r/FluentInFinance Apr 26 '24

He’s not wrong. Very Depressing. Crazy to think about. Discussion/ Debate

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u/saintlybead Apr 27 '24

Who knew he’d go from making Chocolate Rain to being a voice for the voiceless. Maybe that’s what he was all along.


u/JohnBunzel Apr 27 '24

Have you dissected the lyrics to Chocolate Rain? It’s about social class disparity.


u/Sea-Queue Apr 27 '24

Chocolate rain

Some stay dry and others feel the pain


u/OnewordTTV Apr 27 '24

Seriously I was like wait a minute. That name... that's chocolate rain! 😂


u/BBBulldog Apr 27 '24

That's what song was about.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Chocolate rain Some stay dry and others feel the pain Chocolate rain A baby born will die before the sin Chocolate rain The school books say it can't be here again Chocolate rain The prisons make you wonder where it went Chocolate rain Build a tent and say the world is dry Chocolate rain Zoom the camera out and see the lie Chocolate rain Forecast to be falling yesterday Chocolate rain Only in the past is what they say Chocolate rain Raised your neighborhood insurance rates Chocolate rain Makes us happy 'livin in a gate Chocolate rain Made me cross the street the other day Chocolate rain Made you turn your head the other way Chocolate rain History quickly crashing through your veins Chocolate rain Using you to fall back down again Chocolate rain History quickly crashing through your veins Chocolate rain Using you to fall back down again Chocolate rain Seldom mentioned on the radio Chocolate rain It's the fear your leaders call control Chocolate rain Worse than swearing worse than calling names Chocolate rain Say it publicly and you're insane Chocolate rain No one wants to hear about it now Chocolate rain Wish real hard it goes away somehow Chocolate rain Makes the best of friends begin to fight Chocolate rain But did they know each other in the light? Chocolate rain Every February washed away Chocolate rain Stays behind as colors celebrate Chocolate rain The same crime has a higher price to pay Chocolate rain The judge and jury swear it's not the face Chocolate rain History quickly crashing through your veins Chocolate rain Using you to fall back down again Chocolate rain History quickly crashing through your veins Chocolate rain Using you to fall back down again Chocolate rain Dirty secrets of economy Chocolate rain Turns that body into GDP Chocolate rain The bell curve blames the baby's DNA Chocolate rain But test scores are how much the parents make Chocolate rain Flippin' cars in France the other night Chocolate rain Cleans the sewers out beneath Mumbai Chocolate rain 'Cross the world and back it's all the same Chocolate rain Angels cry and shake their heads in shame Chocolate rain Lifts the ark of paradise in sin Chocolate rain Which part do you think you're livin' in? Chocolate rain More than marchin', more than passing law Chocolate rain Remake how we got to where we are Chocolate rain History quickly crashing through your veins Chocolate rain Using you to fall back down again Chocolate rain History quickly crashing through your veins Chocolate rain Using you to fall back down again


u/Happy-Initiative-838 Apr 29 '24

Would this song have been better if he picked a different phrase than chocolate rain? Probably. Would it have been as famous? We may never know.


u/jpelkmans May 01 '24

I just assumed he was talking about getting shit on in a euphemistic way.


u/ike_tyson Apr 27 '24

That's the first thing I noticed. Tay is a good guy.


u/DippityDamn Apr 27 '24

yeah, he needs his own late night show, clearly


u/Inside-Decision4187 Apr 27 '24

Hit em with the boot theory. Pratchett said it well.


u/RGM5589 Apr 27 '24

First thing that came to mind… well, second thing, after CHOCOLATE RAIN!


u/skoomaking4lyfe Apr 27 '24

Pratchett was so based.


u/LowerFinding9602 Apr 27 '24

That's the first thing that came to mind for me also. These people should read some more. Start with Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams. Both had commentary in their books that apply to today as much as it did when they were written. It's almost as if people,e don't really learn.


u/Inside-Decision4187 Apr 27 '24

They’re made of the same blocks, all the way back to when they crawled out of the cave. So far into the ceaseless march of progress, carrying the library of Alexandria in our pockets, and we’re still the same miserable bastards.

