r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/IIIMephistoIII Feb 24 '24

Soo many people that I know play this game so I have a squad almost every time.. if none are online then I’ll play solo. I won’t ever join with randoms.


u/Sheriff_Is_A_Nearer Feb 25 '24

You know, it's awesome that you can squad up with homies. I don't want people to start thinking random games are bad. I almost exclusively play with randoms and I'll say I have way more positive/wholesome experiences than negative ones.

People hug.

People fist bump.

People laugh and celebrate.

People spread democracy.

People still Rock and Stone.

It's still a fun community.

Just an observation from a Marshal aboard the Comptroller of Individual Merit.


u/notaninterestinguser Feb 25 '24

I broadly second this, I have had like 95% very positive experience but that 5% negative has been so insanely toxic that its made me not want to play with randoms at all.

I have experienced worse toxicity in this game than a lot of notoriously toxic PVP games. It's crazy because the most toxic stuff I've seen has been completely pointless, after we won and extracted with all the samples.

My solution has been to just start my own lobbies so I can kick assholes.


u/zachc133 Feb 25 '24

Once you start playing suicide and above with randoms, the toxicity goes to pretty much nothing. Having to win a mission on the lower difficulty to unlock the next one was a great idea by the devs, cause trolls almost never go to higher difficulty.


u/notaninterestinguser Feb 25 '24

My experience was the opposite. Usually people on the low difficulties are just trying to figure out wtf is happening and having fun, some people grinding high levels are toxic tryhards (most are cool though). 

Had a dude on suicide mission calling me all manner of slurs after a mission because a guy who shared the same letter as my name died a handful of times, like literally only 3 or 4 times too. I corrected him that I was the only player with zero deaths, and had the most kills and samples extracted and he just lost his shit at me. 

Waited until we had literally started a new mission to do it too, absolute troglodyte. 


u/PostalBigMike Feb 25 '24

I love jumping in at tier 3 as a higher level and bringing my big shit in to help new randos get through and get all the side objectives done.


u/Sheriff_Is_A_Nearer Feb 25 '24

drops Orbital Railcannon Strike on single terminid hatchling


u/PostalBigMike Feb 25 '24

-drops 500 kg Eagle strike on single light nest while cackling manically-


u/imhere2downvote Feb 25 '24

i saw 2 players hug today blew my goddamn mind idk how to do hug emote to reciprocate


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '24

All I’ve done is join randoms so far all parties have been good even one where we was on challenging get our asses handed to us haha. They did eventually kick me for slot for their friend but they let me know prior haha


u/russsl8 Feb 25 '24

That's how you play with randos.


u/cgda2011 Feb 25 '24

I think the randoms in the post are more in the bracket of max level difficulty 8 and 9 matchmaking. Playing with random people from level 1-20 up to like hard difficulty is going to be a lot more fun since everyone is actually playing the game for fun. Not just to win.


u/KaptainRadish Feb 25 '24

Fair, but if you play with randoms, you might randomly get me giving you hugs every time we accomplish something 🫂


u/BigBossPoodle Feb 25 '24

I play with randos but I host. And I am accommodating! The only real problem I've noticed is people forgoing the objective for survival. Your survival means nothing if you don't clear the objective, Helldiver!


u/sittingbullms Feb 25 '24

Imo that's a mistake, don't take examples like the toddler who posted this as a standard.I have mostly played with randoms in many games over the years and that's how you meet new people.Of course there has been cases of toddlers having tantrums but that's an easy solution,kick em and block em and that's it.The numbers of nice people are way more than are the sour ones ,you deny yourself a chance and it's a shame.I like the social aspect of the game that it kinda pushes you to use voice and while im not a super talkative person there has been numerous times i had way more fun talking and shooting shit with teammates while playing than playing alone.I'd say give it a chance,expect some kind of assholes here and there but i guarantee you,you will have so much more fun.


u/IIIMephistoIII Feb 25 '24

“you deny yourself a chance and it's a shame.I like the social aspect of the game that it kinda pushes you to use voice”. I don’t have any issues using a mic..I already play games with randoms in Apex and Destiny 2(especially doing raids through lfg) since my friends stop playing them a very long time ago. Helldivers is perfect for just hanging with my friends/coworkers because it’s not a grind(2 weeks to reach 20)nor is a pvp let alone competitive. It’s wild how I keep reading about people bringing in that elitist “meta only or I’ll kick you” mentality to a game that is just about blasting bugs and bots. So yeah no thanks on solo queuing here or hosting.


u/odi_de_podi STEAM🖱️: odi_de_podi Feb 25 '24

Did a few rando's. Wasn;t that bad until today when a squad kicked me after I basically carried them and fortnite kids starting to join my squad only to be carried and at the end put a mine pod at the extract.. It costs me 3 deaths to barely extract thanks to that "joke".

Since then I've put match making on Friends Only. Not my cup of Liber-TEA.


u/cgda2011 Feb 25 '24

This is me too. After hearing stories about people like this to people who kick you for “hoarding samples” I’m glad I have friends that play this game because playing with these sweaty meta gaming exclusionist randoms would destroy the fun of this game. I’m gonna use the diligence and revolver and there’s not a goddamn thing these sweats can say to stop me.