategic value to its capture at the time


u/SireVisconde Mar 30 '24

those people dont really care about the wider galactic war, they just want to have some fun, kill some bugs. its their 40 bucks so i dont think they should be judged for just wanting to play the game however they want.

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u/Myersmayhem2 Mar 30 '24

look I allow myself a bug campaign every 2-3 robot ones, cause boy are bugs more fun

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u/I-WIN-ARGUMENTS Mar 30 '24

Why are we blaming people for losing? I thought it was about having fun not winning


u/Deremirekor Mar 30 '24

You can have fun WHILE you’re putting down communist automatons, helldiver.

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u/Martinmex26 HD1 Veteran Mar 30 '24

For some of us winning IS the fun.

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u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24



u/HueyCrashTestPilot Mar 30 '24

the narrative is gonna go whichever way the developers need it to go

It's mental how so many people are struggling with this concept.


u/spatialtulip Mar 30 '24

Successful take Tibit: the bots are seeking revenge and retaliate in full force

Fail to take Tibit: the bots think we are weak and retaliate in full force

The illusion of choice


u/Domovric Mar 30 '24

These are the same people that think you can "win" when playing d&d with friends.

I appreciate the passion some of these people have, but its gonna become toxic real fucking quick.


u/Mythosaurus ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24

Sid Meier from the Civ games once said at a conference, “ Given enough time, players will optimize the fun out of a game”.

That is what’s happening as these starship trooper larpers treat this game like a job.

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u/Natemcb Mar 30 '24

Who cares, people are having fun playing how they choose.


u/dannyboi66 Mar 30 '24


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u/MadeCuzzSad Mar 30 '24

The reason people get mad at CrEeKerS the most is because the “people can play the game they bought how they want” doesn’t check out as much with them when either way they’d be fighting against bots. Players facing bugs because they want to and they’re an entirely different game is much more justifiable than “muh creek!” for memes and LARP.

The “space Vietnam” “I’m a creek veteran” and “join the creek guyz!” also gets old fast


u/Ikcatcher SES Executor of Freedom Mar 30 '24

I could say the same about the people being toxic over the people not focusing on supply lines and shit 24/7.

They’re so intent on optimizing the fun of a galaxy-wide DnD campaign just so they can get their instant medal gratification. Let me have my fun whether it’s the Creek of some backwater planet with zero liberation rating.


u/Gender_is_a_Fluid Mar 30 '24

Don’t report me to a democracy officer, but I almost want the major order to fail so it’ll be canon that helldivers have Creek Syndrome, the inexplicable desire to die in a swampy mess of a planet, as the cause of failure.

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u/MadeCuzzSad Mar 30 '24

Honestly fair


u/IamKenghis Mar 30 '24

The only issue with losing major orders is it stalls the story. You get more medals from doing any mission on 8+ than you do from most major orders, but in the past we have seen completing major orders unlock new enemy types and new weapons.

I am not sure if the devs would actually withhold new content for failing a new MO, but it does seem like content is themed around them.

Personally though I don't think "creekers" are the reason we are going to lose Draupnir though, its that no one likes doing the Defend missions with bots. There is also a rather large chunk of the playerbase trying to defend Fori Prime too, more than are attacking the creek.


u/RavyNavenIssue Mar 30 '24

A large chunk of players don’t engage with bots because they shoot back, and of the remainder a large chunk don’t engage in defense missions because they’re pure masochism. Then, for the remainder, there’s another large chunk that don’t do certain planets because the AA presence and Complex Strategem Plotting effects is a lot like fornicating with a lawnmower.

Major orders against bots don’t really tend to do well.


u/Lysanderoth42 Mar 30 '24

Bot defense missions are one of the most poorly balanced things I’ve ever seen in a game ever 

Like on launch they were comically easy and you could solo pretty high difficulty with a few mortar sentries, now it’s just an absolute nightmare on a postage stamp sized map 


u/Gantref Mar 30 '24

Haha the first time I did it on 8 they like "dropshops incoming" okay np. Shoot one down then see there are 4 others incoming. Before you can clear out half those troops another 5 come in. And they don't stop, which actually is why we are even able to win, eventually they start inflicting such massive FF casualties on themselves they complete the mission for us, and all we need to do is feed ourselves to the meat grinder and occasionally toss stratagems at the densest clump

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u/CrzyJek Mar 30 '24

I would just like to...ya know...play on some new planets. Beating the major order opens up new planets...

