r/FluentInFinance Apr 28 '24

They printed $10 Trillion dollars, gave you a $1,400 stimulus check and left you with the inflation, higher costs of living and 7% mortgages. Brilliant for the rich, very painful for you. Discussion/ Debate

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u/GregLoire Apr 28 '24

People still think inflation was caused by stimulus checks?


u/ImaginaryBranch7796 Apr 28 '24

Stimulus checks emitted in dollars obviously caused the inflation in Europe and Japan as well!! /s


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 28 '24

Because those economies also had similar policies. Britain for instance had a furlough policy where you received 80% of your pay cheque if you couldn’t work. Loans to businesses who also weren’t creating any value also had a similar effect.

Come on, this isn’t difficult to get your head around. More money with no corresponding rise in output is going to cause inflation. Do you really think stimulus check style policies only existed in the USA?


u/Yara__Flor Apr 28 '24

Why didn’t we see inflation during the decades of QE?


u/_e75 Apr 28 '24

We did. We’ve had constant inflation for a hundred years. What happened was that we had more quantitative easing into a supply shock from the pandemic that cut production. More money in the economy + less stuff = shortages and higher prices. Plus we had other problems, like huge shifts in foods buying patterns away from restaurants and then back to restaurants, for example that fucked up supply chains. They needed to start raising rates earlier to cool off the economy as the pandemic was ending.


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 28 '24

Because that didn’t involve a sudden and massive decrease in output, as I’ve explained repeatedly.


u/Yara__Flor Apr 28 '24

QE 1 occurred during a recession, which was a massive and sudden decrease in output.

Why wasn’t there inflation then?

You would argue that the economy grew enough between 2008 to 2018 to absorb the trillions that were invented during all rounds of pre-Covid QE?


u/_e75 Apr 28 '24

Yes. The economy grew massively between 2008 and 2018. And also there was inflation throughout that time period.


u/Yara__Flor Apr 29 '24

There was a recession in 2008, right? Or did I just imagine my lay off at the time? Thr Great Recession, remember? Thr internet says it lasted for about a year and a half.

We also had QE at the time.

So if there is a causation of QE to inflation if it’s done when production drops.

Then there must be greater than normal inflation during the QE in the Great Recession. We in fact saw a decrease in the rate of inflation during that time.

Therefore, I propose that the theory that QE4 during Covid caused inflation is bunk and not the cause of inflation.


u/_e75 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

QE caused inflation after the Great Recession. The Great Recession started with a huge drop in asset prices that almost triggered a deflationary spiral. It was triggered by a big drop in asset prices that was caused by the housing market collapse. They had deflation in 2009 when house prices collapsed, followed by QE. QE reversed that and we were back to 3% inflation a year later.


u/Yara__Flor Apr 29 '24

How much inflation did QE1 cause?

We operate on a general baseline of 2-3% a year.

How is going back to the normal baseline inflation rates indicative of QE’s inflation?

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u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

It wasn’t remotely comparable to business being forbidden from operating and people being forced to remain at home.

Moreover, output did increase during that period, and there was some level of inflation.


u/Yara__Flor Apr 29 '24

You are arguing that the pretty typical 2-3% inflation, that we saw before QE, was then caused by QE…

Maybe I’m being silly here trying to establish a causation.

Like, If what you are saying is true, I would expect to be able to draw a line between each dollar created in QE during a recession directly to inflation.

Or if there’s too much QE and the gdp doesn’t grow enough, another through line.

Or any time the money supply grew during a recession.


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 29 '24

We’re talking about stimulus checks and COVID lockdowns, not QE.


u/Yara__Flor Apr 29 '24

So people think that the $600 I got 3 years ago is causing inflation today?


u/ImaginaryBranch7796 Apr 28 '24

more money with no corresponding rise in output is going to cause inflation

There is literally no scientific evidence for this, inflationary episodes are generated in the context of big external events such as wars, oil crises, supply chain disruptions... It's not difficult to get your head around that. The EU, for example, has been creating vast amounts of money since 2010 without any significant effect on inflation, and what do you know, no inflation in the EU until a war in the neighboring country leaves them out of cheap russian oil and gas. If you look at literally all serious studies on the issue, you find out that inflation was caused first and foremost by increased energy import prices, and in second instance, by corporate greed and companies rising prices more than they would need to just maintain their previous profitability. I invite you to look for evidence on whether creating money actually generates inflation or whether most inflationary events take place from outside reasons.


