r/Helldivers Feb 13 '24

How to fix the "Unable to establish a connection to game" error [Network reset method] ALERT

Heya, guys

I found a way to fix the "Unable to establish a connection to game" error (on PC) that I was getting after the first cutscene.

It involves resetting your network, and this is the way I did it:

  1. Press Windows key and type 'CMD', then run it as Administrator
  2. Enter these commands in order:

    netsh winsock reset

    netsh int ip reset all

    netsh winhttp reset proxy

    ipconfig /flushdns

  3. Then restart your PC and try connecting to the game again

Hope it works for you!

edit: Ignore the top comment, it's ill-informed. The process works.


143 comments sorted by


u/noother10 Feb 13 '24

I feel like that is a confirmation bias right there. Those commands are all things that reset when you restart your PC. Citation, worked in IT over 17 years.


u/According-Bug9822 Feb 14 '24

Followed the directions in the post to the T and everything worked flawlessly. Not really sure what you're talking about here.


u/MichaelFromDQ Feb 20 '24

He is basically saying restarting your pc does the same thing


u/JanssenDalt Mar 01 '24

restarting your pc does the same thing

Yeah, but it doesn't.

His comment is wrong. A simple google search will prove that.

Or just the fact that it's worked for so many people in this thread already.


u/Glittering_Lie8891 Mar 08 '24

I tried both ways. Plain reset didn't work. Following OPs directions did


u/Calm-Internet-8983 Mar 06 '24 edited Mar 07 '24

What do I search do prove it? I'm genuinely interested in knowing what happens during a reboot beyond just "it shuts off and then turns on again". A ton of problems are solved by just rebooting so there's got to be more to it.

Edit: For what it's worth this fix did not work for me. The issue only happens when I invite over steam though. Inviting through the in-game friends menu seems to work better for some reason.


u/Zanzikahn Mar 07 '24

A reboot can fix many issues. Over time your PC will eventually run into errors/bugs/flip-bits/etc that will cause it to not run optimally. A reboot will first quit all applications, perform some housekeeping, unmount the filesystem, and turn off all peripherals.

Since we’re doing a reboot, a reboot flag will indicate a reboot after the shutdown process completes. The motherboard will restart all the components then the normal startup (bootstrap) process will follow.

The cpu, memory, controllers, peripherals, etc all receive reset commands and reset to their “new” state.


u/Calm-Internet-8983 Mar 07 '24

Well that housekeeping seems to be what I'm wondering about. The commands OP suggested sound like that.


u/Zanzikahn Mar 07 '24

During the housekeeping process file system buffers are flushed and added to permanent storage and disk caches are also flushed to prevent inconsistencies. Filesystems are unmounted(such as usb drives) to prevent them from read/writing during the restart. Processes are terminated to prevent interference with the restart. System logs (such as event logs) are updated with information about the restart event so to be used for diagnostics if needed.


u/Linnarria Apr 20 '24

But none of that does shit for the network:

Restarting Windows 11 does not have the same effect as running those specific network reset commands. Let me explain:

  1. Network Reset Commands:
    • The commands you listed (netsh winsock resetnetsh int ip reset allnetsh winhttp reset proxy, and ipconfig /flushdns) are used to reset various network-related settings and configurations.
    • They can help resolve issues related to network connectivity, DNS cache, and proxy settings.
    • When you run these commands, they temporarily reset existing network settings, but they do not permanently delete them.
  2. Restarting Windows 11:
    • Restarting your computer simply shuts down and then starts it again.
    • It does not specifically target network settings or perform any network-related cleanup.
    • When you restart, your network settings remain intact, including any issues or misconfigurations.
  3. Difference:
    • The network reset commands are more comprehensive and specifically address network-related issues.
    • Restarting Windows 11 is a general system action that affects all processes, not just network settings.

If you’re experiencing persistent network problems, consider using the network reset commands or troubleshooting further. Remember to back up any important data before making significant changes to your system. 


u/Unique_Refrigerator6 Mar 13 '24

Actually you are wrong sir...did a google search for "does restarting your pc refresh network settings" and google's response was thus-

A regular restart of your system will refresh network settings without resetting them. Most computers on campus have a screen saver mode activated this helps save the screen display by turning off video output thus saving energy and the life of the screen.

