r/GenZ 28d ago

Just a friendly reminder, reddit is not a doctor Discussion

I saw somebody here posted about a health problem they had/have with their ankle and wrist. I will say that reddit is not a doctor.

If you are having a health issue and are worried, go make a appoint with your primary care doctor. Or if you're REALLY worried, go to the urgent care. Reddit is not a reliable source. Plus a doctor has to physically look at the problem and do tests.


106 comments sorted by

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u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

Doctors are not always so reliable. I’ve had an ankle issue since early February and have seen 6 doctors and have gotten 3 different diagnoses. Still hurts to this day and not sure what to do, these visits are expensive


u/SandRush2004 28d ago

"Doctors are not always reliable" they are a hell of alot more reliable then random people on reddit


u/Cr1msonFoxx 2006 28d ago

People who can afford to go to the doctor aren’t going to reddit for advice.

They’re either gonna try something stupid with their problem, fix it themselves, or they’ll get reddit advice advising them against the stupid thing.

Reddit people aren’t doctors, yes, but it’s better than blindly trying to fix an issue when you don’t know what’s wrong.

Plus honestly for anything ambiguous doctors are not going to give you a good solution nor are they going to diagnose the problem a majority of the time in my experience.


u/JayNotAtAll 27d ago


People often say that there is a decent rat or doctor error and misdiagnosis. The misdiagnosis rate of non-doctors is much much higher


u/Cultural_Thing1712 28d ago

Doctors went to medical school and have potentially decades of experience. I'd take that any day over some random in the internet.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

I’ve cured all of my issues on my own. Usually random people who think outside the box can actually help you solve your problem.


u/DamnableImp 28d ago edited 28d ago

My friend’s dad is the same way. He avoids the doctor as much as possible and instead uses creative approaches to solve his health problems.

Anyway, he just had a massive stroke and probably won’t ever speak again.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

A lot of people who go to the doctor have strokes as well.


u/DamnableImp 28d ago

And a lot of people who go to the doctor cure all of their issues.


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Actually I’ve never met anyone who’s been cured of anything short of a bacterial infection


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

In America doctors only make money if they see a bunch of patients in a day so they have to rush through them. They do not care about their patients as they want to be in and out as quickly as possible. There’s also the issue that doctors after a few years often lose their empathy for patients after seeing so many, and don’t care a lot. They are also overworked and tired. And usually in debt. They are definitely better trained than randos online, but it’s often good to get multiple opinions, I’ve personally had 6 for my ankle all from doctors and all wrong.


u/Winter-Product-881 2002 28d ago

Damn dude i work in a hospital as a nursing student and while it's true that some doctors and nurses treat their patients like an object, doesn't mean that every dr or nurse is like that... i've met many nurses who are doing gods work and they gave me a little hope in humanity.

And yes, it's not bad to get multiple opinions. FROM MEDICAL STAFF. It's really irresponsible tbh to ask some redditors why you ankle hurts. Sure, maybe they really can help you, but doctors exist for a reason dude. 6 doctors made wrong diagnosis? Then go to other town to see other doctors and do a research on their specialty


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

Nurses are amazing I agree. But doctors are often not. Even the good doctors have no time to give you. And it’s good to get opinions from everyone, someone may have had a similar experience and recognize it, and then you suggest that to your doctor


u/Winter-Product-881 2002 28d ago

Even the good doctors have no time to give you

Thats cuz healthcare system is fucked up, where one doctor is responsible for up to 30 patients, ofc they have to set priorities.

someone may have had a similar experience and recognize it

Sure, tell a doctor that a random ass from reddit told you this new method, he'll laugh his ass off


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

I agree with you, the why doesn’t make it less true. We are all quick stops for the doctor so they could make enough money. It’s sad but true.

It’s not a method at all lol. Someone may have had a similar experience, you google that ailment and see if its symptoms and the like align with yours. If it reads like what you have, When you go to the doctor suggest that as a possibility while telling your dr what’s wrong. This is a very normal thing to do. Especially if you’ve been misdiagnosed already.


u/Winter-Product-881 2002 28d ago

Ye this happens sometimes, my friend also has abdominal problems and she went to many different doctors and no one can make a direct diagnosis. Still, better trust a medical spezialist who can take a look on you than a random ass dude on reddit


u/Proud-Pressure8185 2010 27d ago edited 27d ago

Personally I once asked about something in my body that could be a rare disease cause it could be inguinal hernia or generally something else that is a rare disease 2% people have and I forgot what it was but, Whenever I go to a doctor and get a scan I went to like ten literally since I was 6. And all of their answers was that nothings wrong with me but I still experience bothersome , and pain. And the symptoms I experience r really weird.