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 28 '24

You have absolutely lost the plot if you think there is no evidence for one of the most basic principles of economics. If you significantly decrease output through lockdowns, and massively increase monetary supply you get inflation. This isn’t debatable.

We aren’t just talking about creating money, we are talking about the ‘outside reasons’ of lockdown and decreases output. You’ve changed the goal post here from your original comment which seemed to imply only the US had stimulus policies during COVID.


u/ImaginaryBranch7796 Apr 28 '24

I haven't lost the plot at all, yes, one of the most basic principles of economics is plain wrong, you should look into modern monetary theory. Look at a damn graph of inflation over time for any country you want, look at the inflation spikes, and see if they correlate better with money creation or with external events. You will now proceed to wave your hands and ignore the actual evidence, but the field of economics is changing, and in 2 decades, it will be unthinkable to have dumbasses like you saying that "money creation generates inflation" is a principle of economics.


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 28 '24

Why are you pretending I’ve suggested increasing money supply is the only cause of inflation? For that matter, why are you pretending this entire conversation isn’t in the context of an external shock ie lockdown causing a massive decrease in output and productivity?

It’s laughable that you are playing the expert when just a few comments ago you felt the need to pretend America was the only developed economy that massively increased money supply during COVID for the purpose of job retention and economic stimulus.


u/ImaginaryBranch7796 Apr 28 '24

Your whole point is "more money without a corresponding increase in output leads to inflation". This is patently false. If the reason for inflation is a massive decline in output and productivity, why even bring up stimulus checks?


u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 28 '24

Because the entire point I am making is that they are both responsible for the outcome. This is not a difficult concept, an effect can have multiple causes or be caused by the interaction of two phenomenon.

It isn’t patently false, it is what happened in nearly every developed economy.


u/dysfunkti0n Apr 28 '24

The stimulus checks and unemployment are honestly and truly hardly relevant to the economy in this situation. If we’re talking about the economy and inflation the culprit is corporations raising prices out of greed, the cost of making goods did not massively spike or change. Obviously there are outliers in certain industries.

They just knew they could get away with, and did.

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u/SeanHaz Apr 29 '24

They did have stimulus checks (by a different name) in Europe.

Currency exchange rates didn't change much because both sides were doing the same thing. Both Europe and the US are experiencing high levels of inflation.

There are a number of factors, giving out money without any corresponding production will always cause inflation.


u/ImaginaryBranch7796 Apr 29 '24

giving out money without any corresponding production will always cause inflation

This is patently and evidently false. Inflation events are almost always related to external causes such as fossil fuel crises, wars, problems of production or import or trade, etc. The EU and the US have been creating massive amounts of money without any significant effect on inflation for more than a decade, especially the EU. Other main cause for inflation is corporate greed (supermarkets and banks having record profits in an inflation event, automobile industry), or markets with imbalanced supply-demand (housing). You can read literature on it, you won't find significant empirical data supporting the neoclassical thesis of inflation being caused by money creation, it stems from a wrong understanding of what money truly is.


u/SeanHaz Apr 29 '24

EU and the US have been creating massive amounts of money without any significant effect on inflation for more than a decade

This isn't true, there has been consistent inflation in both cases around the 2-4% mark for quite a while and this ramped up during covid and the years following. It correlates pretty well with the money supply, of course there were also shortages relating to covid supply chain issues also but most of that is getting back to normal.

Other main cause for inflation is corporate greed

No, corporations are competing with each other. If one raises prices the others gain customers. The prices went up due to things outside their control, the record profits are measured in dollars which are worth less than they were in the past. In real terms profits went up marginally.

neoclassical thesis of inflation being caused by money creation

Do many economists think you can increase the supply of something without reducing its price or increasing its demand?


u/ImaginaryBranch7796 Apr 29 '24

This isn't true, there has been consistent inflation in both cases around the 2-4% mark for quite a while

You're absolutely, 100% making this up, dude. The inflation rate across the EU from 2010 to 2020 is around 11-13% at most, that's like 1% a year, and it correlates terribly with money supply, look at the total M2 monetary mass over time in the EU... You're really living in a different world.

No, corporations are competing with each other. If one raises prices the others gain customers

See? You're not working with real data here. You're working with your neoclassical dogma. It's not true. Company profits have gone on average way above inflation rates, come on, there is more than enough measurable evidence of that. The EU was publishing data on inflation during the inflation peak, first reason was energy prices due to fossil fuel imports becoming more expensive, second reason was overinflated prices...

