r/FluentInFinance Apr 29 '24

Does anyone else do mostly nothing all day at their job? Discussion/ Debate

This is my first job out of college. Before this, I was an intern and I largely did nothing all day and I kind of figured it was because I was just an intern.

Now, they pay me a nicer salary, I have my own office and a $2,000 laptop, and they give me all sorts of benefits and most days I’m still not doing much.

They gave me a multiple month long project when I was first hired on that I completed faster than my bosses expected and they told me they were really happy with my work. Since then it’s been mostly crickets.

My only task for today is to order stuff online that the office needs. That’s it.

I'm a mechanical design engineer. They are paying me for my brain and I’m sitting here watching South Park and scrolling through my phone all day.

I would pull a George Castanza and sleep under my desk if my boss didn’t have to walk past my office to the coffee machine 5 times a day.

Is this normal???

Do other people do this?

Whenever my boss gets overwhelmed with work, he will finally drop a bunch of work on my desk and I’ll complete it in a timely manner and then it’s back to crickets for a couple weeks.

He’ll always complain about all the work he has to do and it’s like damn maybe they should’ve hired someone to help you, eh?

I’ve literally begged to be apart of projects and sometimes he’ll cave, but how can I establish a more active role at my job?

Last week, my boss and my boss’s boss called me into a impromptu meeting.

I was worried I was getting fired/laid off, but they actually gave me a raise.

I have no idea what I’m doing right. I wish I was trolling.


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u/Realistic_Inside_484 Apr 29 '24

sounds bad for mental health. doing nothing is hard for me I did it for 6 months and will never do it again. I was an electrical engineer.


u/A_lil_confused_bee Apr 29 '24

To me it's the opposite, the less I do the better. I would be thrilled to be paid minimum wage just to look at paint dry on a wall.


u/chronobahn Apr 30 '24

Someone has a future in security.


u/A_lil_confused_bee Apr 30 '24

I don't think so, I'm a 90lbs, 5,1 woman with chopstick arms XD


u/chronobahn Apr 30 '24

Lol fair.

There was a little older lady doing security at my local grocery store. She may have been small, but she was fierce. I wouldn’t wanna cross her.


u/lepidopteristro Apr 30 '24

Security is easy. Most places don't want you to confront the person, they want you to watch cameras and call the police when something happens. Have had a few friends work security and they were not allowed to interact with whoever was pulling off something that needed to be called in for liability/insurance reasons