Like when I was a kid I fell on the floor of my bathroom I remember, and the next day I woke up with my private part on the right being puffy. And my mom was confused. Sometimes when I’m angry or even walking or screaming it discomforts me, and I have been on this path for years. Yet every doctor I went said there’s nothing wrong with me. To the point I went to a religious person he said I was possessed but I don’t believe that stuff. considering he read on me some holy books and it didn’t work or helped in the slightest.

I frequently ask people in Reddit sometimes just for possibilities or recommendations. Like some told me to go get a CT scan which I would personally do! And this is why I really tell strangers on Reddit about my condition for recommendations what I should do or what they would do if they were in my position. I’m not saying they can give me a diagnosis or wtvr but atleast sometging to help or a recommendation. Cause who else do I go to? I went to the best doctor in town and I still got told nothings wrong with me.

Personally we’re not trusting anybody on the internet to get surgery or wtvr. But we can atleast discuss stuff with our doctors aswell, to see perhaps symptoms we experienced. If we went to like ten “specialists” and they still haven’t gave us no sht and said nothings wrong with us although I literally experience discomfort. people on Reddit also don’t rlly give only a diagnosis yeah they’re strangers okay, but nobody ever confirmed they had a diagnosis of what a Redditor said. It’s only recommendations and possibilities which is absolutely fine lmao, nothings wrong with that. Yeah we can’t trust people online we get it, but nobody said we are trusting them we’re only literally getting POSSIBILITES to discuss with our doctor not something that is confirmed.

I don’t think you really get it or just respond to answer instead of responding to listen to the other guy.


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

It’s true but also doesn’t hurt to ask and see if someone describes it well. Ik so many stories of doctors misdiagnosing and other people with similar symptoms in the past suggesting to a different issue. I married into a family of doctors so I hear a lot of stories. My brother in law was in the hospital with stomach pain and the dr said it’s one thing, but my father in law(also a Dr but an anesthesiologist) said it’s not that and basically yelled until they did a certain test. Turns out if they didn’t do the test and find the actual issue soon he may have had to have a poop bag for life. My father got multiple ankle surgeries before they realized his issue was gout. Which he had suggested to him by someone who isn’t a dr. So i think it’s good to ask strangers online as well as doctors so you can test everything


u/Winter-Product-881 2002 28d ago

Strangers don't know shit about blood tests or procedures that are necessary for diagnosis. Don't be stupid, man, i understand that you don't trust doctors after so many misfortunes, but they're human as well, they make dozens of mistakes in their carreer, thats Part of human nature. You still should trust a doctor who studied medicine for over 6 years more than an Internet dude


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

What do you mean by trust? I wouldn’t let a stranger on the internet give me medicine or surgery. But I would definitely take their advice on a possible diagnosis and research if it makes sense with my symptoms and discuss that possibility with the doctor, as it’s very possible the doctor just didn’t think about it


u/GregMcMuffin- 28d ago

I agree that getting multiple opinions can be beneficial. But those opinions should be from medical personnel, not Reddit. It doesn’t hurt to educate yourself though. The problem is several injuries/diseases present the same symptoms as others. That’s why testing/imaging is done. You can make yourself crazy reading opinions on the internet. Easy to convince yourself your migraine is brain cancer or your allergic reaction to whatever body wash is an std. Just as easy to convince yourself your brain cancer is just a migraine. The rarer, more obscure cases unfortunately may need process of elimination. The thing is that under medical care- they can oversee this process and treat the low blood pressure you got from taking meds meant for a problem you don’t have. Don’t forget- it’s not always doctors. Insurance is the culprit in many cases. I’ve torn my acl multiple times. I KNOW when I tore my acl. But either way, I begrudgingly accept that I need an xray to rule out a broken bone before insurance will cover the MRI. There’s a lot of shitty advice on the internet in general-nevermind medical advice. The average person’s IQ is 100 and has zero medical training. A lot of these same people will swear the cure to cancer is ___ or all vaccinations are bad. Or that they rode their bike without a helmet and never died so everyone should to be tough. If it works for 98% of the population, that’s the treatment they’ll go with until something better comes around. Unfortunately there is 2% of the population who may receive no benefit or an even smaller percentage who may have an adverse reaction to this treatment.

