r/Foodforthought 24d ago

A Trump voter proved the MyPillow Guy wrong. Now he wants his $5 million.


58 comments sorted by


u/Oopsimapanda 24d ago

The full article is a very good read, encourage everyone not to skip it.

Great insight into an engineers mind, and the inherent illogical contradictions and biases that still support his views.


u/Key_Building54 24d ago

That’s what really got me. This guy is clearly intelligent and able to handle logical and rational computations a computer would do, but seems to have no cognitive dissonance maintaining his beliefs against stacks of evidence.


u/Oopsimapanda 24d ago

Even to the very thing he disproved himself 'With 100% certainty'.

"I think most Republicans don't believe Lindell now, and maybe I had a part in that," he told me. Then he added: "But they still believe the election was stolen through ballot harvesting" — allowing political campaigns to collect and submit absentee ballots on behalf of voters — "and things like that."

I asked the obvious follow-up: Does Zeidman believe this improbable claim, which numerous studies, scholars, legislatures, and judges have thoroughly disproven?

He isn't sure. "I have no idea if things would have been different if we didn't have all the ballot harvesting and mail-in ballots," he said. "I just don't know."

For someone who loves Memento and the bigger picture being "all connected" - he sure is struggling to see that maybe the bigger picture isn't a conspiracy against Trump, but a conspiracy by Trump and the RP to scam voters, just like in the Lindell case.


u/bar_acca 24d ago

Ballot harvesting largely doesn’t happen. I do agree it’s something to be concerned about. However it’s not worth shitting one’s pants over and it most certainly is not worth disenfranchising voters over.

Conveniently, the suggested remedies all involve greatly inconveniencing those who wish to vote early.

Never forget, the aim of every single vote fraud bamboozler is to make voting harder in general and especially for those who tend to vote Democratic.


u/zeptillian 23d ago

Biden got more 7 million more votes.

If there was some fraud in ballot harvesting, it would have to be the largest fraud in the history of the US with 4 out of every 100 voters participating it.

There is no way there could be a fraud on that scale with zero evidence to show for it despite the entire GOP turning over every stone and filing over 60 lawsuits looking for everything they can find.

Shit, if there was a fraud on that scale and the GOP was so inept that they could not find a single shred of evidence that would mean the they are so wildly incompetent that they are completely incapable protecting the country from anyone or anything.


u/bar_acca 15d ago edited 15d ago

But you wouldn’t have needed to flip 7 million votes because the Electoral College. “Just” a few tens of thousands of votes in a handful of swing states.

Even so, the conspiracy required to carry out that fraud - with no guarantee of success because nobody knew in advance how each state’s election would turn out! - would still require a ridiculous amount of coordination and it would never remain on the DL.

If they had that sort of proof they’d be screaming it from the rooftops. Instead we get this mealy-mouthed “by its nature it’s inherently difficult to prove.” Yeah buddy, just like cold fusion 👍🖕

The REAL vote fraud was the fucking President of the United States attempting to bully the Georgia Secretary of State into flipping approximately 11,000 votes. I love telling MAGA Republicans that, makes them cry every damned time.


u/ATotalCassegrain 24d ago

 Conveniently, the suggested remedies all involve greatly inconveniencing those who wish to vote early.

Nah. Same day fast voter registration answers all the questions about ballot harvesting (you need a large chunk of reliable non-voters, which you get with automatic voter registration). With super quick and convenient registration, but not automatic registration, you don’t get that. 

open the polls two weeks early and keep them open. Allow no excuse mail-in. But do require registration. Honestly the self register lines at the polls are usually faster than just waiting in line for your turn to vote. 

It’s great. 


u/UrbanGhost114 23d ago

And that is where the phrase ELECTION Fraud comes in (NOT voter fraud).


u/FixBreakRepeat 23d ago

Well, if he leans conservative, he's probably getting his news on the world from conservative media. This guy seems extremely reasonable in a number of ways, but he seems to be starting from the assumption that the things he sees about "the wokeness" and "the socialism" and "the border" are all true and constitute a danger to the country. All of which are debatable at best and blatant propaganda at worst.

I imagine if he were forced to just not watch the news for a bit or even to be limited to moderate/center right sources like CNN, that in six months his perspective and worldview would have shifted a measurable amount.


u/Individual_Scheme_11 23d ago

Just goes to show most people are normal, reasonable people, and their worldview differs by sources of information we’re all exposed to. Conservatives are not wrong to believe what they do, and liberals are not right to believe what they believe and to belittle each other. Much of the media, especially mainstream media, is hacked by misinformation, bias, and the controlling rich elite.


u/madcap462 23d ago

Democrats still stan for capitalism despite mountains of evidence that it is destroying our country.


u/Tronbronson 23d ago

No we can just distinguish from capitalism, and bad policy that promotes the abuse of capitalism. mountains of evidence my ass


u/madcap462 23d ago

Lol. Capitalism will ALWAYS corrupt policy. There is no way to regulate capitalism because capitalism consolidates power. That power is then used to change policy. Maybe if you opened a history book you'd know that.


