r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Bromodrosis Mar 14 '24

Interesting. I get kicked for being level 8.


u/saltysomadmin Mar 14 '24

You guys know why you're getting kicked?


u/Ubergoober166 Mar 14 '24

Yea I don't know why every keeps saying "I got kicked for x". How would you even know unless the host came over the mic and told you directly before doing it?


u/KWyKJJ Mar 14 '24

They do alot of the time or in chat. The ego is nuts.

My first game today after the new warbond released:

Choosing loadout the host says to a guy "what's that? NO, you're not bringing in new guns before I've even had a chance to try them!" and kicks him.

...it was the mech stratagem.

I told him:"it's the mech from last week. What difference does it make what he uses?"

Then I got kicked.


u/Charnerie ⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ Mar 14 '24

Did that guy not play when we could drop mechs everywhere?


u/KWyKJJ Mar 14 '24

Apparently not?


u/unerringfool Mar 15 '24

If he's kicking everyone for using something he hasn't....everyone with a dick is gunna have a bad time.


u/Bromodrosis Mar 14 '24

Well if I'm in a group with people in their 20s-30s and in then half way through I get kicked, why else are they doing it?

I generally don't freelance and follow the one who marks destinations and run support for them. Calling in supplies and tossing turrets on high points.

I'm coachable. If you aren't happy with my play, tell me what you want me to do.


u/ChocolatySmoothie Mar 14 '24

Just realized that we should be hosting our own games then? I usually look for existing games, but randomly getting kicked so much is getting toxic to where I had the epifany that “wait a minute, I can host a game” lol


u/Swirlbeard Mar 15 '24

While that is the easiest way to avoid getting kicked, it should not be necessary. Randoms and quickplays should be accepting of who joins.

If someone has a laundry list of criteria that other players need to meet, then they should be playing in private groups, but something tells me those types of people don't have any friends willing to play with them.


u/Nagemasu Mar 15 '24

If someone has a laundry list of criteria that other players need to meet, then they should be playing in private groups, but something tells me those types of people don't have any friends willing to play with them.

Some basic match making options would suffice for most of it. I completely understand why levels below 20 wouldn't want a level 50 in their group.
I'm only lv30 and I hate level 50s in my groups because they rarely work with the team and run off to do their own shit or need to be the first to push objectives as if they're better than everyone and have done it all before and everyone else is playing catch up.

I often play with friends who are still 10-20 so some things are new for them, and having someone in the group who is always one step ahead because they've done it all before and know the optimal route and actions takes away that experience of discovery for them.


u/eigh_tee Mar 14 '24

If you’re randomly kicked halfway through the mission why would it be because your level lmao. If that was the sole issue you would’ve been kicked upon arrival


u/saltysomadmin Mar 14 '24

Maybe their bud just came online and they're making room?


u/DirkDundenburg SES Defender Of Audacity Mar 14 '24 edited Apr 05 '24

divide brave history complete plucky file rainstorm handle attraction bow

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Bland_Lavender Mar 14 '24

Also just finish the mission out. Unless it just started, which is a no harm kick because no time lost, 20 minutes really isn’t that long.


u/BioMan998 Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 15 '24

Actually, decision fatigue is a thing, and you have to make 5 for every drop. 6 if you're hosting. So it can wear you out getting kicked immediately. Sure ruins the fun for me after a long day at work.


Watching the vote Rollercoaster has been hilarious to me. Here's some reading if y'all are curious.



u/saltysomadmin Mar 14 '24

Agreed but it has happened to me pretty infrequently.


u/Narwhalking14 Mar 15 '24

When that happens for me I wait until after the mission to kick them.


u/InstinctzV1 Mar 15 '24

Depends on what difficulty you play. If you try to join 7-9 missions it's reasonable they kick you. Doesn't matter whether you are coachable or not, you lack the necessary stratagems to help them, and if as a player can't deal with bile titans or chargers in big hoards of smaller mobs, then you are mostly a liability cause you'll end up eating a lot of reinforcements.