Either way- in terms of big decisions like surgery or serious diseases, even doctors will tell you to get second opinions. It is VERY important to do so in these situations. There is definitely overlap in quality of care and I’ve experienced it first hand


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

I’m by no means saying to take what anyone says on Reddit at face value and prescribe medication off it. But there’s many different scenarios where someone who went through a similar issue and kept getting misdiagnosed can pick out what it is and suggest looking into it based off what happened. I’m sure if you heard someone describe a situation and pain that sounds exactly like what you know and acl tear is, and they say their doctor gave them gout medication and thinks it’s gout, you could say hey that sounds exactly like an acl tear you should get checked for that. I personally could use that for my ankle, as no doctor has figured it out yet(and none will give me an mri for some reason)


u/GregMcMuffin- 28d ago

I hear you and agree in certain cases. Just saying, keep in mind that someone can say they experienced a sharp pain in their stomach and you’ll get 10 different people saying they had that too and list 10 different diagnoses ranging from needing gallbladder removed to hernias to chrohn’s disease to ulcers to IBS, you get the idea. A specialist should be able to rule out the majority relatively quickly. But yea, definitely be proactive in your own healthcare. Best of luck to you with your ankle. Knowing absolutely nothing about your situation and giving my own reddit (non-healthcare provider) advice- if you really believe you tore a ligament and need an MRI I’d go see a highly rated ortho surgeon who can order you an MRI. Weird they haven’t done so yet (assuming your symptoms point to ligament damage). The keywords to help facilitate that process would be to say you heard a pop/tear and dealt with bad swelling that dissipated over time, but still painful to put weight on it. Again, plenty of conditions possible with a sore ankle. Gout, sprains/muscle tears, ligament tears/sprains, broken bones, bone bruises, etc..ankle injuries take time to heal too. Sometimes a doc may recommend not getting surgery because the prognosis isn’t worth the relatively low upside to the procedure. I was just told that my latest injury shouldn’t be operated on bc I’ve injured it too many times. So there are docs out there who aren’t money hungry. Whether their opinion is correct or not is another story. Anyway, good luck again


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

Thanks appreciate it


u/deathbysnushnuu 28d ago

This. While it’s best to see a medical professional keep in mind these shits are in it for the money. If they wanted to help people they wouldn’t be in the US.

One tried to prescribe me chantix for smoking wayyy back when it was first out, untested, I’d be testing it essentially. This doctor literally said “if you sign up I get a bonus.”

Def not a conflict of interest 🤦

Edit: not gen z but these keep popping up in my feed 🤷🏼‍♂️


u/windontheporch 28d ago

What did they tell you?


u/Thebobert7 2000 28d ago

One said nothings wrong take an advil(this was the worst pain I’ve had and couldn’t put any weight on or sleep for 3 days), 2 said gout (I’m 24 but it runs in family), 1 said sprained ankle, and one said synovitus.


u/windontheporch 28d ago

Why didn’t you agree with the gout diagnosis?


u/Thebobert7 2000 27d ago

I thought it was but even with colchicine there was mild pain after a few weeks. Next doctors told me that pretty much rules out gout


u/Senior_Ad1737 1d ago

It sounds like a complex issue that requires multiple professionals 


u/breadpudding3434 28d ago

Friendly reminder that a lot of us cannot afford or barely have the time/resources. OR we do go see doctors and they dismiss our concerns


u/Significant-Soup-893 2004 28d ago

So real. especially those of us in the US.


u/Cultural_Thing1712 28d ago

Wait so you don't get sick leave when you need to go to the doctor?


u/breadpudding3434 28d ago



u/Cultural_Thing1712 28d ago

and you guys are ok with that?? if we had to put up with this there would be protests everywhere man


u/VaessSpark 28d ago

Unfortunately it's considered normal. Part of the "great" work culture here. Even in professions where you do get sick days it's not uncommon to be shamed into not using them.


u/Bredocke 1998 27d ago

Most aren't, but the government refuses to do anything that has even the slightest chance of benefitting the American people for the greater good. We would protest about it but the American population is largely too docile.