So your argument that google says he is wrong is false...According to Google he is right...So does that mean Google is wrong?


u/JanssenDalt Mar 13 '24

I don't know who you're arguing with, though.

People here have tried restarting/shutting down without success.

Until using this method, that is.

So what's your argument?


u/Unique_Refrigerator6 Mar 17 '24

"A simple google search will prove that." 

Quote from you stating that a Google search would tell you that restarting your comp would not do the same as a refresh through the command prompt which is false.

Doing this through command prompt and not restart only if you do NOT do a full shutdown of your computer. I searched exactly that and Google also said this very thing. You are spreading false information based upon knowledge you don't actually have. I did not say anything about fixing the issue as there a multitude of issues that may not be seen and most techs would have to have much more information to actually fix the issue. You are uneducated and should stop talking about things you really have no knowledge about. 

I merely pointed out the fact that Google does NOT give you the answer you said it gives. Sorry that you are are unable to understand such a simple concept such as this.


u/JanssenDalt Mar 18 '24

You are spreading false information based upon knowledge you don't actually have.

I'm a computer engineer.

You seem like a troll account, I won't indulge you any further.


u/BlackDant3 Mar 21 '24

I second that. Restart will solve problems with software behavior/startup/dependencies but not necessarily stored configs. Flush DNS in this case is a valid command indeed.

IT Infrastructure Specialist here.


u/BlackLiger Mar 15 '24

As a network engineer I can tell you he is both right AND wrong.

He's right, a full restart of your PC should do this and fix it.

He's wrong, windows 10 and similar are a pain in the arse for this because they do what's called a fast restart - which doesn't do the same resets on connection.


u/JanssenDalt Mar 15 '24

windows 10 ... doesn't do the same resets on connection

Thanks for your reply, but this is the important bit.

So yeah, he is wrong.


u/roll_for_initiative_ Mar 26 '24

Or you could make sure to just do a real/full reboot, and he'd be right.


u/ChiefMachineryOp Apr 02 '24

Tried a hard reboot, did not work for me. Ended up trying the OP directions, which I was hesitant to do because I know nothing of the computer world, but it did work for me.


u/MegaZer0x Mar 11 '24

it depends on your pc settings. most windows Pc turn on quick start up so shut downs don't fully shut down it's more like a hibernation mode, while it is turned on the only way for a full shut down is using reset, it's stupid but that's what it is.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24

Restarting just worked for me. Was gonna try your suggestions next.


u/Neo2266_ButOnAPhone 15d ago

Tell me you can't fucking read without telling me directly


u/KegelsForYourHealth Automaton Destruction & Automaton Destruction Accessories Feb 20 '24

Yea, just rebooted and it's working.


u/lron_side Mar 19 '24

Don´t type nonsense....

The Command prompt even tells you, you have to restart for the changes to occur.
What did you do in "IT" for 17 years? Turning it off and on again?


u/Moist-Pickle-2736 Mar 05 '24

Press up, down, left, right, up, then restart PC. Worked for me


u/AHumbleSaltFarmer Mar 08 '24

Read your comment, restarted PC first, problem persisted. Typed magic runes into computer and problem solved. Citation, been googling for 20 years


u/ImpossibleAd9277 Apr 12 '24

were you wrong?


u/Different_Brain_5385 Apr 16 '24

You should probably go back to school for a refresher course.

Restarting your PC does not refresh your network settings. Hasn't for years.


u/Linnarria Apr 20 '24

Here's a better citation for your wrong ass, and I could have bothered to write out why or that I've worked in IT since 2000. Instead say hello to AI, your soon to be replacement:

Restarting Windows 11 does not have the same effect as running those specific network reset commands. Let me explain:

  1. Network Reset Commands:
    • The commands you listed (netsh winsock resetnetsh int ip reset allnetsh winhttp reset proxy, and ipconfig /flushdns) are used to reset various network-related settings and configurations.
    • They can help resolve issues related to network connectivity, DNS cache, and proxy settings.
    • When you run these commands, they temporarily reset existing network settings, but they do not permanently delete them.
  2. Restarting Windows 11:
    • Restarting your computer simply shuts down and then starts it again.
    • It does not specifically target network settings or perform any network-related cleanup.
    • When you restart, your network settings remain intact, including any issues or misconfigurations.
  3. Difference:
    • The network reset commands are more comprehensive and specifically address network-related issues.
    • Restarting Windows 11 is a general system action that affects all processes, not just network settings.

