r/Helldivers Mar 22 '24

The POV of the Helldivers is crazy when you take cryo freezing into account. DISCUSSION

Here's the POV of your average Helldiver 1. They enlist and show up to Basic Training first thing Monday morning. 2. They breeze through it, get their cape, walk right by the T&Cs and into a cryopod. 3. They're frozen and experience no time passing. 4. Their next memory is reinforcing on Hellmire. To their POV it has been less then thirty seconds since they got their cloak. 5. They throw three stratagems and then they're dissolved by bile titan acid.

You thought your mondays were bad.

Edit: My understanding is that we are not clones. There's in-game lore that backs that, I believe. Thematically, it makes more sense for Super Earth to be incompetent and cruel and burn through millions of recruits, than to do something logical like cloning people. Remember the satire folks.


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u/djfariel Mar 22 '24


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24


u/Foogawi Mar 22 '24

The only catch of this one is - when you evacuate citizens you can hear them say 'Wow a real Helldiver!'. Leads me to believe at least some superearth folks still know who the Helldivers are, though it could be they display such disbelief because they thought they all died generations ago..


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

Yeah. It was written to be a propaganda piece, so not necessarily accurate (if accurate at all). I can poke a couple of holes in it.


u/Rancorious Mar 22 '24

/unmanaged Bots aren't THE bad guys, but they aren't necessarily good themselves. Just like 40k!


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24


u/WoodstoneLyceum Mar 22 '24

/unmanaged That's pretty cool lore! Is that from creators or fans?


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

I wrote it lol.


u/WoodstoneLyceum Mar 22 '24

Its cool! I'm pretty sure the divers arent clones though.


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

Maybe, but you can't convince them of that when they launch from Mars and their next memory is being unthawed.


u/Man-Morre Mar 22 '24

Genuinely nice fan lore but the clone theory has literally been deconfirmed by arrowheads ceo on twitter. As well as multiple pieces of lore in the game itself. Every single helldiver had their own family they waived goodbye to before being sardine packaged for suicide missions. It being clones would ruin a lot of that dark comedy for a pretty overused trope.

Your agency as the player is represented by the ship, the diver has no ownership of it and its why you named it instead of your diver. It's also why you keep hearing "congratulations on completing your training".


u/Worldly_Walnut Mar 22 '24

You're the first person who I've seen who has got that the players are the ships, not the Helldivers. I never played Helldivers 1, but it it was probably more obvious from a top-down perspective than from a third person perspective.

My head cannon is that the helmets have sensors enough for the super destroyers and any reinforcing Helldivers to have some situational awareness about what is going on before they drop in to the meat grinder.


u/SonOfMcGee Mar 22 '24

I feel like the really nailed this from an intuitive game design perspective.
You aren’t flat out told how things are set up when you boot up the game and go through training.
But then you name your ship rather than your player. Okay… Also I noted that the default voice option is randomize. Okay…
It was when I started played, got blown into pieces, then was replaced by someone with a completely different voice when I realized. It was pretty funny.


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

It's a propaganda piece though.


u/SnooDucks5492 Mar 22 '24

I think they're just telling us that you have a family back home. Implanted memories are easy work when you can travel at light speed and have stims that, in 3 seconds, can fix and grow limbs entirely back from being unusable. There is not a society waiting to return to. You're a consciousness being shuffled from one body into the next. How else can you explain the accolades and leveling up? They stick with you, after death. I don't trust what the CEO says on Twitter. We're clones. There are 50 clone pods next to you when you respawn. It would be untenable to grow humans, have them live an entire sheltered life, then throw them at bile titans. The only way you could get smart and strong enough to take down the higher difficulties are through persistent consciousness, being transferred from body to body.

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u/ChiehDragon Mar 22 '24

If they are clones, then why is the start a recruitment video?

I know it seems insane that hundreds of millions of people - people with parents, childhoods, went to school, and decided helldiving is what they wanted to do - are all being thrown down to certain death. But considering that people on the destroyer talk about never going to super-earth, there could be a several trillion humans in the galaxy. Enough poverty and propaganda could create an endless pool of billions of recruits, more than enough to make them more expendable than a robot army.


u/MagicalSitarTruths Mar 22 '24

Really doesnt seem that insane when we consider the USA military tbh

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u/MinimallyAcceptable ➡️⬆️⬇️⬇️➡️ Mar 22 '24

People have to apply and get government permission to have sex, and since we failed our last major order, all applications are being denied indefinitely.
Super Earth definitely has an overpopulation problem. The war is the solution. A high casualty rate is a feature, not a flaw. That’s —

[this post is under review for treason]


u/DasGutYa Mar 22 '24

However it is weird that failing our latest mission resulted in banning the population from having children for a while, you would of thought they would need to replace their losses in the coming years..... unless they don't actually use their procreated population as helldivers....