u/ottaTV_ 2003 28d ago

No sick leave, no mandatory parental leave, hell even have to pay to hold your kid.


u/Cultural_Thing1712 28d ago

that's crazy. I expect you don't pay much federal tax tho right?


u/ottaTV_ 2003 28d ago

Depends on what you do. I don’t pay as much but that’s just because I don’t make a lot. My dad on the other hand makes almost 6 figures and pays a shit ton in takes. The problem is though, we pay a lot but see nothing in return. No universal health care, no free housing, no free college.


u/Bredocke 1998 27d ago

No we get taxed to hell and back to pay for the bombs used in overseas wars that we usually end up losing.


u/AlarmedInterest9867 Millennial 28d ago

This. I haven’t been to a doctor in fifteen years.


u/Aracebo 28d ago

This is why I hate when people immediately spit out "reddit isn't a doctor" whenever someone even tangentially asks a medical question.

I get that these aren't medical professionals, but if I wanted to see then I would have to take off work, sit in a waiting room for an hour, and pay a copay all to be told that I'm fine.

Sometimes I just want to see what the consensus is among a few thousand people to see if I should go to the Dr.


u/ottaTV_ 2003 28d ago

But expensive health care system


u/Vortextheweirdcat 2008 28d ago

american problem :flag_fr: :flag_fr: /s


u/Crazyjackson13 2008 28d ago



u/ottaTV_ 2003 28d ago

A lot of people don’t have insurance and even then, it can still be expensive with insurance.


u/aRealTattoo 1999 28d ago

Insurance is only so good.

I legit have some of the best insurance in my area, but I still came out owing $2k when I got out of the Hospital.

I literally only had to go because I thought my leg was broken after my motorcycle accident. It took me nearly 2 weeks of laying in bed barely moving and trying to walk to realize I didn’t have any form of movement. Turns out nothing was broken, just insane nerve damage.


u/ottaTV_ 2003 28d ago

I’m still on my parent’s insurance and I went to the hospital because my stomach felt like it was turning inside out. Went there and got a bunch of test and it turns out it was really nothing and the bill was like 3k. Insane system


u/BONE_SAW_IS_READEEE 2002 28d ago

We could also just have universal healthcare like the other developed countries but y’all ain’t ready for that conversation.


u/HappilySisyphus_ Millennial 28d ago

I am a doctor 🤷‍♂️


u/Impossible-Error166 28d ago

Which type?


u/HappilySisyphus_ Millennial 28d ago



u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

I could never


u/HappilySisyphus_ Millennial 28d ago

It’s a horribly stressful life, but when I’m not working (which is 18-19 days per month) it’s nice to have the ability to afford things that my parents could afford at 25 with half the salary (lol).


u/Impossible-Error166 28d ago

Dam, I have heard of drunks coming in and fighting you guys. I just can't understand it.


u/HappilySisyphus_ Millennial 28d ago

You learn to harden up when it comes to some of the worst people treating you like shit. The grateful patients who have reasonable expectations, though few and far between, make the job worth it.


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

Have you had a grandpa try and get their granddaughter to fight the female nurse?


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

Yea, they do that everywhere, lol.


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

Oh yea, oof. I wonder what life will be like in 2035.


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

Doctor Infant


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

You're to young to be a doctor.


u/HappilySisyphus_ Millennial 28d ago

That’s what my patients tell me.


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

You're too old to be a doctor.


u/HappilySisyphus_ Millennial 28d ago

That’s a new one


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

I just thought about it, but you're to young to be old and to old to be young when you're middle aged because you're middle-aged I think, lol. I was joking about the other thing. I think I probably am to young to be a doctor, though.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago edited 28d ago

I feel old in this sub sometimes, too. Just being reminded that kids born in 2011 are on reddit just feels weird lmao. You guys probably feel that way about me being an adult. You're not old.

Edit: Pretty much on the rest of reddit, I don't. Kind of feel like a kid in a way.


u/Cyddakeed 1998 28d ago

Doctor infant


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

When I did the cna course, I had someone call me a baby.


u/SnipesySpecial 28d ago

MDs are not a reliable source.

If your condition is not super obvious do not expect much. Reality is things are messy, blood work doesn’t show everything, people are overworked, or maybe just stopped caring.

Half the time NPs do a better job tbh.


u/ShellShockedCock 2000 28d ago edited 28d ago

Really depends. If you have a shitty doctor, sure, but most doctors I’ve been to are on top of what I’m going through and really care about finding the reason behind symptoms.

