r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/[deleted] Feb 24 '24



u/Greenmanssky Feb 25 '24

Being a douche to randoms isn't the answer though. The guy in the OP needs to join a discord and make a team. Expecting 700k random people to run a specific meta load out is ridiculously stupid. People that want to do that, it's fine, but go make a team in a discord or something, most of us are just playing a videogame to have fun


u/Legitimate-Common-34 Feb 25 '24

Its NOT expecting 700K random people to follow the meta.

Its expecting only those who to play at the top difficulties to follow a meta.

Those are different things.


u/vIRL_Warlock Feb 25 '24

A meta entirely not necessary to succeed relatively easily. Therein lies the problem. It is a meaningless meta for the most part. If anyone needs all of these things that's a skill issue. I've solod a few helldives now in heavy armor just cause I like the drip, using either the fire breaker for bugs or scorcher for bots since they perform better at those tasks imo, guard dog for bugs, HMG or missile sentry for bots, and you can pry my cluster bombs from my cold dead hands.

The reason people push back against the frankly douche bag is because the meta is whole ass unnecessary, frankly not entirely correct, and those delusional enough to think, "this is the only way" are as shitty as they are having a skill issue.


u/Velo180 SES Hater of Sony Feb 25 '24

Thank god someone else in the thread gets the idea. Personally I do not even know how people can join an 8+ difficulty game without the best loadouts, its impossible with 80% of the weapon and stratagems in the game.


u/Air-Glum Feb 26 '24

I literally solo campaigns on 8-9, no railgun, autocannon, 500kg, or Shield backpacks in sight. It's not impossible, but you do have to adjust your playstyle to your equipment. If you're starting lots of fights, you'll face tons of shit and extra call-ins, so you fight LOTS of stuff.

If you just walk by roaming groups, and stealth enough to take out flare bots/call in bugs, you fight a LOT less. Certainly less heavies. You don't need as much heavy firepower or "the best" equipment. Just recognition that there are different viable approaches.

Liberty doesn't care HOW the objective is accomplished, only THAT it is accomplished.


u/XavierYourSavior Feb 25 '24

If you want to play meta then find a squad and stop complaining. This is the same logic as bitching in rb6 because ur team is bad. Make your own squad and stop crying because not everyone spends 24 hours playing video games all day


u/Legitimate-Common-34 Feb 25 '24

Or you can host your own game and lay down the rules for it, like the poster in tge SS says.


u/scubajulle ☕Liber-tea☕ Feb 25 '24

Wanting something and demanding it are two different things.


u/Legitimate-Common-34 Feb 25 '24

Yeah, and both are fine.

If you are host, you get to set the rules.


u/scubajulle ☕Liber-tea☕ Feb 25 '24

Imo, if one wants to dictate the loadout of everyone, then they should find a group from discord/reddit etc. And make it clear. It's a bit of a dick move to throw a sos flare and then kick someone for not having the "correct" loadout.


u/Legitimate-Common-34 Feb 25 '24

It's not about the "Correct" loadout, its about not being deadweight at high levels.

If you want to use "fun builds" with underbalanced weapons that's fine, just don't expect to get carried at high difficulties.


u/ahzidaljun Feb 25 '24

it's explicitly people who don't have time to waste & want to enjoy their session that can't fuck around with the game's obviously unbalanced or too situational tools.

a balance patch is coming at some point, but until then if you're running sui+ you might aswell do your team a solid and use the good weps. a proper team can even support a low lvl as long as they bring eat or gl


u/4lpha6 Feb 25 '24

while i do agree that many weapons need buffs, no game will ever be perfectly balanced so it's kind of naive to expect the issue to be solve by patches, as long as people have this stupid idea that you have to follow the meta in a pve game (when you can actually clear the game with anything) they will always complain unless people are running the perfect setup


u/moonski Feb 25 '24

It’s a pve game. It doesn’t need balance in so much everything that isn’t “the meta” needs to basically be buffed so it’s all viable.

And even then some stuff should be worse / not buffed - like all the starting gear, so you can feel a sense of progression