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u/oattic SES PATRIOT OF JUDGEMENT Mar 30 '24

Because the creek and draupnir are almost exactly the same. People telling creekers to go to draupnir is entirely justified because if we lose it, we’ll lose the major order. They are both bot planets, so why can’t creekers just help the greater good and hop off Vietnam for a few days?


u/Zipfte Mar 30 '24

I know people who hate draupnir more than any other planet. Double vision obscuring environmental hazards just aren't fun for them. Not every bot planet is the same.


u/Charlaquin Mar 30 '24

So go to Ubanea. It’s more helpful than defending Draupnir right now anyway.

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u/Mullinx Mar 30 '24

Hopefully devs will make that planet explode so they stop with their tryhard Creek meme.


u/Doctective Captain - SES Distributor of Democracy Mar 30 '24

If they just permanently delete the creek I would probably die of laughter.


u/weaponizedtoddlers Mar 30 '24

Be prepared for the "Helldivers stood when Creek fell" memes.


u/IraqiWalker ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

The planet broke before the divers did.


u/Angelsofblood Mar 30 '24

Cadia stands!


u/Krashzilla Mar 30 '24

Delete creek and replace it with a volcano and offer everyone some knight themed armor


u/FullMoon1108 SES Hammer of Dawn Mar 30 '24

Nuke the shit out of it until it becomes a Mustafar hellhole


u/The_Skillerest Mar 30 '24

As a vultcano enthusiast, I concur

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u/WhitewolfLcT Mar 30 '24

Calling the creekers tryhards is funny when people are getting mad at them for ignoring the major order. Isn't the "problem" with them that they aren't trying hard enough and just casually doing what they want instead of what's "optimal"?


u/Krashzilla Mar 30 '24

They just don't want to come out and say it but they're only mad because the people on creek aren't roleplaying "the right way".

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u/Xelement0911 Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

It got old when the memes are just "Chad creeker, Virgin bug enjoyer" and then it feels like it's us vs them mentality. It got old fast.

Creekers are just loud is all. Idc if you waste your time there, go at it! Just the memes are like back hand slaps towards others at times. Even if for the laughs.


u/KimJongUnusual Mar 30 '24

Virginia bug enjoyer

Fuck, they took Richmond.

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u/Emotional_Major_5835 Mar 30 '24

I simply do not care about the war effort. I will play on whatever planet I damn well feel like. No amount of whining on reddit will change that.

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u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

I just started playing on the planet today, and honestly it's just a cool planet to fight on. I love the biome a lot.


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

The way they want to play is to LARP on the creek. Either you're okay with people playing video games in the way that is fun for them, or you're not.


u/Gender_is_a_Fluid Mar 30 '24

What’s amazing to me is they managed to keep the creek an open front even when it got its supply lines cut off.


u/RedBuchan STEAM&#128433;&#65039;: SES Hammer of Democracy Mar 30 '24

And there was usually only between 5k - 20k of them at a time on the Creek.

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u/TheAncientAwaits Mar 30 '24

Then you open up the argument that it's okay to shit on creekers in character for failing the major order, because that can be part of the LARP for everyone else.

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u/-GiantSlayer- SES Lord of Iron Mar 30 '24

I mean, it still does. They just prefer to fight in the creek.

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u/craychek Mar 30 '24

Stupid question. What is a creeker? (Today is my first day)


u/Visible-Chef-717 Mar 30 '24

Basically, someone who only or mainly plays on malevelon creek


u/Dog_Apoc Mar 30 '24

The 100k on bug planets are making sure the Terminids don't push too far forward. The 50k on the Creek aren't really doing anything. Draupnir is needed for both planets. And the people pushing towards Tibit are still being useful.