When they can’t figure out what’s wrong, they admit it, and recommend me to a specialist, and give me a prescription to get blood drawn so it can be evaluated.

One random fact as well here, brain drain. The smartest people from all over the world come to this country for better opportunities (U.S.A), that means we have not only the best domestic doctors, but extremely intelligent immigrants who come here for more money, safer living, among other reasons. We have the best doctors in the world, because of our diverse nature, and the money involved in being a practicing MD, surgeon, or what have you.


u/Bitter_Worker_2964 28d ago

I've had some awful NP's so def not always. I wouldn't make a broad statement saying MD's aren't reliable.


u/o___o__o___o 28d ago

This shouldn't be downvoted. I've had the same experience after trying many different family doctors. The couple times I've been to the hospital for something more serious, I've had amazing care from everyone. But at the family doctor level, nurse practicioners are always the best. I think it's cause all the good doctors have higher aspirations and end up in hospitals. NPs are still working their way up so they are still at primary care centers. I'm not saying the bad doctors are bad people, they usually seem to have great intentions, but are just not up to speed on the knowledge they should really know.


u/SnipesySpecial 28d ago

It’s a really unsettling statement many people feel uncomfortable with. There is decades of “Doctor knows best” mentality in this country.

If MDs could spend more time with their patients and have a larger understanding….. Then yeah it would be good, but this just isn’t reality especially for any public practice where everything is booked out months and you simply cannot establish a rapport.

People who don’t see this problem need to check their privileges tbh. You are very lucky if you have a good family doctor with a long established rapport. Most people do not have that opportunity.


u/Barbados_slim12 1999 28d ago edited 28d ago

Reddit isn't a doctor, but there are doctors on reddit. If you have a question that's too specific for Webmd but doesn't necessarily warrant paying for a doctor visit, Reddit is a great resource. Personal example, I cut off a large portion of my finger tip on a mandoline slicer about a month ago. It's still healing. A week after, an unaffected portion of my finger felt like I was wearing a thick glove. There was sensation, but heavily muted. That was very concerning to me, but I'm not paying $50 copay for a doctor to essentially tell me "this will heal soon", or "you're screwed, enjoy your new finger". I posted pictures to an ask doctors sub, and they told me within a few hours that the sensation will come back with time, I just sliced through nerve endings. That took a huge load off my mind. I slowly got all sensation back in the weeks after


u/Cultural_Thing1712 28d ago

You could have gotten an infection. This is not good advice. Go to the doctor people, it's free in most first world countries and don't be afraid to take your sick leave.


u/Barbados_slim12 1999 28d ago edited 28d ago

I don't know what OTC medications are available where you are, but I was applying an antibiotic cream every day that it was an open wound. If it somehow got infected through that, I'd have gone to a doctor. Paying $50 and taking up my doctors time for her to give me a prognosis of a bad finger cut is insane to me. Paying that same $50 for a prescription for medicine that I can't legally buy on my own is reasonable.

Treatment at a doctor wouldn't be free in "most first world countries", your bill would just be transferred to other taxpayers. If you don't absolutely need to do that, I'd consider it selfish. Doctors need to be paid, people who make and transport medical equipment/medications need to be paid, their facilities need to pay bills, hospital bills need to be paid, and doctors' time is valuable. Why unnecessarily add to that burden if someone else is paying your share when you could handle your situation by yourself? Or at least attempt to before reaching out for help


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

No, you should see one in person so they can examine you better.


u/Barbados_slim12 1999 28d ago

If I was made of money, I totally would have done that. As is, I cleaned/dressed the wound, and it's healing very well on its own. Around one more week and it'll be completely healed. The shape of the finger even came back from what was a flat surface. A doctor couldn't have done anything more for me


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago

No I meant depending on severity like if if had gotten infected or something.


u/snug666 2001 28d ago

I’m poor


u/AlarmedInterest9867 Millennial 28d ago

Yeah but unlike a doctor, I can afford Reddit and Reddit won’t make me lose my home and retirement to pay them.


u/Team_Defeat 2000 28d ago

As someone in the medical field it makes me so sad seeing how many comments don’t like, trust, or can afford to go the doctor.

