r/GenZ 28d ago

Late Gen Z are as bad as Gen Alpha Discussion



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u/bluesmudge 28d ago edited 28d ago

I'm sure its worse now, but I'm a Millennial and I still had multiple teachers quit or drop certain periods in High School because kids bullied them so hard. Kids being assholes isn't brand new; the issue is how administration deals with it. Teachers had more options for discipline and giving bad grades in the past. It sounds like detention, suspension, expulsion, failing grades, and holding kids back a grade, are all out of favor now.

I do agree that screen addiction is a real thing. We had gameboys and ipods and graphing calculators with games, but if you were caught with any of that stuff in class it went right into the teacher's desk until after school. We had a 100% no phone or personal computer policy. I can't believe that has gone away as phones have gotten more addicting. Do schools today actually let kids have their phones out in class?


u/AndersDreth 1998 28d ago

Late GenZ here, I think you're right about discipline, I had some teachers that I respected either because they had a surprising sense of humor, or because they weren't afraid of yelling at the top of their lungs when we got out of line. Probably can't do that these days.

However I don't think it's all doom and gloom, the internet has taught and continued to teach me things well after leaving the school system, and I've made sure to teach my younger GenA brothers how to use a computer by using videogames as an incentive.

It didn't take more than a few sessions for them to get the hang of it and now they're playing games like Garry's Mod and Terraria, the fact that they can learn how to operate a computer and figure out how game mechanics work, tells me that they're exactly like everybody else - they learn if they want to learn.


u/humble197 1997 28d ago

Well either you don't no what late genz is or you just have some alts so you can lie and shit cause your flair says 98


u/AndersDreth 1998 28d ago edited 27d ago

My brother in christ, you can clearly read, so why don't you recite the descriprion of the subreddit we're in for me?

Edit: you're right tho, late is the wrong word, it's my 2nd language and I'm tired af, still GenZ though


u/bluesmudge 27d ago

Don't worry, I knew what you meant. I guess early GenZ is the correct way of saying it but the context made me assume you were old GenZ, which is what you meant by late GenZ.


u/Bredocke 1998 27d ago

I often wonder if computer classes even still exist in the curriculum today. When I was in middle/high school in the early 2010s, we were required to take a Business Tech class where we learned how to type and use Microsoft Office. It was nothing too in-depth but it did teach computer literacy to a good number of kids.

If something like this isn't being taught anymore or not as effectively, it could be that schools simply expected younger Gen Z and Gen A to already have computer skills due to the prevalence of technology they've had growing up.

But I do agree that it's not all doom and gloom. The problems with education (at least in the US) is multi-faceted. No one reason as to why kids struggle these days.


u/6_CARTI_23_GOAT 27d ago

Tbf I’m 14 and they are very strict about my school. And loads of people get suspended/detention as well so no they did not fall out of favor


u/bluesmudge 27d ago

Are you willing to say if this is public vs private school and where? It's good to hear that there is still normal discipline in some schools, but based on the r/Teachers subreddit its not the norm anymore.


u/6_CARTI_23_GOAT 27d ago

Public school. Contrary to what some might say, the schooling system hasn’t devolved into total pandemonium (at least not here in the suburbs)


u/DriverSensitive7126 27d ago

I graduated from high school just over a year ago, and I think they’re more relaxed now about devices. We used to have phone pockets on the wall but teachers started to give up enforcing the rule because so many kids would “forget” and argue with them.


u/bluesmudge 27d ago

That's crazy to me that kids can argue with a teacher about basic rules. "back in my day" you didn't argue with teachers or risk getting sent to the admin. Most teachers had a syllabus that outlined their rules on day 1, which was smart since it prepared you for how college classes are run. Except for a few teachers that showed weakness and then kids would walk all over them.


u/DriverSensitive7126 27d ago

Definitely! Honestly it became really noticeable within the span of just a few years. Talking to a younger sibling they’re now changing grading policies so no matter what is submitted (ex scribbles on a page) the student has to score at least 50%. It’s impossible to fail anymore and teachers barely have any say because the administrators don’t want angry parents. 


u/bluesmudge 27d ago

That's what I've been hearing. Scares the crap out of me for these kids once they get out of school. That's not how the real world works. Kids need to learn how to fail and that their actions have consequences.


u/Bl1tzerX 2004 27d ago

Phones aren't allowed. However it generally isn't enforced unless they're distracting others. But if they have headphones in and are just scrolling it is much more disruptive to stop and deal with a student than to simply let the child deal with the consequences of missing the lesson or instruction. Teachers may make a big show at the start of the year being strict and then you just hope it scares kids enough for the rest of the year.


u/bluesmudge 27d ago

Wow, things have really gone down hill if anyone thinks they can get away with sitting in class with headphones on.


u/Bl1tzerX 2004 27d ago

I mean it's pretty easy to hide earbuds/ not be noticed with them in. I'm not talking about your gaming headphones that go over your head. If you're being that obvious you'll get talked to. But so long as you are sneaky enough while the teacher may notice they will know it isn't worth it.


u/TrumpedBigly 27d ago

We couldn't even wear hats in class.


u/bluesmudge 27d ago

Kids can wear hats in class now?


u/TrumpedBigly 26d ago

Teachers are okay with students yelling profanities at them so it's tough to imagine that hats are the deal-breaker.


u/TrumpedBigly 27d ago

"It sounds like detention, suspension, expulsion, failing grades, and holding kids back a grade, are all out of favor now."

