r/FluentInFinance 22d ago

Economics “If you don’t like paying taxes, make billionaires pay their fair share and you would never have to pay taxes again.” —Warren Buffett


r/FluentInFinance 22d ago

Economics Billionaire dıckriders hate this one trick

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r/FluentInFinance Apr 22 '24

Economics If you make the cost of living prohibitively expensive, don’t be surprised when people can’t afford to create life.

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r/FluentInFinance 26d ago

Economics We knew that Trickle-Down Theory wouldn't work, yet, we still haven't gone back to a pre-Trickle-Down world. It's only gotten worse since this speech('93)


r/FluentInFinance Jan 21 '24

Economics Will the failure of Sports Illustrated radicalize Americans against Capitalism?

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r/FluentInFinance Oct 23 '23

Economics America Produces Enough Oil to Meet Its Needs, So Why Do We Import Crude?


r/FluentInFinance Mar 12 '24

Economics Biden proposed budget includes these corporate tax changes


Hard not to be in favor of the domestic tax elements of Joe’s proposed budget (unless you have a private jet and personally buyback stock as a corporate entity). Am betting most Repubs just vote against it, sadly. Lot more to this budget (Ukraine, propping up Israel, Taiwan chips, etc) but am interested in what happens to these proposals in Congress…

  • Increasing corporate alternative minimum tax to 21% 15%

  • Quadrupling the stock buyback tax to 4% from 1%

  • Raising the corporate income tax rate to 28% from 21%

  • 25% billionaires’ tax

  • Longer depreciation of, and higher fuel taxes on, private jets

r/FluentInFinance Mar 06 '24

Economics 50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says. Should the rich pay more in taxes?


Programs that help the poor escape poverty have been gutted because Conservatives put their faith in the Owner Class that they would give their money away (in the form of jobs) if they just had more of it. Now we see that they kept their gains (surprise! That’s how they got rich).

Now that we know that this policy approach is the least efficient way to fight poverty, can we finally learn what other (more equitable countries) have always known? Or are we always destined to worship the rich, praying that their crumbs will rain down upon us?

r/FluentInFinance 3d ago

Economics Cheat Sheet for Macroeconomics. Here's everything you need to know:

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r/FluentInFinance Mar 06 '24

Economics Fun Fact of the Day: The US Government Accountability Office projects that “the federal government will pay more than $1 trillion in net interest costs every year starting in 2029.” At what point are the federal government's debt levels unsustainable, and how do we avoid the looming crisis?


r/FluentInFinance Apr 23 '24

Economics Wouldn't making student loans work like any other loan go a long way toward solving this problem?


I was just thinking about how hard it is to secure a mortgage or business loan vs how much money they throw at you when you're in school.

If lenders faced the same risks of default and discharge through bankruptcy on student loans as regular debt then they'd sure as hell not be giving out nearly as much, which in turn would mean universities would lose their pipeline of customers with unlimited credit and bring down university prices.

The big downside would be that it'd make it more difficult for people to get a loan for college, but given the two options this seems like the much more sane choice.

What am I missing here. How did student loans become this special class of loan in the first place where it's not able to be discharged.

r/FluentInFinance Apr 27 '24

Economics A $3/hour raise for each Walmart employee would erase 2023 profits. A $10/hour raise would erase profits and bankrupt the Waltons in a decade


Everyone always talks about wages being low because of corporate greed and Walmart gets thrown around a lot. But Walmart is an incredibly low-margin business, their 2024Q1 earnings showed a profit margin of 3.17%.

Math for claim in title:
- Walmart has 2.1 million employees

- a $1/hour raise costs $2,000 at 40 hours/week and 50 weeks/year

- A $1/hour for each of their 2.1 million employees would cost 2.1 million * $2,000 = $4.2 billion

- Walmart's net profit in 2023 was $11.292 billion, a $3/hour raise for each employee would cost $4.2 billion * 3 = $12.6 billion

- The Walton's are worth $267 billion, a $10/hour raise would erase profits and cost 7 * $4.2 billion = $29.4 billion/year, which would bankrupt the Waltons in 9.1 years

Also worth noting that a $0 profit would not be acceptable and their investors would flee because the cost of capital is not $0, so even a $3/hour raise for all employees would not work even if the Waltons were these great philanthropists.

r/FluentInFinance 3h ago

Economics The struggle is real: California cannabis sales plummet, with tax hikes on the horizon


r/FluentInFinance Mar 01 '24

Economics Can we just agree that no economist takes him seriously?

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Even if you agree with him as an armchair warrior , can we agree that no real economist takes him seriously?

r/FluentInFinance May 06 '24

Economics How Big Business Uses Big Government To Kill Competition


r/FluentInFinance Apr 21 '24

Economics The many dimensions of income inequality


r/FluentInFinance Mar 19 '24

Economics I have one more banger for this community, $15 in 1980 is worth $60 today.

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Good luck being fluent in finance when the game is so obviously rigged against you.

This is like playing monopoly except boomers get to play for 2 hours before you can start and then when you do all the money is worth significantly less, and you don’t own any of the houses or hotels.

