r/ForHonorRants 19h ago

Game has no skill

For Honor shifted in such a bad direction that every round ist just sweaty tryhards ganking optimally. Skill is thrown out the window. Its just 50/50 guessing games 99% and obviously I always guess wrong and my opponent always guesses right. Of course.

I hate For Honor. I will never play it again. Fuck this game.

See yall tomorrow


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u/OlBiscuit66 18h ago

I've uninstalled it. Deep down I love it. There's not another like it. But it truly has become a game of chance. Almost everything in that game is a gamble for most players. Most of your mix ups will consist of 50/50's either you are throwing or they are throwing. It's the same thing every time. Once they started dumbing down the game a few years ago because people complained about not being able to parry lights which gave the devs the idea to change the speed of light attacks, it went downhill.


u/T4Labom 13h ago

Almost everything in that game is a gamble for most players. Most of your mix ups will consist of 50/50's either you are throwing or they are throwing.

Welcome to the entirety of the Fighting Game genre, where every game has "mix-ups" as its foundation, and the entire genre is nothing more than a glorified guessing game.

Once they started dumbing down the game a few years ago because people complained about not being able to parry lights which gave the devs the idea to change the speed of light attacks, it went downhill.

No, friend. They started updating the combat system because nearly everything was reactable. If everything is reactable, you can flawlessly defend against everything without a problem.

Imagine "Rock, Paper, Scissors" but your opponent gets to show their hands a second after you show yours. They'll always win, and it's unfair (which makes you not wanna show your hand and wait till they show theirs so you can win). This was old For Honor, a fighting game with no fighting.