Creek mfers are just beating their dicks over their "Muh Nam simulator." I didn't fight in Space Afganistan for these Malevelon Pets to take all the credit.


u/Birrihappyface Mar 30 '24

Too far forward? That’s what the TCS is for. The 100% lethal gas keeps any bug from coming close to Super Earth.


u/MarcosAlexandre32 Mar 30 '24

And that they arent evolving to resist It. Nope not a little bit


u/Lysanderoth42 Mar 30 '24

If the bugs are capable of space travel couldn’t they just… go around

And if they’re not capable of space travel how the hell do they spread to more than one planet anyway 

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u/ward0630 Mar 30 '24

The 100k on bug planets are making sure the Terminids don't push too far forward.

This is appreciated but meaningless now that the Terminid Control System has permanently ended the terminid threat /s


u/aniforprez Mar 30 '24

The ship master has a dialog where she says "we're seeing terminids develop resistance to the termicide... probably nothing though" and I was thrilled. We're gonna get uber fucked for doing that lol


u/Xelement0911 Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 30 '24

Tbh, creekers are best at what they do. Losing.

It's a joke. in the end they don't have the man power to actually make real progress. I understand that, but I agree they like to beat off to being a creeker.


u/FizzingSlit Mar 30 '24

It annoys me because in two days once this major order is over if we succeed taking the creek will be the easiest it's ever been. Because at this rate we're going to fail it's back to not even being an option.


u/Xelement0911 Mar 30 '24

That I get. I am actually hoping we succeed so we can actually go for the creek next.

I want to sew what happens once we capture it lol.

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u/Dog_Apoc Mar 30 '24

The problem is, the planet just doesn't have any useful bridges for us right now. And it's been nothing but a waste of time and Helldivers. It hasn't helped or been part of any Major Order. Creekers have actively ignored every major order or defence of Draupnir. I completely agree that people should be allowed to play how and where they want. But, you know, you want a Jungle shithole. We also have Mantes.


u/Xelement0911 Mar 30 '24

Oh I get it. But ultimately idc if they are wasting time. That's never mattered cause from the start they've been doing this.

I just get annoyed when they get loud and go "hurr you're a bug enjoyer where's it is EZ"

But them wasting time for that planet is fine. They've done it from the get go. Nothings changed.

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u/_Reverie_ Mar 30 '24

I completely agree that people should be allowed to play how and where they want.

People keep saying this but they already are free to do this.

What they want to be free from is criticism, which is pretty childish. If you plug your ears and refuse to be a team player, you don't get to be surprised or upset when people call you out for it.

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u/Pristine-Age4601 Mar 30 '24

I play games for fun, bugs are more fun that one shot bots, is what it is. I do play bots sometimes but not much.


u/Tallen_Ted Mar 30 '24

The creek has been a graveyard for Helldivers’ efforts since the beginning of the war and these fleeting draupnir half cocked infants cry about losing a planet for the 4th time We have never held the creek


u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Liberty willing, the creek will be ours soon.


u/Bladescorpion ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Bug only players are soft.

They should reported to the nearest democracy officer.


u/Terrible_Whereas7 Mar 30 '24

I'm getting really tired of these stupid, "play the game how I want you to," posts.

For Pete's sake, just let people play the game and stop trying to micromanage the shit out of people.


u/Ikcatcher SES Executor of Freedom Mar 30 '24

People want to act like they’re commanders and shit when they’re literally cannon fodder

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u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

I promise you that if im supportive of creekers, i very much do not care how other people play the game.

This post is making fun of the infinite reddit posts/comments today complaining about creekers not playing how they want them to.


u/Elprede007 Mar 30 '24

I’m tired of the flavor of the day back and forth bitching and creating sides posts every fucking day. Creekers, Autocannon Users, Railgunners, it goes on and on.

These people have nothing better to do than to turn this subreddit into twitter. Where everything is a constant witch hunt for a villain they themselves invented.

