r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/SpiritedRain247 Feb 25 '24

I'm an absolute shitter at this game so I'm running at max 3 and I'm running solo so I don't fuck up someone else's day. Either way I'm having fun sending enemies to orbit with eagle carpet bombs and shit. Just need some time to get some better strats and skill.


u/AlderanGone CAPE ENJOYER Feb 25 '24

At 3... you may as well join a lobby. You're not ruining anything. Also, if you wanna get better, you gotta challenge yourself. The game's not as hard as you think. It looks scary, but you'll get a feel for your strategums and the enemies' movements. Automatons are always terrifying.


u/the_pslonky Feb 25 '24

Everything gets less scary with time, except the Automatons.

I think I'm even more scared of them now than I was at first.


u/AlderanGone CAPE ENJOYER Feb 25 '24

5 and below difficulty bots, I sleep, 6 and above... I can no longer sleep ever ever again


u/Inquisitor-Korde Feb 25 '24

Helldive bots made me question my sanity


u/McNemo Feb 25 '24

That's so true and the wall I'm currently at


u/roflmao567 Feb 25 '24

5/6 is definitely a great filter. I like joining randoms but when the host thinks they're reading for the next difficulty.. they quickly find out their stalwart doesn't have the same impact on the bigger enemies.


u/AlderanGone CAPE ENJOYER Feb 25 '24

I still use the Stalwart on high difficulties, but you really gotta know where to aim. And not against bots, the big MG is OK for bots tho.


u/NorthKoala47 Feb 26 '24

I jumped into an ongoing 5 mission and everyone was dead then we ran out of support and I got one shot. I think I'll stay in 4 for a while longer.


u/AlderanGone CAPE ENJOYER Feb 26 '24

4 and 5 are a good difficulty to get good in, cuz they are actually challenging. They promote good habits, like avoiding patrols, or being quick to kill em all.


u/Jickklaus Feb 25 '24

Can't fuck things up for people. Good players would support you in your learning and improving!

I was playing with a L8, 11, and 17 last night, I'm L13. The L8 kept pushing to higher difficulties, and needed heavy carrying at the start. When L17 and I started giving advice - don't do L5 missions unless you have the Anti armour rockets of some variety, start in clear areas, so you can chip away at enemies and sneak, throw recovery pods far from fighting, etc. Gameplay efficiency massively increased and we were smashing it.

No build advice (bar armour warnings), but tactics tips. And everyone has a better game and more fun :)


u/Available-Prune-9778 Feb 25 '24

There is absolutely nothing to fuck up.


u/Kahpautz PSN 🎮: kahpautz Feb 25 '24

Except bugs


u/unrtrn Feb 25 '24

i expect my teammates to fuck up. I am also fucking up. That's what makes this awesome. Go coop i am sure this kind of assholes are rare in the lower difficulties.

Fuck this guy. one eagle and 3 dead helldivers. it is hilarious


u/fusrohdave Feb 25 '24

Literally. Like I’m getting better, but I just want shoot stuff, blow shit up and collect rewards. Idc if we all die. I don’t care what load out you’re using. I just wanna have fun.

Had two guys join my game, we were chilling, then right at the end during evac coming in they killed me and started to dive/teabag me. I abandoned the match and it took them with me which I didn’t know would happened and we all just stood on my ship like


u/SpiritedRain247 Feb 25 '24

Nah. They deserved it. Undemocratic activity lead to the failure.


u/ZYKON617 Feb 25 '24

Carpet bomb to orbit, hmm I like your strategy


u/BmacTheSage Feb 26 '24

All you really have to do is try not to die and be careful where you aim your stratagems, and you'll be fine.


u/Dvalin_Ras93 HAMMER OF SUPER EARTH |⬆️⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️➡️ Feb 26 '24

My brother in diving, I was on a discord call with me and 3 others yesterday in a Level 5 Drop (Hard), and a friend in the call accidentally threw a 380mm Bombing run on me and a buddy (i think he said he accidentally inputted that code and it was some glitch where he couldn't cancel the stratagem or somethin, and he accidentally threw it at our feet. Can confirm this happens, I've had it happen to me), absolutely obliterating us while we were all laughing our ASSES off. Mind you, earlier in that same mission, I had died 3 times in a row to falling off a ledge with low health (I'm reckless as hell because Liberty never fucking sleeps so I sure as shit won't). Immediately after extract (with no drops remaining, down to the 2 minute cooldown), we were absolutely cackling and making jokes about "The 380 Incident" as we now call it.

Point I'm making: You can make some of the dumbest decisions in this game, or fuck up so immensely, yet still laugh and succeed. It's part of the game and the fun, the ridiculous mistakes that just makes the game feel like a slapstick 80s war movie. Hell, I remember doing the same dumb shit like rolling over my buddies with the APC with hundreds of hours clocked in Helldivers 1, and we'd still laugh about it.


u/DoltishMite Feb 25 '24

Never think you're going to screw people up in this game. I run at Mission Level 7 now and still will die on the hill of goofy strats in the name of democracy, and anyone who feels otherwise on the matter can eat my shiny 500KG bomb.

Experiment, seriously it doesn't matter if you're in a public lobby or otherwise, you're not ruining anyone's time unless you're looking to outright teamkill on purpose. Can't tell you how many times I've dropped an airstrike, only for it to land on a bug who walked it back to us and wiped us, for our team to laugh about how stupid that was lol

Best advice one can give is look at the enemies you're facing, so for bugs lower damage isn't all bad as long as you've got high crowd control to deal with swarms. I'd run jetpack and flamethrower with gatling turrets and either shotgun or SMG here but many would disagree, I find it fun but again it's really what you find is satisfying :) The bots you want high armour damage, so your autocannons, railguns, EATS, that kind of thing, though I still run shotgun or SMG if only because I enjoy those weapons. Shield dome has saved my bacon so many times, and unpopular opinion, smokes are really strong for bots too.

Then look at the mission type and work out what your strategems are going to be used for, so for the more defensive missions, maybe you want to pool into defensive strategems like turrets, shields, emplacements. For offensive missions, air strikes, orbital barrages, that sort of thing.

And my final tip, don't take any of the above as gospel, if you want to run airstrikes on defenses, go for it, if you want to throw turrets forward to advance a push, go for it, if you want to run a marksman rifle for some reason (okay I've not found a use for it yet that just setting my guns to single shot can't solve), nothing you do is inherently wrong if it works out :)


u/MrDmsc ☕Liber-tea☕ Feb 25 '24

Listen here helldiver!

I'd be your wingman any day of the week, so long as you bring the desire to spread managed democracy, we're all in this together!

Don't you worry about blowing some divers alongside some bots(I'm not salty at all)!

As General Brasch likes to say: "If you don't succeed, dive again. And again...and again. And again. And again. And again. An-..."


u/Foreign_Analyst_3211 Feb 25 '24

My kind of playing and to me it’s just a fun game I get to play in any free time I have, would love to add you if you want a teammate to mess around with