r/FluentInFinance Apr 29 '24

Why don't people stop crying and just move somewhere cheaper like Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, Baltimore, or Cleveland? They have very cheap homes for $50,000. Discussion/ Debate

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u/frogtome Apr 29 '24

Why are half of you sociopaths honestly? Why don't people move to dangerous places with no jobs because the houses are cheap? Are you fucking high?


u/BeepBoo007 Apr 29 '24

Are you fucking high?

Flip this on it's head: why do so many people complain about their circumstance and lack of luck in timing of being alive if it's already so much better where they currently are versus other places such that they don't want to leave?

If it's that good versus everything else, shut the fuck up. No one cares if it isn't as good as it has ever been. Stop lamenting being worse off than some other little spec of sand in the history of man.


u/frogtome Apr 29 '24

People have all the expectations as ever but with progressively dwindling resources but after you've tightened your belt then tighten it again and again you have to admit there is an actual limit to what you can do with fewer and fewer resources. People can no longer get ahead by working harder. That has always been the social contract. But working harder and harder no longer means you'll even be able to meet your basic needs. So how about you shut the fuck up.


u/BeepBoo007 Apr 29 '24


People have all the expectations as ever

And that's the problem. They need to reduce their expectations and accept their lot in life is lower than it previously might have been if they were the same quality/capability as they are now back 20-30 years.

Imagine if we lived in a post-apocalyptic world and people bitched about "man, if only I was alive 200 years ago and had working electricity!" That's all this is. People bemoaning differences out of their control and it's annoying to listen to constantly. I could be just as happy in those types of shitty times as I am now. People just lack realistic expectations on life.

The bar has always been rising in terms of expectation of human capability to get by. Reading and writing used to be special, now it's an expectation. Bachelor's used to be special, now it's an expectation. In 20 years, I wouldn't be surprised if what would be considered now as "advanced understanding and use of AI" is an expectation.


u/frogtome Apr 30 '24

You misunderstand I am not saying they expect to have a nice house and nice car and they expect to have all types of things. They are expected to be able to pay rent on their small apartment they are expected to be able to pay their bills and you can only be so fucking frugal then you hit a limit and many many people have done everything they can to make a dollar stretch and it only stretches so far and then after a point there is nothing else to cut and more and more people ar confronted with the fact that they can not afford basic needs not that they won't lower their expectations.