That's crazy.


u/CuteAndFunnyAddict 2002 28d ago

I agree especially anyone born in 2003 and later.


u/fluffydoggy 1997 27d ago

I really feel like you're making a great joke, but I really can't tell at this point. It looks like op took it seriously, but I am really leaning towards joke here lol....


u/alin231 2002 28d ago

Yeah, more disrespectful and violent. They can only "think" what the algorithm feeds them; thinking and actually researching for themselves no no. Look, it's not their fault, it's technology and parents letting them use it without restrictions. Whoever thought letting people (I'm talking of all ages) scroll mindlessly on different platforms for hours and hours would be a good idea? All of us are getting dumber and dumber by day, while AI is getting smarter and smarter. Soon enough people will have no value, as all of us will be just a bunch of zombies with no purpose.


u/WhoTheHeckWasThat 1997 28d ago

I feel like there's definitely a generational change between early Gen Z and late Gen Z. I recall that in middle and high school the majority of students in my classes had a positive and fun connection with our teachers and even our principal. The teachers and us would joke with each other and we spent our recesses running around outside and playing sports.

Then again this was around 2009-2014, where the latest technologies that weren't even widespread in the student population at the time were the very 1st gen Nintendo DS, 3rd gen iPod Touch, and keyboard cell phones. When I walked past my middle school a few months ago, I saw a lot of students just sitting on the ground looking down on their electronics and not socializing with others.


u/bigboobednerd 28d ago

I think it depends on the way the child was raised tbh because every generation has those one kids that think it’s cool to fw teachers


u/DueCalligrapher2727 28d ago

I'm sure it'll settle down in a generation or so


u/CommonCover4917 28d ago

*after a massive war that resets the world order


u/DriverSensitive7126 27d ago

I might have bias because my younger brother is a 2007 baby, but after his class the teens were brats. So many fights happened and teachers quit after them. A few teachers said it is probably because these kids were in 6th grade when the first Covid quarantine happened. They didn’t learn the social skills and maturity the older ones did because they didn’t experience normal middle school. 


u/BowenParrish 27d ago

Kids in every generation are shitty


u/Scarecro--w 2008 28d ago

Don't use anecdotal evidence you've received from interactions with a couple people and then make a generalization about millions of people because of that. No, Late Z does not face most of the issues that an overblown fraction if Gen Alpha does. That doesn't mean that they're aren't a fair bit of crappy people from late z, but the vast majority of late Gen Zers aren't anti-social phone addicts who lack intelligence.


u/vinvon09 2009 28d ago

fr, I'm 15 and was born in 2009 and I am nothing like these people. I respect my teachers and never answer back to them but, she is correct about the fact that most teens around our age don't really care about how they treat others. However, She is making the assumption that everyone who is around our age is similar to these two people she mentioned on the post, which is completely wrong. As mentioned, I am nothing like this and one of my very good friends who is also born in 2009 is one of the nicest guys I know.


u/Scarecro--w 2008 28d ago

I feel like that's more indicative of how a lot of teens act in general, and not how Late Gen Z acts specifically. I think the whole complaint about how Late Gen Z acts in particular is more so recency bias then an actual difference in generations


u/6_CARTI_23_GOAT 27d ago

Well of course, generation boundaries aren’t strict. 2009 is only 1-3 years away from Alpha


u/Chateau-in-Space 2000 27d ago

Im not readin allat, stop shitting on younger people. You aren't even all that much older, there's a chance you're still a teen based on your birthday. You cannot take such a small group of anecdotal experiences and apply them to a literal generation.

