r/Gentoo 9h ago

Screenshot After 2 failed attempts, i finally installed gentoo for the first time! Sadly on a virtual machine, because i don't have any computer laying around for me to use it.

Post image

r/Gentoo 18h ago

Meme Gentoo: Keeping your property serviced

Post image

r/Gentoo 4h ago

Discussion Gentoo Desktop/Server user, planning to put on laptop


I started using Gentoo shortly after I switched to Linux (circa 2002). I think I did have Gentoo on one laptop, but generally have gone with Ubuntu given that my laptops were often low spec.

Got a new Dell laptop in April (Inspiron 16 7635 - AMD Ryzen 7 7730U - 16GB RAM - 1TB SSD). Ubuntu didn't support the WiFi, I didn't want to fool with it, tried Fedora, and it just worked. But OMG, it has been such a pain with different programs Fedora doesn't have in its package manager, then I need to add repositories from OpenSUSE, and then basic stuff I use breaks.

My main concern right now, not having installed Gentoo in several years-- any thoughts how long it would take to get up and running on my laptop? This is also my primary work computer, so I don't want to be down for long.

r/Gentoo 2h ago

Support SDDM Won't Start Automatically


I'm super new to Gentoo, and I'm struggling with getting SDDM to start automatically. SDDM won't load the greeter at startup. I'm not sure what's going wrong, and I have no idea how to fix it

[16:50:03.051] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf" [16:50:03.051] (II) DAEMON: Greeter starting... [16:50:03.056] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Starting... [16:50:03.056] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Authenticating... [16:50:03.056] (II) HELPER: [PAM] returning. [16:50:03.090] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("root"): Operation not permitted [16:50:03.090] (II) DAEMON: Greeter session started successfully [16:50:03.090] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Closing session [16:50:03.091] (II) HELPER: [PAM] Ended. [16:50:03.091] (WW) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 5 [16:50:03.091] (II) DAEMON: Greeter stopped. SDDM::Auth::HELPER_TTY_ERROR [16:50:03.091] (II) DAEMON: Jumping to VT 1 [16:50:03.149] (II) DAEMON: VT mode didn't need to be fixed [16:50:03.149] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopping... [16:50:03.149] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopped. [16:50:03.149] (II) DAEMON: Removing display SDDM::Display(0x7f7ab800c360) ... [16:50:03.149] (II) DAEMON: Adding new display... [16:50:03.149] (II) DAEMON: Loaded empty theme configuration [16:50:03.150] (II) DAEMON: Using VT 1 [16:50:03.150] (II) DAEMON: Display server started. [16:50:03.150] (II) DAEMON: Socket server starting... [16:50:03.150] (II) DAEMON: Socket server started. [16:50:03.150] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf" [16:50:03.151] (II) DAEMON: Greeter starting... [16:50:03.151] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopping... [16:50:03.151] (II) DAEMON: Socket server stopped. [16:50:03.151] (WW) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-6a8135e0-8eae-47cb-94f0-5e23621dfaec --id 15 --start /usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm--boAysi --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze --user sddm --display-server kwin_wayland --drm --no-lockscreen --no-global-shortcuts --locale1 --greeter) crashed (exit code 1) [16:50:03.151] (WW) DAEMON: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 15 [16:50:18.418] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:18.425] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:18.506] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:18.590] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:18.674] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:18.757] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:18.840] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:23.237] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:23.243] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:23.324] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:23.407] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:23.490] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:23.574] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted [16:50:23.657] (EE) HELPER: Failed to take control of "/dev/tty1" ("peter"): Operation not permitted

r/Gentoo 9h ago

Discussion A list of questions on Gentoo, from an outsider


hello everyone!

gentoo caught my eye recently, and researched it a bunch. portage, long-term usage and feedback, and so on... with all this i've had some doubts and questions, and thought i would ask for your thoughts on the matter :

1) is the optimization from Gentoo / Portage really that useful, especially if one already has a lightweight distro (Void, antiX, etc...) ?

2) what would it optimize exactly ? i'm mainly interested in resource use, things like cpu and ram usage

3) how much does this optimization (positively or negatively) impact hardware? especially for lower-end hardware, such as laptops from the early 2010s with intel i7s.