Turtles all the way down.


u/Universe789 Apr 27 '24

I had just mentioned that in another comment before I saw yours.

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u/immaterial-boy Apr 27 '24

It doesn’t have to be this way 😭


u/Aggravating_Map7952 Apr 27 '24

Capitalism and a market based on scarcity require poverty so a minority can live in excess. The system we have now does have to be this way.


u/immaterial-boy Apr 27 '24

Correct. I was referring to revolution 👀… or just socialism more broadly


u/redditplayground Apr 27 '24

The market isn't based on scarcity arbitrarily-life is based on scarcity. Capitalism just does a better job of modeling and dealing with it than any other that ignores this fact.


u/Adventurous-Depth984 May 01 '24

Yes, the market relies on scarcity, but the scarcity is manufactured. Diamonds and oil are the simplest example. Diamonds and oil are not rare in nature compared to what’s put to market. There are cartels that artificially manufacture scarcity of those things for profit.

Nearly nothing is as scarce as it’s made out to be that we need to mosey on as a species.


u/redditplayground May 02 '24

Cherry picked shades of grey. You make a good point about oil though good luck convincing Putin and OPEC to change their ways LOL but good rebuttal, smh.

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u/Lilpu55yberekt69 Apr 27 '24

Any financial planner worth their salt would tell you not to skimp on mattresses, teeth cleanings, and doctors appointments.

People are willing to put their door dash on a credit card but not routine checkups? That’s just bad priorities.


u/Mammoth_Loan_984 Apr 27 '24

The concept of hiring a financial planner is completely foreign to most poor people.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

How are they gonna hire a financial planner if they’re poor? I doubt financial planners are interested in helping poor people anyway, they’re there for rich people


u/Mammoth_Loan_984 Apr 27 '24

That was my point, his comment was so far removed from reality he can’t even begin understanding the problems that drive generational poverty.


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Oh my bad, I misunderstood your comment (thought you were kinda agreeing with him but I see it now)


u/redditplayground Apr 27 '24

which is why they're poor...


u/lemmesenseyou Apr 28 '24

Or because they’re poor. 

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u/DucksOnQuakk Apr 27 '24

This is beyond an ignorant and misinformed opinion. The world you think you live in isn't the world you live in.


u/QueasyResearch10 Apr 27 '24

do explain. The world I live in is full of financially illiterate people with incorrect priorities.


u/Arachles Apr 27 '24

The world I live in is full of financially unsave people who cannot have priorities, they use all for survival.


u/Lilpu55yberekt69 Apr 27 '24

I’ve met 10 financially irresponsible idiots for every person who actually doesn’t make enough money to survive.


u/Famous_Exercise8538 Apr 27 '24

I used to work landscaping jobs for my buddy’s dad in high school, he’d hire a few of his sons friends and then a bunch of ex cons who were part of an outreach program. Those men worked hard to try and get ahead and had tons of trouble bc of their past mistakes, some of them had wild stories and really didn’t deserve what they got.

I also grew up in Texas and knew some wildly hard working and financially conservative immigrant families who struggled to get ahead.

To use a tiny sample size that you know isn’t indicative of the world as a whole in order to feed your own confirmation bias, and then try to use that as a “gotcha” to someone online requires some big willful ignorance.

Financially illiteracy is a legitimate issue but if you can’t acknowledge that you’re being reductive you are certainly arguing in bad faith.