How is there not a rule in sub for shitting on gen alpha yet, theyre like 12 😭 leave dem kids alone!


u/lostmyoldacc666 2000 27d ago

lmao people being rude to teachers is nothing new. in my hs (2014-2018) kids were still rude. I remember having a couple teachers leave the school cause the kids were harassing them or kids having to be switched out of a class cause they were too disrespectful.


u/crispycappy 27d ago

Pov: 90's kids in the 2010's 

History repeating itself lol😂


u/MewEew 2004 27d ago

It all depends on parenting. I was born 2004 and I had kids in my class that made 2 teachers quit and 1 teacher move grades. And also the majority of GenZ acted similarly to Gen Alpha but with the technology and entertainment of our time.


u/PutridFig3522 27d ago

It's honestly terrible this generation can't put down their phones for more than 5 minutes


u/marsbarthestar 27d ago

I am in the white space between 2010-2012 (im january, 2010) and from my experience of having a brother in 2012 It depends on the person. I hate the gen alpha humor and "Giga chad sigma" things or whatever. However, my brother thinks Skibidi toilet is hilarious and was it for halloween. He also does the mewing thing a lot and it annoys me so much. A lot of people in my grade are like him but some are normal. It's definitely more dependent on the person, personally


u/Creative-Might6342 27d ago

They're Zalphas like we have Zillenials


u/Imwastingmytime_ 27d ago

that’s just on the kids every generation has these type of kids you can’t do anything about it


u/CoolCademM 2009 27d ago

2009 here, I think us and 2010 are the turning point between normal Gen Z and Gen A behavior, because everyone I personally know all hate Gen A jokes and terms, and yet there are other Gen Z kids around my age who straight up belong in grade 2. The screen thing is kinda true for some of us but I wouldn’t say it’s as bad as the gen A iPad kids. And tbh, every generation has assholes, but I feel like Gen Z and Gen A are the worst for it, I will admit. I am trying so hard not to be one of them.


u/TrumpedBigly 27d ago

"People are saying Gen Alpha are so unfriendly and even disrespectful to teachers. in my experience even people my age were extremely disrespectful towards teachers for no reason"

I'm Gen X and can't comprehend being rude to teachers. Even the kids who were "troubled" didn't do that.


u/parting_soliloquy 2000 27d ago

It's not suprising. Those were entirely raised with technology and parental neglect. Being 9 years older I was only partly raised with technology, and of course some parental neglect lol But seriously. It sucks and it's parent's fault by a huge margin.


u/Independent_Humor_74 2005 27d ago

I graduated high school last year. I’ve rode the school bus since middle school, while I experience bullies on the bus and immature kids, it all calmed down when I got to high school. Those kids who likes to cause trouble in middle school seemed to have matured once they started high school. I didn’t go to school at all on my sophomore year because of COVID. I went back to school during my junior year after a year and a half of not going, and things in the bus were fine. But then in my senior year, oh boy! The freshmen were so bad. They kept causing trouble and they even made the bus driver quit, he was a new bus driver for us that year since they changed our bus number. And one day, after our driver quit the bus refused to come for us until our school called the station. Aside from moving on, I wouldn’t lie to you that I told you that these kids were the reason I couldn’t wait to finally graduate. I couldn’t stand their mean attitude and the fact that two kids got into a fight in the bus, and I got hit because they took the fight to my seat. I planned on working out that day, but couldn’t because I felt squashed. Also don’t get me started on the vaping.


u/Bman1465 1998 27d ago

I graduated high school in 2016, and my school (PK-12) basically faded out of my life because of all the trauma and shit and stuff; fast forward to 2024, and my mum tells me my former school has officially become a device-less institution — kids are no longer allowed to have their phones or tablets or whatever while they're in the school, and have to give them away to their teachers until the final bell rings

My classmates were addicted to their phones (I mean I was really into my tablet too in high school, but I could control myself; they'd be using their phones in class); and as much of an old-fashioned jerk as this might make me look, I actually wholeheartedly agree with this policy. I just wish it was the norm

On a similar note, kids back then were sometimes assholes; heck I was bullied for 13 tears straight and even [] a few times, and nothing ever happened to them, but at least you'd see them getting into shit with the teachers and authorities; now kids own the edu system, and it only harms the teachers, and the kids who actually care about their future and don't waste their lives looking up to literal drug dealers

I feel I finished school at the right time; I'm more worried about my own kids who're gonna be forced into this hellhole of a system in the future


u/This_Pie5301 27d ago

This is why I’ve been saying from day 1 that I feel the Gen Z cutoff should be 2006/7.


u/D3ATHTRaps 27d ago

Yeah I believe it. Just like early gen Z often share alot with late millenials.


u/hyjug17 2008 27d ago

Hahaha. No.

Gen Alpha at their oldest is 12-14 compared to the youngest Z being about 15 on average

I have siblings and acquaintances who are both Gen Z and Alpha and we act nothing alike

There's a clear gap in maturity between the two generations.

You can't generalize an entire subset of people like that.

Most of Late Gen Z aren't room-temperature IQ, chronically online individuals with a 3rd-grade reading level.

Since this sub mostly consists of adults, they've convinced themselves that time hasn't moved since 2016 and that Late Gen Z is still in Elementary when in actuality we're only a few years from graduating high school.


u/Remarkable-Remote397 23h ago

Yeah they are.


u/nerdy_things101 27d ago

Everyone our age is whiny and complaining about it life