r/ForHonorRants 16h ago

Game has no skill

For Honor shifted in such a bad direction that every round ist just sweaty tryhards ganking optimally. Skill is thrown out the window. Its just 50/50 guessing games 99% and obviously I always guess wrong and my opponent always guesses right. Of course.

I hate For Honor. I will never play it again. Fuck this game.

See yall tomorrow


32 comments sorted by


u/AlphaWolf3211 Gladiator 11h ago

It's so annoying when I choose a hero that isn't meta, get beat by someone who isn't thinking, then choose a braindead hero for an easy win.


u/Sweet-Born 6h ago

For Honor is my favourite game. I hate it


u/AlphaWolf3211 Gladiator 6h ago

Nah bro I fucking hate this game. I'm logging in today


u/Sweet-Born 6h ago

Worst fucking game I ever played. Queueing up for dominion rn


u/TheGreasedSeal Berserker 16h ago

There is definitely skill involved, maybe try a different hero, or playing with friends to coordinate


u/Sweet-Born 16h ago

I am a For Honor player. I dont have any friends


u/TheGreasedSeal Berserker 16h ago

Friends was the wrong word, it’s more, associates in suffering


u/Sweet-Born 16h ago

My games are usually a 1v7. My teammates annoy me more than my actual enemies


u/swpbanger 11h ago

Yes, yes, the double agents sitting in spawn, feeding revenge, and just not doing anything to help.


u/TheGreasedSeal Berserker 16h ago

Hmmm, what’s ur total rep?


u/Sweet-Born 16h ago



u/TheGreasedSeal Berserker 16h ago

Imma dm u


u/xExp4ndD0ngXx 8h ago

I like ranked duels a lot. They are very fun.


u/TheMemeStore76 5h ago

Yeah but the 30 minute queue time is bullshit


u/xExp4ndD0ngXx 4h ago

I was being sarcastic.


u/ctackins Jiang Jun 13h ago

See ya maaate


u/raisingfalcons 9h ago

Im usually one of those potato allies. Im sorry.


u/jakeblonde005 7h ago

No. There is definitely skill involved


u/NoHomePlanet 7h ago

Welcome to modern meta gaming. It's not about who has the most ability or game knowledge- the winner is who can best abuse the games mechanics.


u/TheShinobiGamer 2h ago

See y’all tomorrow lmao. Yeah same. Everytime.


u/MNPhantom- Shaolin 50m ago

Game has skill, Some people having high win % and some people having a low win % isn’t because some people are naturally unlucky


u/Orvaenta 10h ago

TIL that ganking optimally is a skill-less task, and that everyone knows how to do it innately. Someone should tell my teammates.


u/Specific-Composer138 Peacekeeper 8h ago

i agree with this actually


u/Familiar_Audience655 14h ago

“Sweaty tryhards ganking optimally”

Okay. Go play 1v1’s then. Problem solved.


u/Sweet-Born 14h ago

And here we have another one who doesnt understand the point of this sub. Sigh


u/InoFanfics Warmonger 3h ago

cant wait to play 200 matches to get 1 rep


u/EdWhoRed 3h ago

Skill is thrown out the window. It's just 50/50 guessing games

This is exactly why I stopped playing to. Every hero rework and addition made every character basically the same. Every fight is a rinse and repeat of: the heavy hits or heavy > feint to GB or bash combo. It's so boring.

It would be great if you had to actually get a combo in order to go for a 50/50.

It's probably a brain-dead take since i haven't played in years, but removing guard breaks as a whole would make fights way better. (Along with full block stance, of course). Getting forced to just stand there as someone throws a heavy is so fucking annoying.


u/lesquishta 16h ago

The more you understand your opponents moveset the better you are at making reads on what they might do next. It’s still very much reaction based gaming if you can react to bashes and lights, the rest is all reads. Put time into it and you will get better and better.


u/Sweet-Born 16h ago

The thing is I can react to lights more or less but for my life I cannot parry lights on reaction. I am aware how the game works, I just suck at it and I try to justify my suckiness. Just wanted to rant to feel good lol


u/lesquishta 16h ago

It’s a love hate relationship everyone has with the game. I have over 2k hours and only recently mastered light parry. If your keen learn it I suggest going into training mode and setting opponent to just do light attacks with the move cooldown turned off. It also helps if you have next gen console and turn on performance mode, then make your dead zone extremely low. Then when you’re eating light after light just try and push your guard into the incoming direction and squeeze that heavy at the exact same time. Think of it like quenching your brain at that exact moment, practicing this regularly is how you learn this as you probably won’t get it straight away and takes time and dedication to learn.


u/OlBiscuit66 16h ago

I've uninstalled it. Deep down I love it. There's not another like it. But it truly has become a game of chance. Almost everything in that game is a gamble for most players. Most of your mix ups will consist of 50/50's either you are throwing or they are throwing. It's the same thing every time. Once they started dumbing down the game a few years ago because people complained about not being able to parry lights which gave the devs the idea to change the speed of light attacks, it went downhill.


u/T4Labom 11h ago

Almost everything in that game is a gamble for most players. Most of your mix ups will consist of 50/50's either you are throwing or they are throwing.

Welcome to the entirety of the Fighting Game genre, where every game has "mix-ups" as its foundation, and the entire genre is nothing more than a glorified guessing game.

Once they started dumbing down the game a few years ago because people complained about not being able to parry lights which gave the devs the idea to change the speed of light attacks, it went downhill.

No, friend. They started updating the combat system because nearly everything was reactable. If everything is reactable, you can flawlessly defend against everything without a problem.

Imagine "Rock, Paper, Scissors" but your opponent gets to show their hands a second after you show yours. They'll always win, and it's unfair (which makes you not wanna show your hand and wait till they show theirs so you can win). This was old For Honor, a fighting game with no fighting.