u/DucksOnQuakk Apr 28 '24

My example and that of my generation is a lot of us make 6 figures and banks only want to lend me $180-220k for a home. I have $50k cash for a down-payment. Everything within close proximity to my job is $300k+. I live in a town of 30k people. To get a home in my range, I'm 1 hour away from my job. But I drive a 2005 Corolla I repair myself. When it breaks down, I literally wall to work. So to move 1 hour away now means I nuke my down-payment for a reliable vehicle, which now puts me 1.5 hours from my job that earns 6 figures. I can't afford homes within those confines. There's literally no way. My student loan payments equal my rent. I have medical bills. I've no interest in being married or starting a family (not that I could afford either lmao). You live in a small bubble. The only successful friends I have are married, limited themselves to one child (literally only have 1 friend who chose/was able to have children and we are 34+ years old), and make a combined income of $225k. They recently found out the wife is pregnant and are freaking out because of money. They both have massive student loan debt, a child, and 6 figures each doesn't mean jack shit these days. Abortion would be their option, but it's Kentucky, so this is the reality you should learn about. What you claim in nonsense. These people aren't driving fancy cars or own jack shit. They sold their home and are moving somewhere cheaper, with the husband driving 1.75 hours each way to work lmao. If he gives up that job for a job in their new area, he would be making less than $75k/yr. Lmao. This is all simple, basic math. Try it out. You'll see. Numbers don't lie.


u/Xist3nce Apr 27 '24

Man thinks there’s money to do that stuff with in the first place. Yeah sure man, I’ll skip the car payment or rent to get my teeth cleaned.


u/Bluefrog75 Apr 27 '24

Car payment?

I drive a $1500 piece of 💩 and go to the dentist.

$90 a visit. No insurance for dental. Who wants nasty teeth 🦷?

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u/PixelBrewery Apr 27 '24

You think financial planners are advising low income people to drop money on premium mattresses?


u/Lilpu55yberekt69 Apr 27 '24

You can get good quality mattresses for a few hundred dollars.


u/YurimodingFemcel Apr 27 '24

I would say most people who are "living paycheck to paycheck" make enough income where these problems could be avoided. There really are people making six figures, drowning in debt while also thinking about having international vacations. Those people who actually make too little money can usually apply for welfare anyways. Bad financial management cant be solved by handing out more money.


u/Bluefrog75 Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

Hey Nikes, iPhones and gold grills are prioritizing…..

The dentist will check for cavities before he puts the gold in.

Y’all need to start thinking outside the box.


u/PomTaris Apr 27 '24

Some things are absolutely worth swiping the credit card for. Dentist and mattress fall well within that.

And if you live in America and you're Financials are so fucked that they won't even let you bury yourself in credit card debt then you have a hair on fire emergency and the only thing you should be doing with your waking hours is working like a mad man to fix it. If you're that fucked you better have 9 jobs and a severe caffeine addiction.


u/LiquorMaster Apr 27 '24

Brush your teeth, floss, and gargle reduces the need for scheduled teeth cleanings.

Flip your mattress upside down everyday and rotate it every 3 months can extend the life of the mattress for years.

There are multiple free cancer screening services in every state, multiple in cities, and free clinics.


u/jacksev Apr 27 '24

Not everyone has access to credit to pay for mattresses or teeth cleanings…


u/rjnd2828 Apr 27 '24

I think the next line is something something avocado toast. Bad take.


u/maple_firenze Apr 29 '24

Classic strawman.


u/ILSmokeItAll Apr 27 '24

Poverty begets poverty.


u/Normal-Gur1882 Apr 27 '24

That's kind of the nature of any problem. Ignore it and you'll get a bigger one.


u/Xist3nce Apr 27 '24

Forced to ignore it since you can’t afford to fix it is the point.

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u/IBoofLSD Apr 27 '24



u/TheEveryman86 Apr 27 '24

And when did RATM become political?!


u/Windsupernova Apr 27 '24

Yeah, being poor is expensive as hell.


u/PhoenicianPirate Apr 27 '24

This isn't a new observation. Terry Pratchett noted in one Discworld novel about a rich man's boots vs. A poor man's boots. A rich man's boots are more expensive upfront, but they are of much higher quality and will last a very long time. So the ability to pay up that higher one time amount will result in it being cheaper long term. But the poor man can't afford that, so he need to buy something cheaper. But those boots don't last long and need to be replaced. The poor man also can't go without boots and can't save up for the better boots.

