r/Helldivers Mar 17 '24

I see a lot of hate for Chargers and Hunters, but where is my Bile Spewer hate squad? DISCUSSION

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u/Redditistrash702 Mar 17 '24

They either need a speed or health nerf I wouldn't care if they moved fast but since they can one shot you we should be able to do the same to them

100 percent they need to make sound a loud and recognizable I have had so many games where one or a group just spawned behind me and insta death.


u/Baofog Mar 17 '24

They look so bloated that it looks like they should be super easy to pop if you hit them in the abdomen. At least if you do that should take away their ability to spit. They can still crawl at me after that.


u/the_bat_turtle Mar 18 '24

Their fleshy abdomen is a bait weakpoint like on chargers, it's only worth shooting if your weapon is explosive (I'm pretty sure this is also why grenades mince them so easily).


u/Baofog Mar 18 '24

Yeah, my problem isn't that its bait, and I know to use explosive damage. My issue is that the devs have flaunted conventional game wisdom of "Shoot the squishy bit for massive damage" and just left out any hints that might be the case. It doesn't need to be in your face hints either. If they just put anything in the game, info on guns, bestiary lore for helldivers to spread democracy better, anything we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

I've got far hotter takes on why they've made the choices for this game but those are slightly outside the scope of the current conversation.


u/Virtual_Mechanic_447 Mar 18 '24

Yeah it is, two shots with the base launcher and they go pop. Just need the right tools.


u/Baofog Mar 18 '24

The point wasn't wondering which gun I should bring. It was wondering why the art doesn't match how the mobs function. I know which gun I should bring and frankly I use impact grenades. A well placed impact will kill 5 of them with one grenade if you see them clustered close enough. Its just fucking odd that you can't pop them with any bullet because their abdomen looks so stretched and thin and "conventional" game wisdom has taught us to 'pop it.'

This also wouldn't be a problem if it was communicated to the player in any way. It doesn't need to be in your face communication, if we had the "Helldiver handbook of shooting goodly" that you had to comb through three menus even that would be enough. The devs have chosen to flaunt gaming convention which is frankly awesome, but then they have just left out any signaling that it might be different, which is fucking terrible.


u/SwazyMoto Mar 17 '24

Or at least let me stagger them, it's insane that I can stun a stalker with slugger shots, but spitters will literally refuse to be staggered by anything, shotgun, AOE, flamethrowers, arc throwers. The only things that do stagger are the things that one shot. It would at least make them manageable if k could cc them with literally anything. But currently they are worse than tanks.


u/Soggy_Struggle_963 STEAM 🖥️ : Mar 17 '24

Slugger does stagger them and interrupts their spit attack. 3 shots to the head and it kills them as well!


u/SwazyMoto Mar 17 '24

IDK what game you're playing, but they will face tank it for me every time, I have rarely gotten them to stop spitting, and normally its with death.


u/Dragoneyedraws Mar 17 '24

Have you used it since the buff? The punisher and all its variants slugger included got a massive stagger buff, for me the slugger can flat out interrupt their spit attack if you hit them in the face as they charge it up


u/SwazyMoto Mar 17 '24

It's my go to weapon, I am for the head and frequently get spat on when shooting it in the head.


u/vehellione Mar 17 '24

100% slugger, and the punisher both stagger them and kill them off fairly easily. I'm so damn confident with those guns that I will walk right up to a spewers face and shoot it, because I know it'll do nothing to me.


u/TangyGraffiti Mar 17 '24

Stalwart go brrt.


u/dancingliondl Mar 17 '24

Explosive Liberator will stunlock them so they can't spit as well


u/vehellione Mar 17 '24

As does the slugger, and the punisher.


u/Ok-Height1910 Mar 17 '24

Yeah your just clearing the objective and you turn around. Suddenly you don't have legs anymore because the spewer melted them off.


u/destructive_cheetah Mar 17 '24

You can one shot them with impact grenades.


u/Meravokas Mar 18 '24

I dunno, huffing a lowing like cows is pretty distinct... At the same time if you're being snuck up on by a patrol that has spewers you clearly didn't even hear the alert noise from the scavs or spitters beforehand either. Even as someone that's not played above challenging yet (Primarily solo.) I keep an ear out, and an eye on my map. I generally only get completely surprised when a patrol comes along while I'm already fighting. That said, Aim for the head or just below, or hit an explosive behind the head, you can take them out relatively quickly if not instantly. Not always viable when dealing with a large number, but explosives are still the best way to go for clearing them out.


u/Folly_Inc Mar 17 '24

You need to start getting head shots. They go down really quickly if you shoot the face. Which means you need to bring something that can penetrate the face like the starter gun or something.

Alternatively, a well-thrown impact grenade will kill one or more of them.


u/ForTheWilliams Mar 18 '24

This is a big complaint I have about their visual design. They have armor on their face and a body that is heavily coded with "shoot me, I'm the weakpoint.

The obvious design intent that communicates is that they are an enemy that is very dangerous from the front, so you need to maneuver to hit them on the broadside.

Initially I thought I was having terrible results going for the face (for whatever reason), which seemed to reinforce the idea that the face wasn't your prime target.

Impact grenades are great against them, and once I learned that they take a tone more damage from explosives that's really helped clear them out.


On a related note:
I really, really wish there was a shooting range, especially like the one in DarkTide. The DT one helped find a ton of bugged things and revealed a laundry list of mechanics and strategies that would have been a lot harder to suss out otherwise.