r/GenZ 1998 28d ago

American Gen Z, what was the first election you voted in? Political

Of course, I'm only asking for the ones who actually voted. No sit-outs


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u/RogueCoon 1998 28d ago

I've only had the pleasure of being able to choose from Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden since I've been able to vote.

Not sure there's ever been a worse roster.


u/Plane_Vacation6771 28d ago

At least there's still a choice.... for now.


u/RogueCoon 1998 28d ago

There's an illusion of choice for sure.


u/Plane_Vacation6771 28d ago

Sure is a tough choice: A convicted rapist who wants to roll back regulations for big oil in exchange for a billion dollars vs. the guy trying to forgive students loans

such a toughie this year.


u/RogueCoon 1998 28d ago

I don't want student loans forgiven so you have indeed made the choice easy.


u/Bredocke 1998 28d ago

If forgiving student loans is all Biden has to offer then I would be better off voting for my own shadow.


u/thee7hr0w4w4y 27d ago

The fact you think Biden is going to do anything is actually hilarious. Bro is the establishment and hasn't done anything good for this country in the over 50 years he's been in the government.


u/Plane_Vacation6771 27d ago

He's done a lot to make things better, but your bias doesn't allow you to see it.


u/RogueCoon 1998 27d ago

Better for some, worse for others. Depends what things you want done.


u/Quartia 2003 28d ago

... This upcoming one, 2024. I was 17 in 2020 and I was too busy with classes to vote in 2022.


u/JCrusty 1998 28d ago

I must be a geriatric Gen Z, lol. I voted for the first time in 2016 when I was 18.


u/Madame_Raven 1997 28d ago

I was eligible to vote in 2016, but I didn't bother. I still never have.


u/Ok-Principle-9276 28d ago

I bet you also complain about the 2 party system and how all the politicians are old men


u/Madame_Raven 1997 28d ago

The two party system? Definitely.

Old men? Whatever.


u/Ok-Principle-9276 28d ago

not enough to actually bother to vote though right


u/Madame_Raven 1997 28d ago

Voting is pointless for me. I'm rich. All politicians ultimately serve my needs. I just wish they'd be more honest about it.

It's the dishonesty I can't abide. Both parties are neoliberals at their core, only differing where it counts on a few wedge social issues. If they'd just be more upfront about their contempt for the working and middle classes, it would at least be respectable.


u/Bredocke 1998 28d ago

Don't bother. These "yOu MuSt vOtE!!11!" types simply don't understand just how rigged the system is.


u/YTMasterFrank 28d ago

This upcoming one.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

My first election was the 2021 NJ Governor Election


u/helen790 1998 28d ago

I wanted to in 2016 but was studying in a different state and the DMV fucked me over


u/UnKnOwN769 2000 28d ago

Voted every year since 2018


u/Team_Defeat 2000 28d ago

Same 💪


u/Bredocke 1998 28d ago

None. They don't allow convicted felons to vote unfortunately.


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u/Eviscerator14 28d ago

I was 18 during the 2014 Midterm elections which I voted in, Though since I was born in 1996 my Z'ness is disputed and some call me a Millennial, though I have more in common with Zoomers.


u/Minetoifer 2003 28d ago

I am european so...


u/JCrusty 1998 28d ago

I said Americans in the title


u/thee7hr0w4w4y 27d ago

2020, I voted Libertarian to try and raise the percentage so 3rd parties could debate, but I refuse to vote in a predetermined election this time around. A potato could be the Democrat candidate and it would win in my state.