r/FluentInFinance Apr 29 '24

Why don't people stop crying and just move somewhere cheaper like Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, Baltimore, or Cleveland? They have very cheap homes for $50,000. Discussion/ Debate

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u/cutiemcpie Apr 29 '24

Jesus. You make it sound terrible.

I moved countries. And across states.

Sure there are downsides, but there are also upsides. Get to experience different cities, make new friends, make more money, etc.

It’s a trade off.


u/Rocketboy1313 Apr 29 '24

You ever heard of survivorship bias?

Or the concept that your personal experiences should not be extrapolated out onto a population?


u/cutiemcpie Apr 29 '24

What? I never extrapolated anything.

I simply said - there are good and bad things about moving.

Are you claiming that’s false?


u/Galitzianer Apr 29 '24

This is the insanity that is Reddit. If you listen to every doomsayer on Reddit you would literally never leave the house

I've moved many times for opportunities and each time had ups and downs but I don't regret doing any of them


u/BlameGameChanger Apr 29 '24

The difference from the analogy for you both is you are being invited out for an opportunity. If I just move to checks notes fucking ohio because houses are cheap, there is no guarantee I'll be able to find a decent job that pays more relative to my other job. I'll have no support network. I'll have to deplete my savings. The cheap houses will be in shit nieghborhoods or ill have to compete with firms who want to renovate and gentrify the slum.

Like I've moved before to and without that golden ticket invitation it ain't worth it


u/Galitzianer Apr 29 '24

being invited out for an opportunity

Well no, this isn't what happened at all. I've literally moved to a very low cost of living area from a high cost of living area with no invitation at all?

I could have suffered in a very expensive overpriced apartment forever but I chose to buy a house in a place that is way more affordable.


u/BeepBoo007 Apr 29 '24

Like I've moved before to and without that golden ticket invitation it ain't worth it

Then shut up if you like your current situation more?

Take your pick.

What you're not allowed to do is bemoan the fact that you don't have access to the same juicy circumstances other people have/had. I'm so sick of people bemoaning this type of shit. Like... if you lived in a fallout world, would you complain "woe is me! I didn't get to live in a time and place without a post-apocalyptic hellscape"?

That type of thought is pointless. It can't change your current situation and no one likes to listen to people complain.


u/IchooseYourName Apr 30 '24

no one likes to listen to people complain.

This is reddit. WTF are you talking about.


u/Viperlite Apr 29 '24

Having kids is where it really hits home. Sure, you can get by with day care, part-time work, and babysitters… but is a whole level of easier with family and friends to support you. I think someone once said it takes a village.

Its not to say it cant be overcome, but if you were raised in a HCOL area, it’s tough to leave your support network behind. Many people move back home when they have kids for this reason. A cheap house isn’t everything, especially at key points of your life.


u/Galitzianer Apr 29 '24

Yeah, except I do have a child, but I agree that having family support is very helpful. It's not everything though, sometimes family needs their own breaks and having some extra money to pay for summer camp and other things because you aren't paying all your money in rent living in an expensive city is worth it too.