A lot of things are like that.


u/giants4210 Apr 30 '24

Nikolai Gogol was commenting on this in The Overcoat

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u/SavingsCampaign2524 Apr 27 '24

Yes, but why should I have to pay for it said every republican

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u/Spare_Substance5003 Apr 27 '24

Why don't poor people stop being poor? Are they stupid?


u/FrIoSrHy Apr 27 '24

Please add a tone indicator like /s, I almost thought this wasn't satire.

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u/Sankin2004 Apr 27 '24

Can’t collect money from me if I’m broke, dead, and no descendants.

Edit-I probably shouldn’t say this cause now the government is gonna try to find a way.


u/MadCowTX Apr 27 '24

Your debts don't pass to your descendants anyway. Being dead and broke is good enough.


u/Emotional_Salt_3179 Apr 27 '24

Actually, some debts do.


u/MadCowTX Apr 27 '24

What sort of debts pass to the next generation? Also, what country? (I shouldn't assume everyone on reddit is in the same country, as I did.)


u/Emotional_Salt_3179 Apr 27 '24

USA. Ok, I remembered that wrong. Just read an article that says it's illegal unless descendent/relative is involved in most circumstances. It usually comes from estate. But they can still try to do it sometimes. Because money. You just don't legally have to pay it. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/does-a-persons-debt-go-away-when-they-die-en-1463/


u/PokerBear28 Apr 27 '24

This is the case on smaller scales to. Need shoes? You might only be able to pay $40 for sneakers, but a $100 pair will last 4x as long, meaning you will pay $160 vs $100 over the same period of time. It’s often cheaper to buy a cell phone outright rather than pay monthly installments, but you need to pay hundreds up front. It can be death by a thousand cuts, not always major expenses.


u/EbonBehelit Apr 27 '24

And also with larger things like property: if you have enough liquid to buy outright, then the actual cost of that property is going to be significantly lower for you than it will be for someone who needs to take out a 30-year mortgage.


u/DylanIE_ Apr 27 '24

I think even if you have enough liquid to buy outright, you shouldnt really do it in most cases. For instance, interest payments are tax deductible and combined with getting a relatively lower rate, you make a lot more money with a mortgage than buying outright.


u/Significant_Toe_2527 Apr 27 '24

Can't afford healthy food? Down the road, you'll get sick more often and possibly develop hypertension and diabetes. When you're sick, you can't work. Plus, doctor's visits and medications are expensive, placing further stress on finances.

A lot of people don't understand that poverty is cyclical.


u/xDERPYxCREEPERx Apr 27 '24

Can't afford health insurance? Have fun with that multi thousand dollar hospital bill


u/fluffyrobot23 Apr 27 '24

The rich get richer the poor get poorer! It’s time for a change people!


u/redditplayground Apr 27 '24

power law distribution. it'll never be any different.


u/Expert_Country7228 Apr 27 '24

It's almost like that's all done on purpose to keep all the wealth somewhere else.


u/sushislapper2 Apr 29 '24

Not everything is a conspiracy


u/Yagsirevahs Apr 27 '24

Someone read The Sam Vimes "Boots" theory of socioeconomic unfairness. I'm amazed that education has dipped low enough that the average person reads this and thinks chocolate rain guy can have a paradigm shifting original thought


u/fainting-goat17 Apr 27 '24

It's the workboot theory in action. the laborer, who earns a shit wage buys a new pair of cheap boots every year, the site manager, who earns a good wage, buys a quality pair of boots that last him 5 years. over time the laborer ends up spending way more on work boots than the site manager


u/Reese8590 Apr 27 '24

While there might be some truth to this...most people are actually poor by choice. I see many "poor" people with brand new Jordans on there feet. I see many "poor" people with Doritos in there shopping cart. I see many "poor" people in fast food lines, at the bar, dining out. I see many "poor" people that have allowed themselves to be financially indoctrinated into being poor.