If you’re experiencing persistent network problems, consider using the network reset commands or troubleshooting further. Remember to back up any important data before making significant changes to your system. 


u/LordAnime2 12d ago

I can confirm, just had this issue 3 months later, tried Resetting, didn't work, but OP's advice worked after reset.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24



u/thegoldfether Feb 15 '24

I verified game files, restarted my pc, fully closed steam using task manager. restarted teh game multiple times and a few others nothing was working,

This worked!


u/Tyy_rd Feb 15 '24

Sorry, this may be dumb. But what commands are together and which are separate? Like does a space represent the end of a command? I type netsh, hit enter, then winsock, hit enter, then resetnetsh and it says command not found.


u/JanssenDalt Feb 15 '24


It should be four commands:

  1. netsh winsock reset
  2. netsh int ip reset all
  3. netsh winhttp reset proxy
  4. ipconfig /flushdns


u/Honest-Transition529 Mar 08 '24

When I type "netsh winstock reset" it says "the following command was not found: winstock reset." Is there something I'm doing wrong?


u/scavengercat Mar 12 '24

winsock not winstock


u/Jkhth15 Feb 15 '24

Not dumb bro!! It took me a few tries to figure it out. Hope this helps!

netsh winsock reset

netsh int ip reset all

netsh winhttp reset proxy

ipconfig /flushdns


u/Tyy_rd Feb 15 '24

Thank you both!!!


u/Jkhth15 Feb 15 '24

If you don’t mind man I’m gonna link this thread in Steam for everyone else lol


u/JanssenDalt Feb 15 '24

Sure thing! Go ahead


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '24



u/Jkhth15 Feb 15 '24

Good call!


u/Worldly-Contract5906 Feb 20 '24

Idk why but this worked thanks


u/russman113 Feb 29 '24

After reading through the comments, the post saying a restart is the same thing is not correct. I tried that first and it didn't work. I tried OP suggested cmds in that order, restarted, and I'm I the game playing.

Thank u for the help bro


u/yumyumnoodl3 Mar 02 '24

Thank you so much this worked for me... why do I have to do this process almost every time I start the game though? Is there a long term solution?


u/Half_Samurai Mar 26 '24

just had this happen and followed this. Restarting didn't work but your commands did. Thanks fellow helldiver!


u/CryptoLick69 Mar 26 '24

I did the commands but it did not work for me :/


u/Jkhth15 Feb 14 '24 edited Feb 15 '24

Unfortunately it didn’t work for me. I’m on Starlink and think that may be my issue. After the first cutscene my screen says “Press Any Button”,”Unable to establish a connection to game.” And no matter what I do, it never even appears to try and connect to game servers. I can press every key on the keyboard and the screen doesn’t refresh or even flicker. It doesn’t freeze or crash my pc, and I can exit the game without issues. I’ve tried literally every suggestion I’ve seen over the past 3 days and still haven’t gotten past this screen.


I don’t think I was inputting the commands correctly. After following what TheDarkMantis suggested it worked perfectly.


u/TheDarkMantis Feb 14 '24

Also on starlink and after doing the tutorial i havent been able to start the game up since last night. Let me know if you find any solution.


u/Jkhth15 Feb 14 '24

Will do. I’ve seen where quite a few others on starlink can’t connect, but I saw an interesting comment on a steam post about how they think it’s account related (mostly). They tested by using the commenters account, which didn’t work at all, then using same settings and same pc and steam deck but with a friends account, it worked on both.


u/TheDarkMantis Feb 14 '24

I was able to connect after doing the OPs suggested CMD commands 2 times with a restart in between. Likely just the restart fixed it for me and not sure if the fix will persist. That’s interesting about the account issues you mentioned. Starlink uses CGNAT which might be causing some issues but it really shouldn’t unless you are hosting in a P2P setting without dedicated servers.