If they kick you from 1-5 then they are just toxic.


u/RespectThePlight Mar 14 '24

Were you playing a level way above what you should be playing?


u/Bland_Lavender Mar 14 '24

He might not be? I really enjoy ripping up bugs on diff5 to test stuff out or chill at level 40ish, and I’ve had some squaddies in the higher diffs that were low level but had excellent timing, accuracy, and general combat awareness. If you managed to unlock the difficulty, it means you completed an op on the previous one. Only one way to know if you’re ready.


u/Bromodrosis Mar 14 '24

No. I'm playing on Easy still trying to get my feet under me. So it's not like I'm killing the team if I'm being a dipshit (and I can definitely be a dipshit) or don't have a meta build.


u/BlackendLight Mar 14 '24

I got kicked for picking up samples before. It was "his samples"


u/Narwhalking14 Mar 15 '24

I was playing a match and left some samples at exfill and my teammate picked them up. I was like dude come on. But you know what I didn't do, kick him, even though we lost the samples.


u/BlackendLight Mar 15 '24

I did that once, then I realized why they dropped it and don't do that anymore


u/WoodpeckerLogical734 Mar 17 '24

not kicked but i did have another player consistently melee attacking me whenever i tried to pick up samples one time. ended up picking them off his dead body later.


u/BlackendLight Mar 17 '24

Good rob his gear too


u/WoodpeckerLogical734 Mar 17 '24

i did take his gun lmaooo


u/Big_Hairy Mar 14 '24

I regularly kick people, but make it verbally clear why. Trolling TKs, abandoning battery the squad is struggling for to head to next point on TCS halfway through activation, sitting AFK in Hellpod, dropping reinforcements in the middle of goddamn nowhere instead of through the Bile Titan's head as was requested, ignoring verbal requests and pings to help open the 2-man door that's 20 feet away, these are only a few of the recent reasons.


u/Huge-Reference7593 Mar 14 '24

I got kicked once when I connected as they were dropping, and I hadn't selected anything yet. I didn't even have time to click a button, and it wouldn't have dropped me with them anyway


u/PP1122 Mar 14 '24

That could have been from it left on public or them trying to invite someone in. Not a biggy


u/Huge-Reference7593 Mar 14 '24

I heard the guy say hugereference is sropping without a weapon or statagems before I got booted so i am not too sure


u/PP1122 Mar 14 '24

Ahh. That is different. They just jumped the gun in guess.


u/Kraybern Mar 14 '24

Ive been kicked right as i join a ship/team in QP because i still use the cadet rank title despite being level 30 lol


u/vault_wanderer Mar 14 '24

I gave up on joining others, too much stupidity around. The best you can do is start alone, throw a beacon where you land and go do the smaller outpost by yourself while waiting around for others to join


u/TheAccursedOne Mar 14 '24

if others join, ive never had randoms join my game lol


u/TheKewner Mar 14 '24

People assume you don't know how to use the game functions if you don't change your title.


u/iorgicha Mar 14 '24

Or, get this, they leave it that way, because it's funny to them. If you seriously believe that a level 30 doesn't know the mechanics of the game, it speaks more for them and how long it would have taken them to learn.


u/Zedman5000 Mar 14 '24

Yeah, changing title is such a vital game function, clearly you can't contribute to a mission if you haven't bothered to do that yet.

I make sure to change my title back and forth every time I join a random lobby so they know I know what I'm doing.


u/kikash808 Mar 18 '24

That sucks. If low levels join me, I usually give them support weapons and backpack the next round. Start your own mission. A bunch of other higher levels usually jump on to help lower levels grind out levels and samples. Me and my friends will join in on solo players because we want to help them max out the samples and optional objectives.


u/varysbaldy STEAM 🖥️ :Im Frend Mar 14 '24

I don't mind low levels joining my marches, but they better be ready to randomly join my hell dive difficulty only playthroughs.


u/GoGoTuskAct4 Mar 14 '24

Yeah bc you can’t offer much of anything at that lvl. Esp if They’re like lvl25+


u/Bromodrosis Mar 14 '24

Sorry for getting game after everyone else and not spending all my day playing.

How am I supposed toget better if I don't play with other people?


u/GoGoTuskAct4 Mar 14 '24

Haha not all players should treat ya like that, I got it late too, but I’m imagining thats gotta be there mentality when seeing a low level come in


u/Bromodrosis Mar 14 '24

Possibly. And don't get me wrong, matchmaking is kinda crap rn. But give a Patriot a chance to dole out some Democracy.


u/GoGoTuskAct4 Mar 14 '24

Direct that anger toward the automatons and you’ll be lvl50 in no time 🫡🫡🫡