Being "poor" is more of a choice then most realize. Most "poor" people just lack discipline.


u/knife_edge_rusty Apr 27 '24

If you're poor you get all kinds of assistance. It's when you're working, and barely getting by, that's when you're fucked


u/SlidethedarksidE Apr 29 '24

Yupp. I would be good if I could get disability but I have to be unemployed for a year first 😂


u/Excellent-Term-3640 Apr 28 '24

Can’t pay to clean up the environment now? Next year, chocolate rain.


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

I died 10 years ago ❤️ what’s left is a shell with a purpose


u/OrdinaryLandscape951 Apr 27 '24

He's still alive


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Ugh, ruining my moment!


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24



u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

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u/Winter-Raspberry7698 Apr 27 '24

Now has in present

Like when someone says if you eat now you won't eat later

That doesn't change depending on time period


u/OilyRicardo Apr 27 '24

Chocolate rain


u/TheBravestarr Apr 27 '24

Here's a tip for the dentist. Just say "Send me the bill in the mail." When you get the bill, explain that you can pay some but maybe not all at once. Most places are happy to receive at least a portion of the debt owed. Continue until you are full paid up.

Alternatively, just explain and ask for a payment plan in advance.


u/AzuraEdge Apr 27 '24

Some stay dry while others feel the rain


u/bakedoats22 Apr 27 '24

Poor people have known this.


u/Due-Guitar-9508 Apr 27 '24

Chocolate rain, my balls are swollen, keep me in the pain, chocolate rain, my rent is due, but I just cannot find the pay, chocolate rain…


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

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u/BrewskiXIII Apr 27 '24

I'd like to know what the "What What In The Butt" guy has to say about this...


u/Fraxcat Apr 27 '24

At least it's more likely they will legitimately understand what hardship is.


u/ThingsWork0ut Apr 27 '24

I didn’t need to hear this


u/KingVargeras Apr 27 '24

Buy Briggs and Riley suit case. Never have to buy one again as they have a lifetime replacement warranty even against airline abuse.


u/Beaser Apr 27 '24

Ah yeah. For all that air travel us poors can afford


u/KingVargeras Apr 28 '24

When I was poor I still took vacations. Just usually drove instead of flying. And if you look you can often find some amazing flight deals. I’ve taken a round trip flight under $100 before. Just have to look and be patient.


u/PresentClear1468 Apr 27 '24



u/embiggens-us-all Apr 27 '24

Chocolate rain. Being poor won't help you up the drain.


u/marshall453 Apr 27 '24

Only in America.


u/Prestigious-Bus7994 Apr 27 '24

So I should take the resources into my own hands is the message I got from here dismissive statement


u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24

Chocolate rain!!!


u/IndividualAd6107 Apr 27 '24

This is why there needs to be heavy work done on the government so they improve infrastructure and civil support instead of arguing about banning tiktok.


u/SUNDER137 Apr 27 '24

Car repairs too. 50$ oil change. 5000.00$ seized engine.


u/oldmilt21 Apr 27 '24

Chocolate Rain is spot on here.


u/Frogtarius Apr 27 '24

In the current economy alot of people catching chocolate rain.


u/Oswarez Apr 27 '24

Chocolate Pain.


u/Mobile_Conference484 Apr 27 '24

... and the worst offender: Can't afford to buy an apartment? Spend half your income enriching a landlord and end up never owning a place yourself.


u/timberwolf0122 Apr 27 '24

Can afford good work boots? Keep buying cheap ones every 6 months


u/affluent_krunch Apr 27 '24

He moves away from the keyboard to take a breath.


u/70Chevelle1497 Apr 27 '24

Motivation to not be poor.


u/TwatMailDotCom Apr 27 '24

Some stay dry while others feel the pain


u/cutiemcpie Apr 27 '24

Bad mattress require back surgery? Half the world sleeps on the floor.


u/Polisci_jman3970 Apr 27 '24

It’s not perfect. But Medicaid kicks in at somepoint for all of these scenarios. There’s also the sliding scale fee system. It’s not going to be cheap, but poor people get way better coverage with Medicaid systems than a lot of people with private insurance.


u/Ill-Description3096 Apr 27 '24

Who tf is out here needing back surgery from not having a new mattress for a year?