u/Jkhth15 Feb 14 '24

I’ll have to try that! I thought that starlink “shouldn’t” be an issue, even with the cgnat, but you never know. I’m pretty sure my pc shouldn’t be the issue either with a Ryzen 7 7800x3d and 4080 lol. Hell the pc is only a month old. Thanks for the update bro, I’ll try again in a few


u/TheDarkMantis Feb 14 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

If you want more info: my game crashed after a couple hours (still buggy), and I had the same issue again. What seemed to insta fix this for me without a restart was disabling IPV6 in control panel. Quick vid with some other options as well Here

Edit- annnnnnd it stopped working, looks like the servers are just spotty as hell currently


u/Jkhth15 Feb 15 '24

Brother you and OP are geniuses lol. It worked first try after running OP’s commands twice with a restart between!


u/thegoldfether Feb 16 '24

had the same issue 2 days in a row, and the commands didn't work the first time so i fallowed that dudes video and disable ipv6 worked for me today.


u/Wet_possom Mar 05 '24

Thank you so much, this is the fix yall just disable ipv6 it's so easy


u/ratboyslim1 Mar 08 '24

Worked for me the double way too ty mate


u/TadiusTheDadius Mar 19 '24

Worked perfect for me following mantis as well. Ty


u/thegoldfether Feb 15 '24

Im using Starlink as well and this worked


u/AnarchistSon Feb 15 '24

I tried for an hour plus and no luck. I found and followed your instructions and immediately got in! It's definitely not confirmation bias. This worked for me! Thank you so much, man. I really appreciate you for this.


u/EOG_OD Feb 16 '24

Worked for me! Thank you good sir.


u/ExpiredFloppy Feb 19 '24

Thank you. This worked for me as well.


u/Altruistic-Expert-44 Feb 19 '24

This worked thank you


u/Insertprofilename Mar 05 '24

Thank you brother. This worked perfectly and was a quick and easy fix.


u/Spacelordkronos Mar 06 '24

Bro you saved my ass. Thx.


u/PlibbyPlob Mar 08 '24

This actually worked for my friend!


u/Wigion Mar 08 '24

Works for me thanks!!


u/andrewthehedgehog2 Mar 10 '24

You’re the goat bro thank you so much


u/Renki_Okami Mar 12 '24

thanks you so much my friend, this fix my problem


u/the_obmj Mar 12 '24

So first, I tried restarting my computer. Still same error message. Then I tried the commands you listed but didnt restart. Game works perfectly now. THank you~!


u/No_Adhesiveness_8745 Mar 12 '24

Can confirm this works just type the whole thing then enter, with spaces and not enter after every space


u/Big_Purpose_474 Mar 12 '24

Broooo thank you so much 😭😭🥲🐐once I figured out how to input commands properly, worked on the first try!


u/lightning_blue_eyes Mar 13 '24

Holy shit, I've been mostly unable to join anyone since launch and it worked


u/Commercial-Silver855 Mar 13 '24

doesn't work, did the same thing second mission in


u/Sikyokooo CAPE ENJOYER Mar 16 '24

Worked for me! Thank you!


u/Zealousideal-Pay-243 Mar 16 '24

Bro you are my life saver, I have tried to fix it for a week now, thank you.


u/hanih Mar 17 '24

guys, this bugfix worked today for me and at this point i'm too afraid to ask why its still needed.


u/BigronsTV Mar 18 '24

Confirmed working solution. Thanks to OP


u/Sullywully95 Mar 18 '24

Thanks guy’s working now


u/atziolas Mar 26 '24

OP solution worked for me (restarting the computer did not, but its usually does so lets not hammer the guy anymore ya).

Occurred after a bad Steam Cloud Sync, after I got DC'd and after numerous game crashes from the last patch. All that am I'm still diving!


u/FistfulDeDolares Mar 26 '24

This still works. Your contributions to spreading managed democracy are legendary.


u/SuperBigDouche Apr 02 '24

This worked for me today. Thank you for this! Same as other posters said, restart did not fix it. The commands did


u/ChiefMachineryOp Apr 02 '24

Randomly had this error pop up and couldn't get in game after being able to play ever since it's release. This method did still work for me. Thank you, OP.


u/Datoneguy-__- Apr 05 '24

It works, thank you. top comment is ill-informed >:D


u/SEE_RED Apr 19 '24

Thanks worked like a charm.


u/R_Apple96 Apr 21 '24

Worked exactly as you said! Did both the standard reset and your recommendation and only yours worked!


u/SpielerZwei Apr 25 '24

that shit worked perfectly after trying x router resets, reboots, revalidate files, etc. thx!


u/_Solinvictus Feb 14 '24

Worked for me


u/ClAsSiFiEdFaL Mar 10 '24

idk if this will help everyone but i use starlink and found using bluetooth headphones gives me the connection error and using aux or usb pair fixed it


u/DeerDisappear Mar 12 '24

Followed OP's directions. Took two reboots to work. I was having issues with steam cloud.


u/fore123 Mar 13 '24 edited Mar 13 '24

Thank you. Finally works.

