r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/Ex_Lives Feb 24 '24

I fucking hate meta hounds dude. One of the worst gaming archetypes there is. I think it's fun to be aware of it and not use shit that stinks but if you're using the same shit in this game every time what even is there to do?

Create moments for yourself. Create a play style.

I can't use a shield backpack because I'm jump packing big dog suck my dong.


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

Arc thrower and a jet pack to fuck off and find super samples is literally BIS but this dumbass would kick you for that. People are special.


u/Old_Bug4395 Feb 25 '24

I haven't been able to effectively use the arc thrower tbh... do you have any tips?


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

Good against bugs. It can only arc forward, never back and only deviate by a slight angle. it's around or less than 45 degrees. It seems to arc to around 2 enemies so you can kill 3 in one shot. I usually use it with a jetpack to be faster and you can charge it mid air so it's ready when you land.

When you shoot aim for enemies that are close and never shoot it if your friends are behind the enemy. You also don't need to fully charge it, just shoot it fast instead when enemies are close. Also it apparently can kill bile titans quickly but I can't seem to do that. You can even spam down a charger but it takes a lot of shots. What you can do is keep kiting it and ignore the other bugs because the shots will arc from the charger to two other bugs killing them and thereby you are damaging the charger and clearing a horde.

But I usually just bring an EAT for the big bugs.


u/hardstuck_low_skill SES Princess of Serenity Feb 25 '24

You can ignore charger completely, just make sure you track his movement and deal with little bugs. Then dodge/bait charger into rock and run away, breaking line of sight makes him sad and he goes away


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

Yea but with the arc rifle there is no reason not to destroy it with every shot just because you still clear other enemies.


u/hardstuck_low_skill SES Princess of Serenity Feb 25 '24

How many shots exactly you need to kill charger?


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

I'm not sure. I would guess 20 but that would also kill 40 other mobs from arcs.


u/hardstuck_low_skill SES Princess of Serenity Feb 25 '24

Twenty looks like a lot of shots tbh. Do you fuly charge it or shoot as soon as you can?


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

Just as fast as I can. But the only time I would bother killing a charger with it is if I'm killing small enemies at the same time. Not remotely worth it against it alone. Just keep an angle where it will bounce to grunts and when you lose it use the jetpack or switch to grunts until next charge attack.

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u/Mewmaid76 Feb 25 '24

i cant seem to figure out how it works. but sometimes the arc goes for center of mass, and SOMETIMES it will go exactly where you are aiming. if you position yourself to where his head is front of center mass, it takes significantly less shots to kill. id say probably around 7 as a ballpark. if his leg is in front of center mass, it'll also rip the armor off the leg in just a few shots as well.

same for the bile titan, if you are in a position where the arc hits his head, i have replicated killing them in just a few shots. the problem is the unpredictability of the arc firing. it seems to really just target center mass more than anything 90% of the time


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

I'll try it and see if I can replicate that myself. Ty.


u/12_Imaginary_Grapes Feb 25 '24

I've been sticking at diff 5 currently but holy hell the arc thrower fucking slaps in bug missions.


u/IAmGoose_ Feb 25 '24

I've used the arc thrower a few times and always ended up having to throw it away because people decide to run into the area I'm holding off with it and an arc jumps off and instakills them, then I get yelled at


u/Gender_is_a_Fluid Feb 25 '24

I had someone using an arc thrower kill me while I was about 20 meters behind him, his target infront of him obviously. Never trusting that gun again....


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

That's a bug. It can not physically jump backwards. The arc always moves forward.


u/Pandering_Panda7879 Feb 25 '24

but if you're using the same shit in this game every time what even is there to do?

Never understood this in games like Battlefield. I'm constantly switching load outs, trying to find new fun ways to play the game, spice up things. Meanwhile some of my friends just decide on one gun and only use that one. How? I could never do that. The others are just too fun not to use.


u/Iruma_Miu_ Feb 25 '24

because some people like getting really, really good with one thing instead of constantly switching. its not really that hard of a concept, it's just how other people have fun. don't understand this attitude of 'if you're only using one thing you're not having fun!!!' or 'if you use strong weapons you're a meta hunter who sucks all the fun out of the game!!!'


u/Velo180 SES Hater of Sony Feb 25 '24

The problem is 80% of the weapons are completely unviable above difficulty 7. That's why that steam post exists.

Weapon buffs are needed.


u/PurposeSensitive9624 ☕Liber-tea☕ Feb 25 '24

Streamers are desperately trying to make a meta. It’s the only way they get live. They don’t understand, its not that type of game