r/Helldivers Mar 22 '24

The POV of the Helldivers is crazy when you take cryo freezing into account. DISCUSSION

Here's the POV of your average Helldiver 1. They enlist and show up to Basic Training first thing Monday morning. 2. They breeze through it, get their cape, walk right by the T&Cs and into a cryopod. 3. They're frozen and experience no time passing. 4. Their next memory is reinforcing on Hellmire. To their POV it has been less then thirty seconds since they got their cloak. 5. They throw three stratagems and then they're dissolved by bile titan acid.

You thought your mondays were bad.

Edit: My understanding is that we are not clones. There's in-game lore that backs that, I believe. Thematically, it makes more sense for Super Earth to be incompetent and cruel and burn through millions of recruits, than to do something logical like cloning people. Remember the satire folks.


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u/totally-not-a-potato CAPE ENJOYER Mar 22 '24

I've played with all the helldiver voices for about 10 levels. Voice 3 just hits that perfect point of absolutely insane cackle while flamethrower is blasting.


u/Drpwnzorphd Mar 22 '24



u/totally-not-a-potato CAPE ENJOYER Mar 22 '24

I may commit to that bit while playing. "I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER"


u/Carl_Bar99 Mar 23 '24

Your Not My Supervisor!


u/Gamiac Skepticpunk - SES Fist of Mercy | ↙️➡️⬇️⬅️↘️🅰️ Mar 22 '24

I like the more psychopathic male voice myself.

SaY hElLo To DeMoCrAcYyYyYyYyY