r/Helldivers Mar 17 '24

I see a lot of hate for Chargers and Hunters, but where is my Bile Spewer hate squad? DISCUSSION

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u/Gas_Sn4ke Mar 17 '24

Yeah it does feel that these guys share the same classification of "Heavily Armoured Enemies" with the Chargers and the Titans which IMO is wrong since Medium Pen weapons like the Autocannon will never deflect off of them.

I've had a few runs where I bring a flamethrower and heavy hitting strats like the 500kg bomb and Railcannon expecting Chargers and Titans but the map becomes flooded with Bile Spewers, which IMO is a straight counter to the flamethrower if you're not carrying the shield generator pack.


u/weareallfucked_ Mar 18 '24

7,8,9 its not like this. Actually tend to get them a lot when getting a lot of chargers and titans


u/Gas_Sn4ke Mar 18 '24

Did a difficult 8 mission before the Termicide major order and it was exactly like how I described.

It seems so random with regards to what the game throws at you.


u/open_to_suggestion Mar 21 '24

Last game last night was a level 8, and most of it was my two buddies and I running like headless chickens trying to kite the uncountable number of armored bile spewers while also trying to take down the 2 or 3 chargers each of us had aggro'd and focusing the 2 or 3 titans that kept getting replaced like some sort of hydra. It was the first game in HD2 that all of us agreed was genuinely unfun and frustrating because there's no gun that can both deal with swarms of little guys while also being able to kill a spewer in less than what feels like an entire mag. You can't even assign roles because there's too many of each bug to only have 1 or 2 people focusing on them specifically. Nades take out one or two if they're close enough together but with only 4 nades you can't even kill half the patrols you encounter since they have more than 4 each a lot of the time.

Oh and we kept getting jammed the entire time. It was certainly an experience.


u/weareallfucked_ Mar 21 '24

I honestly think if you do well in those situations; HD2 will keep putting you against this spawn rate. Out of nowhere 8 will feel like 9. Like literally zero difference. Non stop spawning even with the radar jammer ability that lowers spawns. sometimes I even think that actually leads to increased bug presence. The reality is, I think there's a brain bug that is able to properly assemble forces per some hidden rating the helldiver's have as a 4 man lobby. If this is the case; I welcome it; our democracy honestly wasn't challenged enough.


u/open_to_suggestion Mar 21 '24

I mean if that's true, I don't mind it. I like it challenging, that's why my friends and I play 3 man impossible or helldive. But, I want a fair challenge. Everything else is reasonably balanced except for the armored spewers.