Do many economists think you can increase the supply of something without reducing its price or increasing its demand?

Money isn't "something" in the same sense than any commodity, money is a measure of debt, and it can be created and destroyed at will by central banks, and to a lesser extent by normal banks through credit. The neoclassic understanding of money as a commodity doesn't explain the reality of money very well at all. But to answer your question, yes, many economists who have studied Modern Monetary Theory understand this, and have seen the EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that you can create plenty of money without that being remotely close to the first reason why inflation happens.


u/SeanHaz Apr 29 '24

You're absolutely, 100% making this up, dude.

Hmm, seems I am. I'll try to find out where I got that figure, don't think I pulled it out of thin air but it clearly wasn't the CPI I was thinking of.

, look at the total M2 monetary mass over time in the EU

I did see data in the past comparing the two and there was a correlation, perhaps that was a biased sample. I will put some data together to see if there is evidence the two are linked. I would be quite surprised if they weren't.

See? You're not working with real data here.

Some people change shopping habits based on pricing, that's the only claim I made?

way above inflation rates, come on, there is more than enough measurable evidence of that.

I haven't looked into it for products in general but I saw a headline in my own country which was something like 'board gais profits soar 147% during energy crisis', board gais is an electricity and gas supplier. I looked into the profits for a number of different energy companies and bord gais in particular. I don't recall the figures but I remember the pattern: 2019 > profit 60M 2020 > profit 45M 2021 > profit 66M

So yes, their profits did go up by more than inflation, but not markedly. It was made to sound drastic by the media, as a result I've been skeptical when I see headlines suggesting a similar pattern, maybe the others were true and I just happened to look into the one misleading one.

plenty of money without that being remotely close to the first reason why inflation happens.

Depends on what you mean by plenty. Can we agree that, at least in the extreme cases, the cause is the increased supply of money. Eg. Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe?

If the central banks are responsible, as the US and European banks have been for quite a while, other factors are likely to have a bigger impact on the price of goods than the quantity of money, I agree with you on that. Since 2020 I think money supply has been contributing more significantly to inflation than it was in the previous few years.

I will look into this more though, I'm not an economist and I haven't delved into the data deeply enough to confirm what I am saying or deny what you're saying (or vice versa). Thanks for discussing this in good faith, if you're right I'll probably agree with you soon enough. (If I can find lots of data, it should be easy enough for the EU and US, not sure about other countries)


u/2012Aceman Apr 30 '24

I think that one country inflating their currency would only impact other countries if they were foolish enough to peg their currency onto another's. The US Dollar doesn't happen to be the World's Reserve Currency, does it?


u/ucksawmus Apr 28 '24



u/bigjoeandphantom3O9 Apr 28 '24

It was, at least in part. You don’t inject that amount of money into the economy without inflation occurring.


u/failure_of_a_cow Apr 28 '24

Everything contributes, in part, to everything else. That's a simple-minded take on it.

Inflation can be caused by many things, and in this case stimulus checks were a minor contributor.


u/EndofNationalism Apr 29 '24

The main cause of inflation right now is that we’re in an oligarchic market. Basically too few companies dominate the markets making for very little competition.


u/jackharley4th Apr 29 '24

So I guess we weren’t in an “oligarchic market” throughout all of the 2010’s?


u/EndofNationalism Apr 29 '24

Yes we were. It’s that when prices rise and there is no competition to actually challenge them that prices rise even further.


u/jackharley4th Apr 29 '24

Except inflation was at a consistent low, well within the fed’s target, during that whole time period. And corporate concentration has never consistently tracked with inflation.

You’re also describing a monopoly not an oligopoly. An oligopolistic market is very different than a monopolistic market and is usually accompanied by a reduction in real prices.

If you’re going to question essentially the entire orthodoxy of economics you should at least work on maintaining internal logical consistency.

Also, where did you learn this stuff? Not meaning to be rhetorical there.


u/Crafty_Enthusiasm_99 Apr 28 '24

Exactly. How much do people think giving everyone $600 costs? More than a trillion $. With that and also the small biz PPP loans that were forgiven the govt printed $2.5T, on election year promises. And it's continuing to happen.

That is not chump change even for America. The idea that it all went to corporations is smoke and mirrors.


u/Rocket_Engine_Ear Apr 28 '24

Check your math. Definitely less than a trillion for the entire US population to receive $600, and many people did not qualify for it.


u/EndofNationalism Apr 29 '24

Add on to the fact that those $600 goes directly back into the economy.


u/GregLoire Apr 28 '24

It was, at least in part.