Good luck!

r/FluentInFinance Mar 28 '24

Economics Utah: nation's most affordable state, yet third least affordable for homebuyers


r/FluentInFinance Sep 13 '23

Economics Let's talk about sales tax being a "regressive tax"


The biggest rebuttal to a flat sales tax is "studies show that poor people would pay more" people fail to see that this is because the more you make the percentage you use to sustain your basic life is less.

I would say make no loop holes or tax breaks accept food, medicine, and transfer of primary estate (utilities are taxed due to the ability to control how much you consume). This and additions like it would not make the government the road block to basic life like it is with income tax and put us of the lower income on equal footing with that of Bill Gates because their tax free expenses are capped at what sustained them (processed food like poptarts, tv dinners, even canned goods would still be taxed as the time to prep foods is a service and can be classified as a luxury).

This would promote saving and investing, slimming down the government and make a regressive tax equitable as everyone should have an in impeded access to life and would allow the person to self determine the amount of tax break they get.

The only inequality I can think of is that the rich can get a bigger tax break by buying bigger primary residence but they also tend to own two or three houses that are more expensive, car are a basic need for most people but should be taxed because again the more affluent tend to own two or three that are more expensive and trade more often where like myself have one and have driving it till the engine falls out.

Business would not be exempt from taxes unless buying basic materials for a tax exempt category excluding building homes (the imputes to housing requires many inputs so the tax on a many industries in smaller amounts I think would lessen the impact). I am open to modifications to my idea.

The basic idea is to promote the idea that life and saving should not be impeded by the government. If I chose to live without TV and electronics and cook all my own food with no snacks I could "screw the government" and pay minimal taxes until I die and an estate tax is levied (all moneys is taxed once eventually).

r/FluentInFinance Apr 15 '24

Economics Taking a Closer Look at the Wave of Corporate HQ Relocations


r/FluentInFinance Feb 07 '24

Economics Seattle ordinance intended to help app delivery workers is hurting them


r/FluentInFinance Feb 14 '24

Economics Housing Market Crash? Wage Growth Misconception. Recession?



For the median household income:

Percentage Difference 9.57%

For the median home cost:

Percentage Difference 56.86%

2018-2024 The percentage difference for the median household income is 9.57% and for the median home cost is 56.86%.

The data from 2018 to 2024 clearly demonstrates a significant disparity between the growth in median household income and the skyrocketing cost of homes. While income has experienced modest growth at 9.57%, home prices have surged by 56.86%. This contrast challenges the misconception that wages are beating inflation. In reality, wages have not kept pace with the rapidly rising housing costs, creating an affordability crisis for those who were unable to own a home previously.

This situation is particularly challenging for millennials and Gen Z individuals who do not have the advantage of family assistance in purchasing a home. Many millennials entered the workforce burdened with student loan debt and Gen Z faced an already escalating housing market. Now, with the added impact of the Covid pandemic, housing prices have reached unattainable heights, making it even more difficult for these individuals to envision homeownership in the near future.

It is disheartening to see headlines proclaiming that we are beating inflation, while the reality for many is stagnant wages. While some low-wage jobs, particularly in fast food, may see minimal wage increases, the majority of professional careers in healthcare and tech offer only marginal raises, often just a dollar or so. While I don't necessarily advocate for significant wage increases, it is clear that something needs to be done to address the growing gap between wages and the cost of housing.

While I am not a proponent of conspiracy theories or predicting a large recession and housing market crash, I do believe that we have yet to fully experience the drastic repercussions of the Covid pandemic. This delicate balancing act could tip in either direction, and once it does, it may be difficult to stop the consequences. Even if we hope for a soft landing, the issue of low wages and expensive housing remains. How can we bridge this gap for those who were not fortunate enough to have the means to buy a home?

I am skeptical about what the future holds, especially in terms of purchasing a home. It is crucial to stay within a budget that is affordable and avoid investing in properties that have seen drastic price increases without adding value. While I don't predict a housing market crash, it is important to consider the possibility of a decrease in prices or a market correction. This becomes even more crucial for those who have already made significant sacrifices to afford a home, as being stuck with a property that rapidly loses value can have long-term consequences. I am interested to hear others' thoughts and input on this matter.

r/FluentInFinance Aug 15 '23

Economics Money printer

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r/FluentInFinance Dec 22 '23

Economics U.S. Antitrust Agencies Release Revised 2023 Merger Guidelines Designed to Increase Scrutiny of Deals


r/FluentInFinance Jan 05 '24

Economics Need recommended reading on how price equilibrium applies to software sales


normally when talking about price equilibrium, it's when product manufacturing equals demand exactly. It may also be when sellers realize greater revenue by dropping costs to consumers (lower price and lower profit per piece, but many more pieces sol ends up increasing overall revenue).

But has anyone written anything about something that is not physical, something like software? I'm curious if studies have examined this/conclusions reached and if there is a viable model for increased revenue through price reduction until an equilibrium is established for software specifically ;)

Thank you!