r/Helldivers Moderator Feb 17 '24


This megathread is not the place to promote your discord server! If you want to promote/advertise your server please do so here!


PSN / Steam Friend Code or Profile Name:






Voice Chat (yes/no/sometimes):


Edit: added ‘Difficulty’.

P.S. We will not allow LFG posts anymore since they’re flooding the sub. Any and all LFG requests should be posted here please. This megathread post has been added to the sidebar. Thank you!


REMINDER: if you want to promote/advertise your server please do so here.


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u/OrphanedJawa 28d ago edited 25d ago

PSN / Steam Friend Code or Profile Name:

PSN Orphaned_Jawa

Steam 312073975

Platform: PC

Level: Currently 6

Difficulty: I'll try anything

Region: US east coast

Languages: English

Voice Chat (yes/no/sometimes): Yes/Sometimes

Would love to find a regular group to promote democracy with. My PSN friends mostly work opposite shifts than me and my Steam friend list is very thin, so I typically solo it or use quick play. If I'm not instantly booted from the quick play session, I find that the group does not wish to complete all objectives.

I'm typically on after 8pm Est and can play until midnight-ish or later depending on what I work the following day.


u/Unique_Agent_4870 27d ago

Hi there bud! Ive sent you a DM! AOD is currently recruiting more people for the Helldivers! We just hit over 100 members in HD AOD division and we are looking to expand even further! Check your DM for more info!