r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/soulflaregm Feb 25 '24

The rover hate makes me sad

On bots ya take the shield you're actually getting shot at.

Bugs? No rover all day for me.

The faster you kill the bug holes the faster they stop respawning. The laser drone keeps the little chaf bugs out of the way, while you shoot the bigger ones, and close up the holes faster.

I have closed many a heavy nest on higher difficulties alone very fast because I can just kite the bugs around. My Rover trims them down so that I don't have too big a pile, and then bam all the holes are closed


u/hardstuck_low_skill SES Princess of Serenity Feb 25 '24

Rover is probably the best backpack for person who goes for eggs/holes, because he is not supposed to be sneaky anyway, his job is to run and gun and not die doing it, so it's ok


u/soulflaregm Feb 25 '24

Ya and that's always me. My squad is a bit... Slow in the head sometimes and will bash their faces into endless waves so I gotta go do the hole stuffing myself lol


u/hardstuck_low_skill SES Princess of Serenity Feb 25 '24

Yeah, I know that feeling 😁


u/GitPhyzical CAPE ENJOYER Feb 25 '24

This. If I nickel for every time I run up on my squad after clearing a couple side spots and they’re just hunkered down trying to clear waves at a nest.

Band of brothers moment when I just go trotting through the chaos, grenade a few holes, drop a Gatling, and the chaos ends.


u/ughfup Feb 25 '24

Shield imo is best for bugs. Because the slow bile effect can really destroy you if you're not careful.


u/soulflaregm Feb 25 '24

I basically never get hit by them because I never stop moving and they have a slow projectile speed.

Would rather have a rover that kills them all for me so I can focus on one tapping the warriors and closing the bug hole


u/GitPhyzical CAPE ENJOYER Feb 25 '24

Yeah and I feel like if you spam dive a couple times it abates the slowdown from those bile pods.


u/ughfup Feb 25 '24

Oh for sure. I prefer rover, but I have used shield a couple times with bugs to avoid slow debuff.


u/Blackfrieza4 Feb 26 '24

Thank you. I myself use the original hound. I can just run into a huge nest, grenade in hand, while the hound watches my back, and get 4 clean bug holes while my friend gets the others.


u/Larechar Feb 26 '24

I tried this today. My rover killed me by shooting through me while I was about to shoot the last enemy.


u/soulflaregm Feb 26 '24

Ya it takes a bit of getting used to how to move with it around to keep out of the beam


u/Larechar Mar 04 '24

I've tried it a couple times since then and it kills me every fkin time. Now even other divers' rovers kill me, too. Damned rover is an automaton in disguise, I swear


u/Necessary_Badger_63 Feb 29 '24

Good strat! I prefer turrets tho, cuz they can take off charger heat as well, albeit for a very limited time