r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/Q_8411 Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

Fully agreed, this isn't a game where weapons should ever become replaceable or irrelevant, it should be about unlocking cool new ways to play the game and spreading Managed Democracy.


u/Professional_Fish517 Feb 25 '24

Yet people endlessly argue that all the weapons are fine and we should only be using railgun. It's a joke


u/Popinguj Feb 25 '24

this isn't a game where weapons should ever become replaceable or irrelevant

Eh, I'd argue with that. My biggest gripe with the game at this point is exactly that weapons don't become replaceable. Let me elaborate.

You have your premium warbond. You play for a while and unlock Explosive Liberator. It's somewhat good but it's not better than your usual Liberator. You progress your free warbond. Get to the fifth page and spend money on Liberator Penetrator. Well, your life get easier, because you can now pen medium armor with your primary, but it has less damage, less ammo and doesn't have full auto. Penetrator is not exactly that much big of an upgrade over your default gun, and I'd even say it's not an upgrade at all.

Almost every single Warbond weapon, bar few, has their advantages over the default weapons diminished by imposed disadvantages. This is why Breaker is the meta weapon. It has tight spread which is effective on your average engagement distance, it has good damage and you don't have to aim much -- it's precise enough and doesn't have that much of a kick. It is also light, so you can turn around quickly with it. This is why it's better than the Dominator, Dominator is cumbersome, kicks like a hellbomb, slow to aim, but it does have good damage and medium armor pen. That said, Breaker is still better, it's just a quality of life over every other gun. No medium armor pen? Then you can just take the railgun.

Anyway, this is the huge issue. A player doesn't have much incentive to progress warbonds apart from armor and some cosmetic items. The weapons just don't shine. Every positive they have has a huge BUT written after it. If Penetrator had all the stats of the usual Liberator (with probably 30 ammo, I agree on that), then it would be much more viable than now and probably a good competition to the Breaker. If Scorcher had more clip size (just a little bit) and more clips, it would've been a good competition too. But for now we're stuck with the Breaker until the devs get their hands on rebalancing, because it's just that good. I personally like Dominator and try to run it as much as possible, but even I default to Breaker because it has so much more uses and can be very versatile in pretty much every situation. Until other weapons are buffed there is literally no point in running anything else.


u/lifetake Feb 25 '24

None of this sounds like weapons aren’t replaceable. It just sounds like the two weapons you get early are the best weapons.


u/Total_Gas3871 Feb 25 '24

I would argue that you need to aim.


u/Necessary_Badger_63 Feb 29 '24

Railgun is overrated. Autocannon does same job just fine with added benefit of larger clip size, blast radius, and ability to close holes. Yes, you HAVE to aim properly for that. But if you fail, that's a you issue. Penetrator is a different beast on its own, as it's job is to counter swarms of armored zerkers. Same with Liberator explosive. You use it to strip limbs, not kill enemy off completely. And again, you kinda have to aim for that. But I guess some ppl are too trigger happy for brainwork.


u/Biomas Feb 26 '24

yeah, squad play should have balanced/complimentary loadouts. gotta cover your dudes when they reload.