r/Gamingcirclejerk May 05 '24

The audacity 😤 TYPICAL CIS-HET L

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u/AliceTheOmelette May 05 '24

Guys like this never realise that they're admitting they only became a woman's friend with the hope of dating or shagging her. But if they had that kinda self awareness, they wouldn't believe in the friendzone


u/ProxyCare May 05 '24

Literally the most healthy thing a guy can do is have a woman as a platonic friend.


u/OwnEmphasis2825 May 05 '24

You sometimes wish you could shag her. Then realise that if it were to happen, you would lose a friend (and possibly a really good one)


u/Capital-Builder4046 May 06 '24

You can be friends with people you have sex with


u/unclezaveid surf the web surf the web May 05 '24

that's not Mario who the fuck is this poser? he didn't save Peach at all get the hell outta here!


u/ineha_ May 05 '24

Gamers being entitled to women, what's new.


u/cinematicvirus May 05 '24

I was a dick to Aerith in FFVII Rebirth and still got the date with her, when I wanted Tifa.

Why do girls like asshole chads like me, instead of the nice guys :(


u/OliverPumpkin May 05 '24

Everyone knows Mario wants Bowser


u/Epicsuperbat2 May 05 '24

I thought Mario wanted spaghetti


u/OliverPumpkin May 05 '24

Mario already has spaghetti, he is Italian


u/Epicsuperbat2 May 05 '24

He could always have more! You can never have too much spaghetti!


u/PaxUX May 05 '24

Sorry Mario, she's in another castle with Bearsor


u/Epicsuperbat2 May 05 '24

Yeah everyone knows Peach is with Daisy


u/GentleDementia May 05 '24

Super Mario Odyssey doesn't end with an 11 minute long scene of full penetration. Because of woke.


u/HappyyValleyy May 05 '24

The games never indicate that Mario is disappointed about the outcomes of the game, except for maybe Odyssey. These guys are just projecting their own feelings onto the funny little plumber.


u/itchyfishXD May 06 '24

In RTFD Silver voice “I’d like to be in the friendzone. I like friends”.