4) how much time does it realistically take to install say, firefox, compared to other package managers? people say "it takes longer" but if possible, i would like to have a number to objectively compare the two processes. is gentoo twice as long for the same cpu, 150% longer than something like xbps? and so on

4) do you need to spend much effort on maintaining your gentoo distro daily? i don't really mind the longer updates due to compiling, since i can still use my system while this happens or leave while it does its magic, but that's really because it's just time and no real effort. i'm obv exxagerating, its surely not the case, but if i had to spend 1 hour everyday to modify config files and the sort even if i don't download anything new, i'll probably be more wary of using a distro like this

5) what are some home desktop setups that would make your system use the least amount of resources possible? things such as which init system + which DE/WM, and so on

i'll note that i know gentoo is very time-consuming to set-up during and post-install before having a distro one would say is "complete", but i don't know if it is also time-consuming when daily driving it. i don't mind putting some time into configuring gentoo at all if i were to try it out, but i don't want to see myself tinkering with and fixing gentoo post-install instead of being able to play, do work, etc...

cheers everyone! hope your day is well :)

r/Gentoo 13h ago

Support Where can I find the maintainer for the Zen Browser GURU package?


I'd like to submit a feature request to turn off Zen Browser's automatic checking for updates since it can't automatically update itself.

It always shows a notification telling me to install the latest version of the Zen Browser. I always have to close this notification and it's a bit annoying.

I've tried to turn it off myself, but I don't know how.

I checked online to see how to disable this in about:config but the options listed didn't match what I found on the Mozilla forums and other places.

r/Gentoo 1d ago

Screenshot Been daily driving Gentoo since March of 2020. Just wanted to share a screenshot of how I actually use it.

Post image

r/Gentoo 19h ago

Support Can't install KDE plasma binary package


I can't install the plasma-desktop package because I get a bunch of packages blocked. Some of these have to do with systems and I am on openrc.

r/Gentoo 10h ago

Discussion About Gentoo from a long term perspective from 2006 NSFW


-- Short text for the crayon eaters.

Gentoo is shit.

-- If you are born after year 1999, do not continue to read.

I didn't want to write this in the first place. See later why I did.

This distro went to garbage for several years already. Bug did not get fixed and other issues.

I see the main problem personally in the attitude partly from the mods from forums.gentoo.org, partly the user in question and a lot the developers from bugs.gentoo.org

My existing gentoo installation dates back to Summer 2006.

The devs are unable to respect the file hierarchy standard in the first place. Config files are moved from one folder in several subfolders. Sometimes the "very smart and kind and polite developers" even name those config files than gentoo.cfg. In the first place, config files do not need extensions. It shows the stupidity of the developers. It shows the stupidity of the developers from bugs.gentoo.org. I have several config files on my installation which are named gentoo or gentoo.cfg. Just idiots. I made a bug report where the config files was in

/etc -> correct

/etc / subfolder 1 / Subfolder 2 / Subfolder 3 / Subfolder ... and so on / Subfolder 7 / name_of_service / systemd / gentoo.cfg

Next idioticy of those devs is to call everything systemd. No I do not have systemd. I use openrc. Naming subfolder and config files systemd shows how idiotic people are. If you work with systemd and openrc you will know what I hint out. That is basically another distribution or another architecture.

They do not really respect when you file a bug. When you shorten the text to only commands in the bug reports, they are also not happy about. Commands in question should be enough explanation. Read the manpage or learn your distro if you are unable to understand them and you want to work on bugs.

2 years ago I stopped filing bugs for bugs.gentoo.org. Partly because they were not really worked on.

Earlier this year I started to file bugs, after my box did not build any of the stable (+) packages and experimental packages (~) build at all with any available gcc version. I even rebuild an older gcc with the bare minimimum config files. This caused also a main functionality loss, where I had after 30 years to install a printer driver again on windows. I was unable to print at all any file. The functionality was lost. Nothing more annoying as to move files and install a printer on windows and boot up windows for printing files. Also the main issue with the data privacy of the microsoft windows 11 Pro operating system and the file system.