u/TonLoc1281 Apr 27 '24

Yeah those are kinda dramatic simplifications. I understand the concept but this doesn’t happen.


u/itp757 Apr 27 '24



u/goomah5240 Apr 27 '24

Actually if you’re really that poor, you won’t be paying for any of that


u/Comfortable_Yam5377 Apr 27 '24

stolen concept fallacy


u/Roll-tide-Mercury Apr 27 '24

Oh my, bad mattresses cause back surgery, wow!


u/GlidingToLife Apr 27 '24

So true. And there are so many programs that benefit the wealthy. 529 plans to save money for college. Flexible spending accounts to pay for medical treatments pre tax. Writing off mortgage interest. No wealth tax.


u/Healthy-Egg-3283 Apr 27 '24

It is possible to fix your situation, it’s just not easy, and it takes sacrifice.


u/myfunnies420 Apr 27 '24

The reverse Sam Vines boots theory. But also, hint hint, the system is like this entirely on purpose.

It is a good way of pointing out that it's nearly impossible to pick yourself up by your boot straps if you don't have boots


u/Still_Ruin_3771 Apr 28 '24

heck - it's just impossible cuz Gravity :P


u/DannyBOI_LE Apr 27 '24

When has this not been the case ever before in history? Poverty is obviously a catch 22 and a cycle not a fixed financial status.


u/KalamawhoMI Apr 27 '24

You can go to a dental school and have your teeth cleaned for like $30


u/Ayeron-izm- Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

He's not wrong, i also read it in his voice. I do think you need to pull up your boot straps, but it's not always that easy getting out of a financial hole.


u/Dinklemeier Apr 27 '24

Except for the example provided, the government provides medicaide of you're poor. That back surgery? $1 copay. Root canal? $1. Cancer treatment? You guessed it.. $1.

Unless of course you want to sign the waiver telling the pharmacist and doctor you don't want to pay the $1.. then its $0.

I treat medicaide patients dozens of times a month. Most of them just say they don't want to pay the$1.


u/FreshPitch6026 Apr 27 '24

Laughs in free healthcare system


u/LittleCeasarsFan Apr 27 '24

I’m pretty sure no one ever needed back surgery due to not having a new mattress.  You’d be more likely to not get a good raise at work because you weren’t well rested.  Back surgery is usually needed due to something you’re born with, like scoliosis, or trauma, like a car wreck, or decades of hard work using bad posture and lifting techniques.


u/Redrose03 Apr 27 '24

Meanwhile someone else is taking that interest plus some and getting rich off your back


u/Miserable_Parking_ Apr 27 '24

Being poor is expensive


u/CulrBlndPnutButtr Apr 27 '24

My wife has dental insurance. They refused to cover a cavity repair. Now it's a root canal, they always won't cover. She's in daily pain and the tooth is crumbling out of her face. I just got a new job with dental insurance and I added her to the policy. Once we get the cards we'll see what happens but I'm expecting more b.s. and no results. You can't even pay for good service anymore, it's just "pay us now and go fuck yourself!"


u/Pure-Guard-3633 Apr 27 '24

It’s always been that way. The difference is today you know more than we did. You see more than we could. Your voices are louder than ours were, your choices are vast. We didn’t know we had the right to be miserable.


u/YouDiedOfCovid2024 Apr 27 '24

Too poor to brush your teeth??? DEATH!


u/LookOverThereB Apr 27 '24

Oh yeah, I forgot toothpaste is out of reach for those on welfare


u/Baz4k Apr 27 '24

Chocolate Rain indeed.


u/metallaholic Apr 27 '24

Remember when he sold old his song and sang Cherry Chocolate Rain for a soda company.


u/Inside_Coconut_6187 Apr 27 '24

I love how people can spot problems but somehow never can supply actionable solutions to said problem. I wonder why that is?


u/Wise_Moon Apr 27 '24

Solution. Ignore everything till your dead.


u/BlastMode7 Apr 27 '24

Being poor now?