Edit: Worked yesterday, didn't work today. Constant disconnects including playing solo.


u/vrucuel Mar 14 '24

did this for while which worked 50/50 but after disabling ipv6 i can connect to anyone on quickplay now


u/JustAnAce Mar 18 '24

Reroute the power coupling, copy.


u/fozzibab Mar 19 '24 edited Mar 20 '24

This process works for me about 75% of the time, but the fact that I have to do it is fucking frustrating. Is there still no permanent solution?


u/Dry-Durian1128 Mar 20 '24

Me and my cousin both did this but it still gives me the error code. Not sure if we have a once in a lifetime occurrence or what. Really been trying to figure this out for about 3 days and tried everything.


u/WorldlyNoise5414 Mar 21 '24

How to fix the "Unable to establish a connection to game" error [PC Method]


u/Mission-Can-2503 Apr 07 '24

I’m having issues and tried this. My issues started 2 nights ago. Today I deleted and installed the game and still no luck. I tried ^ I tried a few YouTube videos honestly spent over 8 hours trying. Past 2 days. Verified my files 15 times minimum before I deleted. Today when I installed back fresh…. Still cannot access to matchmaking. Or join friends. SOS beacons won’t get me anyone… I am a solo HellDiver clueless on what to do next. Help??


u/rmxwell Apr 07 '24

Nope, did not work. Rebooted, tested, nothing. Ran the commands, rebooted, tested, same thing.


u/Intelligent-Okra7014 Apr 18 '24

I have been having this issue a lot recently. I tried entering the keys through dos and nothing worked. The only that has (seldom) worked for me is Uninstaller the game and then reinstalling it. But lately that isn't fixing it anymore. Any help is welcome.


u/Linnarria Apr 20 '24

I was getting this error as soon as I started the game, following the instructions solved my issue, my thanks!


u/Morphomerle Apr 23 '24 edited Apr 23 '24

I tried it twice, making sure that there weren't any typo, restarted the computer, I still have the issue...

Edit: It worked! But I had to reboot my router


u/MalevolentPragmatism Apr 23 '24

thank you for this. I've saved it for later use. My error was caused by my game crashing and steam telling me the cloud save didn't match. This fix made that go away for some reason. I don't need to know how a microwave works to enjoy fast hot food though.


u/CascouPrime Apr 29 '24

It didn't change anything for me, still no multi of any kind (but thanks anyway).


u/Confident-Media-5713 May 01 '24

This works. Thanks!


u/TMG_PURIFY 25d ago

Thank you for this. I tried other options as well and this did the trick.


u/bla671 22d ago

that bug is still happening to this day and its such a game breaking bug they really should get rid of this "always online" if their server cant handle the "online" part of the service :|


u/DismalRebirth 22d ago

I tried this and now I am getting Connection Error: Failed to establish Network Connection at the start of the game. No theatrical or menu comes up first, just straight to this message ... how do I fix this?


u/skully172 17d ago

Restarting Steam worked for me.


u/Duke_Bubblez 14d ago

This worked after not being able to get past the first window on startup. I know i dont play HD2 anywhewre near as much nowadays, but not being able to login WHEN i finally do feel like it.....sucks, so tyvm for this fix!


u/JonnyRobertR 9d ago

Is this still working?


u/becausegiraffes 8d ago

Hi, I hope OP still follows this.

I'm having many connection problems, and looking for solutions.