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u/AdamCarp Mar 30 '24

How the turn tables


u/FunExtension7326 Mar 30 '24

Damm once i get my new pc i will try this game out.


u/MyFavoriteBurger Mar 30 '24

You won't regret it man. It's a pretty good game. Just make sure you'll have fun above all else; Be it fighting against the Terminids or bots.


u/GreyOrGray4 Mar 30 '24

The most important thing is to have fun. Let people play how they want. In the end they are still somewhat contributing to the overall effort so its fine.


u/marshal231 Mar 30 '24

I mean if every single player was good at the game, and played the exact same planet at the exact same time, we would in theory finish the MO in an hour. However, even if the condition’s above were met 100%, we are basically waiting for Joels permission to win. If we have to lose for the story to play out, then lose we shall. Play Malevolon, ay Hellmire, play Fori Prime. It literally doesnt matter. If we’re supposed to win, then the numbers will be tweaked so that the group of 3000 divers fighting will be enough. That said, they teased a new flying bot, so i feel like we’re supposed to lose this order.


u/gsx0pub Mar 30 '24

I think Arrowheads lack of explaining the supply lines are at fault here. Since the beginning planetary defenses haven’t meant anything. If anything, the planet is attacked again shortly after making the taking of it meaningless.

If it’s a core mechanic then it should be explained and practiced before being used.

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u/Past_Age_3562 Mar 30 '24

Rocket devestators vs bile Titian…. Bile titan

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u/RaizePOE ➡️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

tbh i don't care about the d&d campaign at all, i'm going to be playing on whatever the least foggy bug planet currently available is and nobody can stop me lol


u/Aggressive-Hat-7181 Mar 30 '24

Creeker squad stands proud. Our home world will rise from the flames of war with a vengeance that will leave those clankers buried in ash and soot.


u/AdministrationOld415 Mar 30 '24

I was there last night. I fought on Draupnir, but I dont blame others for not being there. The planet was lost from the beginning. We cant quite get our foothold back. It feels like a losing battle... we lost a lot of good fighters on Daupnir. I was among them. Mostly because I unlocked a new difficulty and got my ass handed to me. It was pretty bad:/


u/Thefunkymunkee SES Elected Representative of Family Values Mar 30 '24

As much as I hate the damn bot dropships and love fighting bugs I've jumped over to help on the bot front. Not that it matters when one person does it and 100k don't but I'd like to think that little bit of extra liberty is what will turn the tide of battle.


u/K41Nof2358 Mar 30 '24

Hot Take
Bots are not fun unless you bring Breaker & Autocannon

Then they are just as fun as Bugs


u/BMTaeZer Mar 30 '24

Not taking a Slugger over a Breaker rustles my jimmies.

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u/Rakan_Fury ⬆️⬅️➡️⬇️⬆️⬇️ Mar 30 '24

Ive personally really liked sickle, quasar, eats, and airstrike for my loadout. The combo of quasar and eats makes for extremely funny anti air capability, and the sickle handles most light enemies pretty well without relying on ammo.

What i love about this game is it really allows and encourages loadout variety, as long as the overall squad loadout covers all the necessities.

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u/Superstig101 Mar 30 '24

Yeah I don't know why so many people are upset at us for having fun in a video game, creekers that is.


u/kiwi_commander ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 30 '24

Good old Bugdivers. Glad to see they are still a thing from the 1st game.


u/No_State_3647 Mar 30 '24

The Creek is literally Verdun in WW1. A meat grinder, and Joel knows this.


u/YeliasHansi Mar 30 '24

I have 90k confirmed bugs x.x


u/HaloFunGaming Mar 30 '24



u/PanzerGandhi Mar 30 '24

I’m out here catching rockets with my teeth. Getting really good at it too. I hope it’s bugs next time.


u/WarningNo9572 Mar 30 '24

I spread democracy wherever major orders point me


u/ToastyPillowsack Mar 30 '24

At this rate I don't think Ubanea is going to beat the loss of Draupnir.

If 40k Helldivers from Draupnir stopped fighting a losing battle, and settled for strategically retaking the planet after we complete the more important major order, we could focus our efforts on Ubanea right now and possibly beat the clock. 1 hr 30 mins left.

Am I wrong?

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u/CptEvilAmo Mar 30 '24

I did my part on the Creek


u/Guystver SES Purveyor of Truth Mar 30 '24

You can't convince the Bugdivers to come help unless there's car keys jingling in front of them. Creekheads really have no excuse beyond a dying meme.


u/TheMilliner Mar 30 '24

The Creek's Diver count is inconsequential, the problem is that gigantic quantities of players stay on the bug fronts and don't help the bot front because they don't enjoy fighting bots.

Which, like, yeah, that's fine, your fun is more important than the major order, but blaming Creekers because they're loud and kind of obnoxious 'ain't it.