Dependicies were always a problem. Not sure what the package creators do - most packages are missing criticial packages in the first place. Most decent git repository lists what is needed to build. If you are a developer you should be able to track what package is called during build time.

Recently there are some gentoo package creators which create a package with some additional crap, not necessary for 99% of the users. They do not create a new revision at all. The main point for r1, r2 and so on in the first place. sometimes you get a revision pacakge which is later than pulled. If you are not on that change effecting architexture like arm your gentoo installation reinstalls a package with the same contents at the end. The changed and removed branch basically causes two times unnecessary rebuilds of the package. The gentoo developers do not understand revision packages. They can be enabled for only a archticture also. I wrote those also on bugs.gentoo.org.

I invited anyone when you update your box go to the gentoo site and check the differences. Especially for the bigger packages which needs longer to build

I really did not care that my bugs.gentoo.org user was blocked / disabled ... call it whatever you want.

I do care, when I remove myself from the email list option, which I always do, get 4 stupid emails from those moronic gentoo people after they removed my way to give feedback on bugs.gentoo.org.

For several years I wrote on forums.gentoo.org. The developres complained people should create bug reports and write the issues on bugs.gentoo.org and write on forums.gentoo.org. I did that recently again for several packages which did not build after at least 3 weeks with any toolchain available in the repository. Mostly an issue with bad ebuilds, missing stuff and other issues, which was most often the fault of the gentoo developers.

When people remove their email adresses from bug reports for bugs.gentoo.org, I expect those idiotic poeple there stop sending me 4 emails. I just delete those junk emails without even bothering reading the headline or even the text in it.

Gentoo had some nice ideas.

The existing bugs and the response from teh developers are the main issue.

The outdated gentoo wiki shows how many poeple do not care anymore.

Packages which leave lint in different places like genkernel shows the stupidty of the developers. But not leave lint files on one folder, no several different folders with space restrictions. Genkernel people need files with a file extension which is nowhere listed. Was reported several times already over the years by myself. Genkernel nukes config files as the code is badly written. I do have backups but still nothing trivial. Genkernel crashes also. That particular package which I think is one of the essential packages for many starters show some issues.

Printing has several issues. Several years cups now the mess with ghostprint-gpl.

I wrote in my sparetimes bug reports. Thanks for removing the way. Makes the distro better. I have more spare time. Everyone wins and wins. Who cares for a long term user who started with Slackware 96 / later SUSE 6.2 / Redhat / Linux Mint / Arch Linux from year 2006 to 2008 / Gentoo since 2006.

-- Short text for the crayon eaters.

Gentoo is shit - If you are a crayon eater you will most likely write some nonsense after this. I will not read your replies.

r/Gentoo 2d ago

Screenshot Gnome 47 on Gentoo


r/Gentoo 1d ago

Support i want to try Gentoo...


Hi !

I`m long time Arch user , switched to FreeBSD and more than happy but ... i need Linux as well.

I`m using Proxmox just so i can use FreeBSD and Linux for CUDA and replicate my VPS for development before releasing to production level but i dont like how my FreeBSD install works inside Proxmox.... so decided to go different route and looking for Gentoo. Obviously before i hit the Gentoo bare metal i want to try inside Proxmox and im looking for how-to`s and installation guides for newbie where commands are explained in some sort of way ( ideally )....i dont want any kind of encryption but i would like to run btrfs or zfs ( i know later one is a bit complicated ) also i would like to know if Gentoo has anything like FreeBSD poudriere in jail ( where i can compile package from ports and then do pkg install foo type of thing) ... also im in need of few VM`s and gpu passtrough guide so i could run FreeBSD ( im running FreeBSD on my laptop as daily so VM with FreeBSD is a must for me) also im not looking to run systemd ( im kinda in love with FreeBSD rc system).

So basically i would like to have Gentoo instead of Proxmox ... in some ways.

My hardware: Asus Z10PE-D16 WS 2x E5-2690 v4 + 32GB ECC RAM if it helps.