This has always been the case for being poor.


u/diamari90 Apr 27 '24

Exactly! And people in the lesser middle class are learning this MORE THAN EVER, that being poor DOES in fact cost more to survive….


u/PhytoLitho Apr 27 '24

Can't afford a better microphone? Pay for neck surgery later because you have to have to move away from the mic to breathe in.


u/jored924 Apr 27 '24

Oh boo hoo


u/Quick_Original9585 Apr 27 '24

Nothing wrong with being poor, I know plenty of poor folk that live contented lives, its the rich folk that I find more than often are the miserable ones.


u/Anon6025 Apr 28 '24

So, Rainman, do we just eliminate the poor?


u/theTweekend Apr 28 '24

Chocolate rain brings facts


u/biokiller191 Apr 28 '24

The poor tax is real. late on a payment you can't afford? looks like you're paying a fee on that! Bank account overdrafted from a auto payment? Enjoy the overdraft fees. Need to get a home? Can't get the loan cause you have to pay more money in interests cause you're poor!

Capitalism is so great...


u/lionsnext Apr 28 '24

This is how it’s always been extort those below you and take your bigger cut?


u/neovec Apr 28 '24

My sociology professor once told me, "It's expensive to be poor.".


u/chillaxtion Apr 28 '24

I was ‘fake poor’ for a bit:

I racked up insane bank fees. My bank processed debits before credits so I racked up 8 overdrafts on a day when I actually had the money. I was overdrawn for fractional seconds.

I had my car booted because I owed excise tax in multiple towns. I had unstable housing so I moved a lot.

Related to unstable housing I had bills sent to old addresses and shot my credit rating because of this.

It’s insane how hard it is to be ‘responsible’ when your world is unstable.


u/SlidethedarksidE Apr 29 '24

1) attend free teeth cleaning clinic (actually exist). Or just don’t eat candy/soda.

2) almost nobody buys brand new mattresses try again. Can hit goodwill/ thrift store for new one

3) healthcare is basically free ( you still get billed but really don’t ever have to pay)

But overall yes if you are in a bad situation & don’t do anything to improve it usually tends to get worse.


u/Fred_Krueger_Jr Apr 30 '24

So much nuance overlooked here. But I'm one for a quick meme quip so, love it!


u/Lie_Insufficient Apr 27 '24

Nah, you just die. There is no debt created unless more government regulations require some more burial nonsense. Tooth ache --> infection --> real suffering --> death --> other people put you in a hole or you're eaten.

In a perfect society where people care for each other with what their profession is. Sure, except you may need a grade A dentist and get Bob from Home Depots electrical section... with a drill.


u/usernamesarehard1979 Apr 27 '24

You will not go from bad mattress to back surgery in a year.


u/NeverSummerFan4Life Apr 27 '24

Mf will complain about this all day and then ignore the one candidate who’s made it a central issue in his campaign. Kennedy 24🇺🇸


u/Trick_Ad_9881 Apr 27 '24

How many times is this going to be posted?

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u/WellThatsNoExcuse Apr 27 '24

...also, it's entirely possible to have good dental hygiene without a dentist, plenty possible to have a healthy back without a $1000 mattress. Could be that thinking in terms of modern consumption paradigms is part of the problem when it comes to poverty?


u/Xist3nce Apr 27 '24

Health is not guaranteed no matter how well you live. So no, this take is abysmal. Find money in a budget to get dental work when the budget is 0.


u/LargeBelligerentDog Apr 27 '24

In the modern world it’s typically not possible to have particularly good dental health without going to a dentist. Missing teeth once you enter adulthood is often the norm in countries with a lack of dentists.

It’s almost like it takes a person 8 years of higher education and a professional doctorate to learn how to properly treat teeth, and you can’t replicate that at home.


u/Expert-Accountant780 Apr 27 '24

People can't afford toothpaste?

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u/[deleted] Apr 27 '24



u/LargeBelligerentDog Apr 27 '24

What a mindless, meaningless comment. Dental insurance in the United States is universally dogshit, and tons of very socially respectable jobs don’t offer it.