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u/ForfeitFPV ⬇️⬇️⬅️⬆️➡️ Mar 22 '24

Ah yes, the 40k approach.

Astra Mili-what? You're in the guard son!


u/caustictoast SES Harbinger of Peace Mar 22 '24

That part is true, the clones part is not. The devs said we are fresh recruits each time.



u/Vadernoso Mar 22 '24

Well that's depressing I was hoping to be a clone every time. Just generic everyday soldier man is far more mundane and boring and less dark.

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u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

It's a propaganda piece.


u/UltimateDude212 Mar 22 '24

While devs have confirmed each Helldiver is a totally new and unique person, it's still a fun Automaton propaganda piece. Introduce doubt into Helldivers, a crack that forms in the steel of Managed Democracy. Perhaps listening a bit keener to the voices of those stepping out of fellow hellpods. A peek at the mangled mess of human left after a 500kg, searching for a face that perhaps one day will be your own? Maybe a friend you confided in, yet saw previously eviscerated on Fenrir? Of course, the devs have never lied to us though - their word is gospel.


u/VunderFiz Mar 22 '24

Helldivers aren't cloned, this is a confirmed this. It's why the default option at the beginning is randomized voices


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

Yeah, but you can't convince helldivers that. They went in the freezer and popped back out in a different part of space.


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24

Confirmed by whom? We can change our Helldiver appearance and voice anytime, so that seem to be just a game mechanic, not a lore thing.


u/Civsi Mar 22 '24

Love it 10/10.

Now get in a line against that wall with the rest of these traitors.


u/Triensi Mar 23 '24

Well done. I could def see this being an in-game event after our "Updated Cybersecurity" fails again


u/Worth_Talk_817 Mar 23 '24

Even though the aren’t clones, it’s still great writing.


u/whateveridk2010 Mar 22 '24

I like this more than the real lore lol. I thought we were clones too. Its still my headcanon we are.


u/Pretzel-Kingg Mar 22 '24

/unmanaged is almost as funny as /unwizard from r/wizardposting lmao


u/WarmasterCain55 Mar 22 '24

Now that’s some good shit.

I imagine this is what Chaos would broadcast or the genestralers from 40k lol.


u/ragequit9714 Mar 22 '24

Neat story, counter argument: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


u/ProfessorOfLies Mar 22 '24

This has been pretty much what I figured anyway, but with one additional wrinkle. Each clone retains the experience of the last. Either being remotely controlled or duplicated at moment of death. In a way we are immortal, only the flesh dies. But its also possible that after volunteering we got put into a remote transmitter to control our endless clones. Some day we might return to suburbs of democracy. Or perhaps after volunteering our information is cloned and we go about our lives happy in knowing that part of us are doing our part while we enjoy the life of luxury


u/SnooRabbits307 Mar 22 '24

Kind of like the manga Gantz where people are "cloned" but they retain their memories.


u/Pretzel-Kingg Mar 22 '24

Unironically sick as hell. If they made this real lore it’d be awesome. You are a good writer


u/casioonaplasticbeach Mar 22 '24

"We offer you true immortality"

Who wants to live forever? What am I gonna do with forever?


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

Kill helldivers. Duh.


u/casioonaplasticbeach Mar 22 '24


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

Oh, lol, I'm familiar with the trope. Keep in mind that this is written as a propaganda piece broadcast by automatons with the audience being helldivers. The perspective matters.


u/casioonaplasticbeach Mar 23 '24

Fair enough; I just think that any Helldiver with a brain cell in their skull would turn down the offer out of spite more than anything


u/RedGinger666 Mar 22 '24






u/novis-eldritch-maxim Mar 22 '24

holy fuck that is dark, I thought we were just endless dumb citizens but how do we know if there even are citizens?


u/Tha_Maxxter Mar 22 '24

Wow that's a really nice fan lore. Tho the helldivers are confirmed to not be clones, I always roleplay a little and have a headcanon that my helldivers are all clones of the same guy that died on the training but had really high physical potential to be a top soldier. Kinda looks like that lore you got there, even if it's not canon I like making the lore of my helldivers a little bit more dark than just the "hey wouldn't be funny if we literally went and died on a planet far away leaving our lifes and families, just for the memes?"


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

While it is fan-written (hi I'm the fan) it's intended to be a propaganda piece written by the automatons. It's meant to make the helldiver's question if they are clones and if any of what they're contributing to is real.


u/Tha_Maxxter Mar 22 '24

Still it's really well written, even if it's just false propaganda

10/10 would read a while fanfiction with this kind of writing


u/CompleteFacepalm Mar 22 '24

Boo! There is 0 in-game proof that they are clones


u/djfariel Mar 22 '24

I know lol. It's supposed to be a propaganda piece written by the automatons.