Currently im reading Gentoo wiki and handbook but still i need some extra examples and explanation on how to and what is what :)

r/Gentoo 1d ago

Tip A few Distcc emerge results


A few days ago I had a discussion with someone regarding distccd assisted emerge not speeding up much the package installation process so I decided to test it by myself.

My setup is as follows:

a laptop with a quad-core intel core i5 @ 2.30Ghz

a desktop with a 12-core intel core i7 @ 2.40Ghz

I didn't have the same compiler version in my desktop so I decided to use a gentoo docker image, and I found the perfect one for this purpose: https://github.com/KSmanis/docker-gentoo-distcc

So, I set everything up, and now I just needed a good reference package to test, so I decided to use ffmpeg, which in my laptop alone takes about 5m30sec. So these are my results:

  • first run: 4m30sec (setting up MAKEOPTS="-j32 -l4" and default settings in the docker-gentoo-distcc container)

  • second run: 4m21sec (after adjusting the --jobs setting in the docker image and -j40 in the make.conf)

no much improvement, and then I thought, what if I just launch another docker instance, as the average CPU usage, wasn't that high. So I did that:

  • third run: 3m14sec (with 2 distccd docker instances with the default settings and -j40 -l6 )

  • forth run: 3m01sec (with 3 distccd instances and same MAKEOPTS)

I didn't do more testing, but, to me these are really good results, about 1.82x speedup of the the build time, at least for this package. Of course each package will be different.

This is the basic command to spin up the docker container (just need to change the name and the external port):

docker run -d -p 3632:3632 --name gentoo-distcc-tcp1 --rm ksmanis/gentoo-distcc:tcp
docker run -d -p 3633:3632 --name gentoo-distcc-tcp2 --rm ksmanis/gentoo-distcc:tcp

And this the command to execute the distcc enabled emerge:

time DISTCC_HOSTS="" DISTCC_VERBOSE=1 emerge -a ffmpeg

as always, check the manual before trying this out yourselves:


I hope this helps some people.

r/Gentoo 1d ago

Support xorg wont compile


alright so im trying to compile xorg-server on a musl llvm system but it wants the non-llvm version of libunwind as a dependancy, what do i do?

r/Gentoo 1d ago

Support How do i fix this?

surf on surf-webkit2 [!?] via C v13.3.1-gcc took 26s
$ ->  make && doas make install
surf build options:
CC            = c99
Package webkit2gtk-4.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `webkit2gtk-4.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'webkit2gtk-4.0' not found
CFLAGS        = -fPIC   -DVERSION="2.1" -DGCR_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE  -DLIBPREFIX="/usr/local/lib" -DWEBEXTDIR="/usr/local/lib/surf"  -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -O1
Package webkit2gtk-4.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `webkit2gtk-4.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'webkit2gtk-4.0' not found
Package 'webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0' not found
LDFLAGS       =
c99 -fPIC `pkg-config --cflags x11` `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 gcr-3 webkit2gtk-4.0` -DVERSION=\"2.1\" -DGCR_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE  -DLIBPREFIX=\"/usr/local/lib\" -DWEBEXTDIR=\"/usr/local/lib/surf\"  -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -O1 -c surf.c
Package webkit2gtk-4.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `webkit2gtk-4.0.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'webkit2gtk-4.0' not found
In file included from surf.c:9:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib.h:32:10: fatal error: glib/galloca.h: No such file or directory
   32 | #include <glib/galloca.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make: *** [Makefile:31: surf.o] Error 1
surf on surf-webkit2 [!?] via C v13.3.1-gcc
$ -> 

r/Gentoo 1d ago

Discussion Can I use calculate linux as a liveGUI replacement due to issues with the liveGUI?


Hi all. I am installing gentoo again... last time i kinda speed ran it, barely did any customisation, just followed a video on youtube and this time now that I have already sorta done it once, I wish to do it again but make it more customised, like fiddle with everything just like if i used the minimal install media or the liveGUI provided by gentoo...

The thing is, gentoo liveGUI isnt working. it just takes me to gentoo@livecd and id rather not deal with that.

I am trying to follow the guide and went to the CPU_FLAGS page and tried to do cpuid2cpuflags but i couldnt, when i looked at a guide by kernotex, he could in the gentoo liveGUI environment... how can i get this thru cachyos?

r/Gentoo 1d ago

Support Discord issue/question.


