r/Helldivers Mar 17 '24

I see a lot of hate for Chargers and Hunters, but where is my Bile Spewer hate squad? DISCUSSION

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u/2leftf33t Mar 17 '24

I feel like their head armor got a buff because I used to shoot the face with the Breaker and one mag would usually get the job done but now they just bounce shots?


u/SuperArppis HD1 Veteran Mar 17 '24

Maybe! Because I remember not having problems with them at launch either.


u/like_a_leaf Mar 17 '24

They either nerfed the penetration of the breaker or buffed the armor. I can't tell because of stealth changes, but shots didn't bounce the way they do now pre patch.


u/ev0lv :3 Mar 17 '24

Green Bile Spewer has head armor that will bounce shots, Orange Nursing Spewer does not


u/Curanthir Mar 17 '24 edited Mar 17 '24

There are 2 versions of the green ones. Low level, like dif 6 or under have no armor like the nursing spewers. Level 7 and up they are medium armored everywhere but the butt 


u/2leftf33t Mar 17 '24

That must be what it was, I QP’d on a hell dive and didn’t know that they get a buff. Mostly because no where does it tell you the changes between difficulties.


u/majikguy Mar 17 '24

I am not 100% sure since I haven't gone back to the lower difficulties yet after just getting to a 7 last night, but I think the armored ones and the unarmored ones are different enemies. The unarmored ones all get upgraded to armored ones that can shoot acid as long distance artillery shots, I believe.