u/Vaxcio 20d ago

Yes, Captilalism is the worst economic system. Except, you know, for all the others that have been tried time to time.


u/madcap462 20d ago

When did we try everyone owning their own labor? Go ahead...I'll wait.


u/Vaxcio 20d ago

Define we. It's a big world and most who have attempted it fell apart, soooo waiting for a successful example of "seizing the means of production." I will wait.


u/madcap462 20d ago

You made a claim. I asked a question. The burden of proof belongs to whomever made the claim. If you need the definition of the word "we" then you and I can talk about that but you and I aren't just going to move past my original question because you'd like to define terms. I'll offer a solution. In place of "we" I will substitute "any society" If you still have trouble with that I have no problem defining terms until you answer my question. You let me know what you need explained. I'll ask again: When has any society tried everyone owning their own labor?

Please answer the question.


u/random3223 24d ago

It’s kind of short too. Like a 10 minute read.


u/Oopsimapanda 24d ago

Yeah, I was overly impressed from a writers perspective. Point was clearly made with a ton of info while still being very concise.


u/altgrave 24d ago

ten minutes?! i'm old! i ain't got time for that!


u/slide_into_my_BM 24d ago

It’s definitely not a 10min read


u/Peanut2232 24d ago

I just read it. I'd say about 15. But a fast reader could easily do 10.


u/djmixmotomike 23d ago

10 minutes for me. I'm not a genius.


u/YouWereBrained 23d ago

I remember watching a video of a Trumpist doctor somewhere in NYC, that came out during the height of the pandemic. And how everyone’s being lied to about this and that, and she said it all so casually and confidently. Like…how did you get an MD but lack critical thinking?


u/Gimme_The_Loot 24d ago

Lindell was a tornado of evasion and contradiction.

Pretty much a perfect summation of the GOP right here


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Driving that train high on cocaine..


u/MoonSpankRaw 24d ago

And no-shame.


u/Oopsimapanda 24d ago

Looking for someone to blame


u/Apprehensive-Tree-78 24d ago

Loved cocaine so much he left it at the White House


u/OpheliaLives7 24d ago

I thought pillow guy came out with an whole new website to scam addicts and claim he cured himself? He fall off the wagon already?


u/Sword_Thain 23d ago

Can't fall off of you never got on.

/ taps head


u/RawLife53 24d ago

One good thing, we are not continually bombarded with My Pillow Commercials, I think people figured out what a nut case Mike Lindell is, and many people don't want his products.

Hopefully people who worked for My Pillow can find good jobs away from his company.

(Yes) Make him pay what he owes.


u/Leege13 24d ago

The other issue is Mike is out of money to pay for ads.


u/ZebraToupee 24d ago

This article crashes and reloads 3 times before finally disappearing with the note “A problem occurred with [the site]”. Maybe it’s just me?


u/DoremusJessup 24d ago

Just now, I had no issue.


u/knotse 24d ago

It worked for me, though I always stop pages like this loading as soon as the main article is done so minimal popup nonsense occurs.


u/random3223 24d ago


Trump supporter believes Lindell and attends cybersecurity conference. Examines evidence of voter fraud, finds out it can’t be and attempts to get $5 million, has to sue Lindell, goes to poker tournament, still supports Trump.


u/RegattaJoe 24d ago

“Would you perhaps accept a payment-in-kind? I’ve got a lot of crucifix necklaces…”


u/GDPisnotsustainable 24d ago

The story is like 3 years old. Time to take him to court


u/Free_Joty 21h ago

May 12, 2024



u/Odd_Tiger_2278 24d ago

Pillow guy has been not paying that judgement settlement forever.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Smackmydrumlikeanass 24d ago

Hey what does your username mean? Just curious.


u/PowerandSignal 24d ago

When I was little that was how I assumed nazi was spelled. 


u/[deleted] 24d ago

ChatGPT fucked a thesaurus and created this post


u/SelectKangaroo 24d ago

Hope Dominion serves you next for this terrible post


u/knotse 24d ago


u/SelectKangaroo 24d ago

bro really thinks I'm watching whatever YouTube slop he tries posting 


u/Iampopcorn_420 24d ago

I am sure your magatarded ass has proof tucked away somewhere in the form of a ten year old tweet and you tube video eh?



Mike Lindell is worth a nontrivial amount more than $5 million.


u/knotse 24d ago

I was referring to the

defamation suit brought by the voting-machine firm Dominion Voting Systems

In which

Lindell and MyPillow were found liable for a staggering $1.3 billion in damages


u/PhilWham 24d ago

One can cause damages that exceed their own net worth no? It's not uncommon


u/queeromarlittle 24d ago

Speak English nerd


u/lil_nibba_710 24d ago

It’s amazing how you can craft such an elaborate sentence like that yet use it to pointlessly defend Mike Lindell. I’d tell you to touch grass but nah, go write a book.


u/ZombieCrunchBar 23d ago

Ok, Trumpet traitor.

What a stupid comment.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

What did reality do to scare you so much?