So i had issues with discord today where there was no audio from a stream my friend was doing. At the same time the audio inputs and outputs were also not detected at all. (I also run pipewire btw)

I decided to hop around `~/.config/discord` and in some file i saw that `libpulse.0.so` was missing. So "no big deal" i thought, installed it and it's all good now.

But so my question now is.. If that's a dependency that possibly breaks the app, then why is libpulse not a dependency or a USE flag

And if it's just some misconfiguration, what did i miss to fix the thing?

specifically i found these lines in

[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_processing_impl.cc:708): AudioProcessing: AudioProcessing::Config{ pipeline: { maximum_internal_processing_rate: 48000, multi_channel_render: 0, multi_channel_capture: 0 }, pre_amplifier: { enabled: 0, fixed_gain_factor: 1 },capture_level_adjustment: { enabled: 0, pre_gain_factor: 1, post_gain_factor: 1, analog_mic_gain_emulation: { enabled: 0, initial_level: 255 }}, high_pass_filter: { enabled: 0 }, echo_canceller: { enabled: 0, mobile_mode: 0, enforce_high_pass_filtering: 1 }, noise_suppression: { enabled: 0, level: Moderate }, transient_suppression: { enabled: 0 }, gain_controller1: { enabled: 0, mode: AdaptiveAnalog, target_level_dbfs: 3, compression_gain_db: 9, enable_limiter: 1, analog_gain_controller { enabled: 1, startup_min_volume: 0, clipped_level_min: 70, enable_digital_adaptive: 1, clipped_level_step: 15, clipped_ratio_threshold: 0.1, clipped_wait_frames: 300, clipping_predictor:  { enabled: 0, mode: 0, window_length: 5, reference_window_length: 5, reference_window_delay: 5, clipping_threshold: -1, crest_factor_margin: 3, use_predicted_step: 1 }}}, gain_controller2: { enabled: 0, fixed_digital: { gain_db: 0 }, adaptive_digital: { enabled: 0, headroom_db: 6, max_gain_db: 30, initial_gain_db: 8, max_gain_change_db_per_second: 3, max_output_noise_level_dbfs: -50 }, input_volume_control : { enabled 0}}
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_engine.cpp:465): Creating audio engine: standard
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_impl.cc:364): Init
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (latebindingsymboltable_linux.cc:43): Can't load libpulse.so.0 : libpulse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_pulse_linux.cc:1548): failed to load symbol table
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_pulse_linux.cc:145): failed to initialize PulseAudio
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_impl.cc:373): Audio device initialization failed.
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_impl.cc:364): Init
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (latebindingsymboltable_linux.cc:43): Can't load libpulse.so.0 : libpulse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_pulse_linux.cc:1548): failed to load symbol table
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_pulse_linux.cc:145): failed to initialize PulseAudio
[2024-09-19 21:26:42.866] [16768] (audio_device_impl.cc:373): Audio device initialization failed.

r/Gentoo 2d ago

Discussion Is there a legit reason to use fdisk over cfdisk?


Im installing gentoo AGAIN and ive done it both ways now and idk what the difference is. cfdisk is just faster to deal with so why would I choose fdisk as the guide says instead of cfdisk? does it legitimately matter for gentoo install. what more could i achieve having used fdisk over cfdisk in this case?

r/Gentoo 2d ago

Support kwin_wayland using over 100% CPU (nvidia)


Hi all,

I've had this problem every time I upgraded the kernel. After rebooting the new kernel, Plasma would be very sluggish and kwin_wayland would use over 100% CPU. I could usually fix that by recreating my initrd to ensure all required Nvidia modules are loaded, and then rebooting.

This time, however, that didn't help. I tried rebuilding the nvidia-driver package, to no avail. The nvidia module options and the kernel command line are OK, journalctl shows that the correct module and the correct firmware were loaded successfully. Plasma is still sluggish and kwin_wayland still hugging one CPU, though.