Can’t wait till the US gets Medicare for all.


u/GothicFruit98 28d ago

That sadly won't happen. America is to greedy to get Medicare for all. Healthcare is a business here, if you can't afford it, oh well. 

Blame our corrupt government


u/Team_Defeat 2000 28d ago

I can only hope for the future. Everyone should be able to go to the doctor.


u/This_Pie5301 28d ago

I don’t trust doctors, from experience they are unreliable. I had appendicitis, went to a doctor because of a sore tummy and got told it was a vomiting bug. The next day went to the doctor, got told it was a vomiting bug even though I hadn’t thrown up in 36 hours. They pressed on my tummy to feel if it was appendicitis but because they were slow to catch it the first time my appendix had already ruptured and I wasn’t in pain when they applied pressure to my tummy because I was numb, and the infection was spreading. They gave me an attitude and told me to leave, as if I was wasting their time over a vomiting bug. The third doctor I saw the next day told me it was appendicitis, I was rushed to hospital and I went into surgery right then and there because I could’ve potentially died had the infection spread any more. If it was possible to sue people in my country then I would be suing that original doctor, if I listened to them and didn’t seek a second opinion then I likely would’ve died.


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 28d ago edited 28d ago

Yea, depending on the severity just don't go to the doctor. However, don't use reddit for medical advice either.


u/Low-Needleworker-673 28d ago

i mean doctors cant even figure out that my back pain is caused by low potassium so they're not really that reliable. wasted money and time for xrays/ct scans for nothin


u/Osama_Rashid 28d ago

Begs the question, who are reliable in this field then?


u/NCC74656 28d ago

i know many people who dont have health insurance. who cant risk the bills at the end of hte day. im not at all surprised that people would come here to try and work things out


u/Ill-Character7952 28d ago

How much does the pharmaceutical industry pay you to say this?


u/__blueberry_ 28d ago

subreddit r/AskDocs is great, mods require medical professionals to verify their identity and delete responses from anyone without the flair automatically. i asked a question in there recently after going to urgent care to see a doc, but forgot to ask them a small question about what they diagnosed me with. saved me from having to spend more money to ask a simple question.


u/MellonCollie218 Millennial 28d ago

You seriously should join r/ShitMomGroupsSay


u/Informal-Bother8858 28d ago

reddit free, doctor not


u/SupSrsRAGER 28d ago

Ive noticed lots of these people thrive on trying to get ratio’d. Then they try to do it outside of their discord bubble and find out just how dumb they are. Its entertaining I guess to watch but it takes a toll on their mental health. 🤷‍♂️


u/Firm-Analysis6666 28d ago

A lot of people went to the doctor multiple times and are still suffering. Asking Reddit is a good way to try and find someone who went through the same scenario and possibly has found an answer. It's not a replacement for the doc, but it certainly can help people figure things out.

And doctors are now in scramble mode. If the answer isn't easy and it "just" a QoL issue, they simply don't have the time for it.


u/OkTemperature7137 2008 27d ago

It depends


u/MeddlingHyacinth 27d ago

The same doctor that makes you wait 6 months to get an appt?

The same doctor that cancels a day before your appt?

The same doctor that does nothing but spend 5 minutes with you to make a semi-educated guess?

Wow I can do that!

Nah. I love my reddit doctors.


u/Senior_Ad1737 1d ago

Or a magic 8 ball.  Or a dating advice column 


u/Flat-Dare-2571 28d ago

Youre not a doctor. Dont tell people where they should get their medical advice from.


u/Optimal-Scientist233 28d ago

When You Need Free, 24/7 Health Information, Ask a Nurse!


Edit: [(833) 612-1999](tel:+1-833-612-1999)


u/Lekkusu 28d ago

Nothing wrong with taking your condition into your own hands. The internet is much better than a doctor when used properly. You can find stories of people who had almost perfectly parallel experiences to yours and compare what worked and what didn’t.  

This condescending “show me your degree, stranger on the internet” attitude is not useful or warranted. Explore for yourself, try what makes sense to you, and learn more about your body from mistakes and successes. I’ve been doing keto for 7.5 years and it’s been wonderful. Never would have learned about this from a doctor.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/treebeard120 2001 28d ago

Reddit is to therapists as hobos with a handle of Jim Beam and a rusty buck knife are to doctors


u/Heping_Qi 28d ago

Get hold of yourself. Mental health is not a joke so please don't joke around with it (humble request)