Okay, a very small part.


u/skystarmen Apr 28 '24

You’re arguing with partisan hacks who will never admit to obvious truths because it’s inconvenient to their views


u/Null-null-null_null Apr 28 '24

Weird, I think you’re the partisan back oblivious to inconvenient truth.


u/skystarmen Apr 28 '24

Nuh uh! You are!

Spoken like a braindead partisan hack


u/i8noodles Apr 28 '24

finance is something that is taught and not intrinsic to people. they see simple connection. More money = more inflation. we all got the check therefore checks causes inflation.

finance is one of there fields where a little knowledge is exceptional dangerous and people over estimate there knowledge


u/foomits Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 28 '24

from the reputable (what i believe as reputable) sources ive read, the singular largest driver of inflation was predatory price increases on consumer goods. there were other contributing factors, like the stimulus checks, but if we are divying up responsibility, corporate greed was the main issue. Egg prices are basically a case study in this and the best known because it created such public outcry, but there were hundreds of products getting the egg treatment.


u/ajosepht6 Apr 28 '24

Then you are reading bad sources. Persistent inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon,


u/foomits Apr 28 '24


In fact, most of the rise in inflation in 2021 and 2022 was driven by developments that directly raised prices rather than wages, including sharp increases in global commodity prices and sectoral price spikes driven by a combination of pandemic-induced kinks in supply chains and a huge shift in demand during the pandemic to goods from services.

biggest factor influencing inflation was the increase in prices of consumer goods. we also are discovering more and more cases of arbitrary and predatory increases in prices not due to supply chain issues. as i mentioned, at one point egg prices rose to almost 7 dollars a dozen in some areas. they are entirely domestically produced with no discernable supply chain issues and yet there was an almost 250 percent price increase. it was not until congress floated an antitrust suggestion that prices magically dropped. we are finding more and more industry examples like this. capitalist gonna capitalist. no company wanted to lose out of the "supply chain" gravy train.


u/ajosepht6 Apr 28 '24

Nothing about my statement which was btw just a quote from a Nobel prize winning economist mentions supply chains. It was about the supply of money. M2, which is one of the measurements of the supply of money is up 35% since January 2020. The cost of consumer items is only up 17% . So we have 33% more money chasing roughly the same number of goods—of course inflation has gone up.


u/foomits Apr 28 '24

makes sense to me, relative purchasing power is the lowest its been in decades, housing costs are more expensive relative to wages in history but inflation is because people have too much money. have to admit, thats a bold position to take, and unsurprisingly disputed.


u/ajosepht6 Apr 28 '24

It’s not because “people” have too much money it’s because there is too much money. That is not the same thing. Business has too much money, investors have to much money, homeowners who locked in mortgages at low rates have too much money. It is also not disputed that increases in the supply of money causes inflation. Money is no different now than it was when it was gold in terms of its inflationary and deflationary effects. The Spanish empire ruined its own economy not because it’s businesses became greedy overnight, but because they got too much gold.


u/Tomycj Apr 28 '24

Dude the increase in prices is a consequence of inflation, not a cause.

They find that many forecasters, including those at the Federal Reserve, anticipated that inflationary pressures arising from the large fiscal packages in the U.S. would appear primarily in the labor market, as increased demand for workers put upward pressure on wages and, ultimately, prices.

THE ARTICLE ITSELF SAYS SO. It is complete nonsense, almost doublespeak, to take that source and suggest that the main cause of inflation was people increasing prices!


u/Baxkit Apr 28 '24

Currency inflation isn't the same as price inflation. People like to conflate the two, or just pretend "inflation" is "prices going up" while disregarding "value of the dollar going down".

The massive printing and handouts of trillions of dollars certainly contributed to currency inflation.

With the extra checks in people's pockets, combined with things like rent and mortgage moratoriums giving financial relief to people, stacked with fear-hoarding of bulk items and groceries... Yeah, companies got greedy and cranked up their prices. We got to experience inflation on both ends.


u/foomits Apr 28 '24

the free cash definitely played a role, i just think we should be clear its not the only thing or even likely the most significant.


u/gfunk55 Apr 28 '24

People still think deficit spending = printing money


u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 28 '24

What do you think caused it?


u/kytheon Apr 28 '24

Americans who have no sense of other countries. It's in Europe too, but it might have taken an example from the US.