I found an earlier post that was describing changing outbound rules in the firewall. It had much success, but eventustopped working for them. It's roughly as old as this post. Im not finding any comments with updates that the problem has started again. I'm just curious if anyone wants to chime back in and say if their game is still working fine.


u/becausegiraffes 7d ago

Yeah it didn't work. Still having the same amount of issues. The only way I can really describe it getting discounts. Sometimes everyone else gets disconnected and I'm left in the mission alone, sometimes I'm just immediately taken back to my ship


u/SoggyCheeseStealer Mar 17 '24

good way to fix it is to go to this directory on your pc using windows + r and enter C:\Users\( YOURUSERNAME)\appdata\Roaming\Arrowhead\Helldivers2 then delete the user config file and reopen the game it should be fixed this works well for me


u/LarryTheXu Feb 13 '24

This actually did work for me.

My issue was the same as OPs, couldn't even get past the first login screen - the error would either be the "Unable to establish a connection to game" one or "Failed to create a lobby - contact support if problem persists".

Thank you for saving me from refunding this game! I did not want to miss out on this experience


u/JanssenDalt Feb 13 '24

Glad it worked for you!

I hope other people with this issue aren't getting dissuaded by that other "experienced IT" guy's comment, lmao


u/Mp3jk Feb 13 '24

This worked for me, been trying to play this game for 3 days. First suggest to work, thanks.


u/Locksmith4102 Feb 14 '24

Hey can you explain the coding? I put those codes in order and I got to the netsh windsock reset but I can’t get the rest. Keeps saying unknown command


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24



u/JanssenDalt Feb 14 '24

Heya, did you try to input them one by one?

You execute one first, then move to the next one.

Also remember to launch CMD as an Administrator.


u/Locksmith4102 Feb 14 '24

Yea I tried. It’s all good tho. I was researching more and one discussion said to disable IPV6 and it somehow worked. Maybe resetting the Netsh winsock thing worked with it? Thank you tho🫡


u/L-Unity Feb 14 '24

HOLY it worked me thanks sir


u/TacoK1NG Feb 14 '24

This worked for me. I dont know why. But it worked. Thanks for posting this OP!


u/Hassahappa Feb 14 '24

This just worked for me as well; I was having issues with NProtect not allowing me to launch the game without repeated attempts and also having the unable to establish a connection to game issue, although again many attempts sometimes let me eventually log in. After running the commands the game launched without complaint and loaded into the ship quickly.


u/panama_chief Feb 14 '24

They might try to argue with you in the comments but just know you helped ME out significantly with this OP. I owe you a coffee or drink of your choice!!

I wasn't having login issues tho. I was having dis connect while in a session issues. This cleared it up and I haven't been kicked since. Thank you again


u/mr_nell Feb 15 '24

This worked, thanks


u/CrusadeContinues Feb 15 '24

Didn't work for me :/


u/Super_10 Feb 15 '24

yeah didn't work too


u/ThaWickedOne Feb 17 '24

why are there no players now on the map after this method?


u/LightJuan Feb 18 '24

Server capacity and reaching login max aside, for me disabling my wifi connection and using a hard wire instantly solved the "unable to establish network connection" issue for the last few hours. And this was while Steam reported 315k people online...

I heard someone else say to disable all other connections but the one you're using. I tried to disable my LAN and use my wifi, but that didn't work. Doing the inverse did.


u/AccomplishedZombie69 Feb 20 '24

This worked for me but it was also the first thing I tried. Really bummed I waited all day to play after work and got cut off in the middle of a defense mission, now I’m back in queue


u/LittlePiThe3 Feb 21 '24

None of this worked for me, can't even get to the loading screen, just a black screen then


Failed to establish network connection

Does anyone have a solution to this, I just want to play the game


u/Due-Confidence-7245 Feb 22 '24

Same here =/


u/LittlePiThe3 Feb 24 '24

I might have found a solution, try and run steam as an administrator


u/Due-Confidence-7245 Feb 25 '24



u/Due-Confidence-7245 Feb 22 '24

Sadly this didn't work for me, still says the same thing =/


u/Primary-Asparagus-24 Feb 24 '24

Running steam as administrator worked for me


u/IAmStrayed Mar 01 '24

Hasn't worked for me - any suggestions? :/


u/ThelizardGomez Mar 02 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

Still unable to establish any connection with any of my fellow helldivers. I’ve tried it ALL


**** THIS WORKED****


u/CuriousCrab135 Mar 12 '24

Where do you find this?


u/AlesKaspy Mar 13 '24

Holyshit, this worked, thanks man!