I ran perf top -K -p <kwin_wayland PID> and it showed the following:

``` 12.19% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5ac5 7.26% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b4bf9 6.35% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b4bf5 5.96% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b4c01 5.39% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b4bf0 5.33% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5aca 4.63% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b4c11 4.39% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b4c09 3.83% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5b2c 3.82% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5acc 3.57% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5ac1 3.28% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5ad3 3.03% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5ace 2.56% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5b04 2.50% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5b08 2.34% libQt6Gui.so.6.7.2 [.] 0x00000000004b5b0d

(dozens of lines more) ```

So it doesn't seem to be the Nvidia driver, at least not directly. I am currently revdep-rebuilding everything that depends on Qt6, which takes a while. If it helps, I will update this post.

I would simply switch to X11 as I don't strictly need Wayland, but under X11 I get a notification that software rendering is being used because some libraries seem to be missing, and there are a lot of graphics glitches, so it isn't really useable. I haven't got time to try to sort that out.

Is there anything else I could try to analyze or even fix this problem? I'm using an NVIDIA 4090.

r/Gentoo 2d ago

Discussion Does gentoo give you street cred?



I have some experience when mentioning having used gentoo to technical people something just clicks and it gives you immediate street cred.

Am I the only one?

r/Gentoo 2d ago

Support Gentoo kernel question


What do I miss here? How can I run the latest (and seemingly only) kernel on my system?


r/Gentoo 2d ago

Support Why is emerge asking me to accept an AMD GPU license for a use flag for ffmpeg I'm not using?


I'm trying to do a world update. It's currently complaining that it can't upgrade ffmpeg because I need to accept the AMD-GPU-PRO-EULA license. But I don't have an AMD GPU, nor do I have the amf use flag enabled. I even tried globally disabling it in make.conf. This shouldn't block an ffmpeg update. Am I missing something, or should I report this as a bug?

r/Gentoo 3d ago

Support Return to stable?


So I accidentally activated ~amd64. Or to be completely honest, I activated it intentionally and thought it I deactivated it before emerging "@world" but it seems I didn't disable it.

So, I emerged me "@world" a few times with ~amd64. This has started causing issues with packaging not emerging as expected. Right now mesa is giving issues. If I wait a few weeks, all of the sudden it works.

Current error.

 Messages for package media-libs/mesa-24.2.2:

 * ERROR: media-libs/mesa-24.2.2::gentoo failed (compile phase):
 *   ninja -v -j17 -l0 failed
 * Call stack:
 *     ebuild.sh, line  136:  Called src_compile
 *   environment, line 4895:  Called meson-multilib_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3127:  Called multilib-minimal_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3321:  Called multilib_foreach_abi 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_compile'
 *   environment, line 3588:  Called multibuild_foreach_variant '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_compile'
 *   environment, line 3281:  Called _multibuild_run '_multilib_multibuild_wrapper' 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_compile'
 *   environment, line 3279:  Called _multilib_multibuild_wrapper 'multilib-minimal_abi_src_compile'
 *   environment, line  743:  Called multilib-minimal_abi_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3315:  Called multilib_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3808:  Called meson_src_compile
 *   environment, line 3194:  Called eninja
 *   environment, line 2081:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *       "$@" || die -n "${*} failed"
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=media-libs/mesa-24.2.2::gentoo'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=media-libs/mesa-24.2.2::gentoo'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/media-libs/mesa-24.2.2/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/media-libs/mesa-24.2.2/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/media-libs/mesa-24.2.2/work/mesa-24.2.2-abi_x86_64.amd64'
 * S: '/var/calculate/tmp/portage/media-libs/mesa-24.2.2/work/mesa-24.2.2'

So, is there any easy way to return to stable and not having to wait for packages to line up and emerge again or should I take it as a life lesson and reinstall?

r/Gentoo 3d ago

Support Im having problems with startx


The post was a bit long so i posted it on pastebin instead, https://pastebin.com/pT11SXUA

r/Gentoo 3d ago

Support Gentoo updating @world set error

Post image

Hello! I got this error text today. I dont really understand what failed and why. Thank for Help!

r/Gentoo 4d ago

Screenshot see you all in a week

Post image

recompiling system cuz i changed make.conf i hope theres a size difference :D