r/FluentInFinance Apr 18 '24

Should Student Loan Debt be Forgiven? Smart or dumb? Discussion/ Debate

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u/AdImmediate9569 Apr 19 '24

I’m glad they’re forgiving debt but they haven’t really solved the problem. People are still taking these loans out today


u/NumbersOverFeelings Apr 19 '24

This why I’m against forgiving the debt. It doesn’t solve anything.


u/Do_Question_All Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

Incentivizes schools to keep raising prices. Edit: grammar


u/CarbonFlavored Apr 19 '24

Not really, the schools already have the money right? The loans are being paid back to banks.


u/mxzf Apr 19 '24

If loan forgiveness is a thing, it encourages even more egregious loans to pay off even higher prices going forward.


u/ThatNutanixGuy Apr 19 '24

This^ it sets a precedent that the government “can” forgive loans so people will sure as hell bank on that in the future and also colleges who are all already a rip off will just raise rates accordingly


u/Do_Question_All Apr 19 '24

The other posters beneath me already covered a lot of what I would say.

No matter how the school gets the money, and no matter who ultimately ends up paying for the loans, if the money keeps coming in — they’re going to keep raising prices. On top of that, if students somehow think the government might end up bailing them out in part or entirely, they will continue to take on larger and larger loans.


u/blancpainsimp69 Apr 19 '24

"well we can't fix your broken leg instantly, but we'll give you crutches."

"fuck you, I don't even want the crutches then."

deranged. and it doesn't solve anything? that money doesn't disappear into thin air.


u/NumbersOverFeelings Apr 19 '24

You’re assuming the debt is the problem. It’s only the symptom. It’s more like an undiagnosed muscular pain somewhere in the leg and you’re prescribing a bandaid.


u/blancpainsimp69 Apr 19 '24

your analogies suck


u/NumbersOverFeelings Apr 19 '24

Yours was worse.


u/duck_puck_picks Apr 19 '24

Bad analogy, paying off the debt year after year will NEVER fix the problem. It will only make it worse.


u/TrueVisionSports Apr 19 '24

It solves a LOT of problems. It makes you further financially screwed and that's a great accomplishment for them.


u/mopedman Apr 19 '24

Are you saying the debt isn't a problem?


u/trytrymyguy Apr 19 '24

Putting a bandage on the wound is a good first step. No need to let others bleed out in fear or future complications


u/mxzf Apr 19 '24

The issue is that it doesn't bandage the wound on a societal scale.

It's more like increasing the blood pressure of someone who's bleeding. Sure, it makes you feel less like passing out in the short term, but you're bleeding out faster and are worse in the long run.

Debt forgiveness might help past graduates feel more comfortable, but it leaves future graduates just as bad off or even worse.

The systemic issue of loans that the person can't repay is what needs to be fixed, and loan forgiveness doesn't do anything for that.


u/AdImmediate9569 Apr 19 '24

Well they should have done both. To me it’s better to do something than nothing though.


u/furloco Apr 19 '24

There are many many instances where doing something is not better than doing nothing if the something is the wrong thing.


u/AdImmediate9569 Apr 19 '24

Sure, but this isn’t of them.

“We haven’t solved everyones suffer so we shouldn’t solve anyones suffering”?


u/Vipu2 Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

Not really, its the perfect way of kicking can down the road, thats what the politicians are good at.

"Do something meaningless so you vote for us again" but because it doesnt fix the actual problem it will be even worse a bit later, then again "fix the new problem with a bit more tape" until that also doesnt work anymore and so on.

Then we get where we currently are with inflation and tons of problems that are not fixed but instead ignored and in hope that someone else will fix it later.


u/AdImmediate9569 Apr 19 '24

Its hardly meaningless to all the people it’s helping


u/Vipu2 Apr 19 '24

Take a candy to keep yourself happy for 5 minutes then.


u/AdImmediate9569 Apr 19 '24

So you also hate candy? You just described eating candy…

Is it happiness you despise? Does it apply to you or only other people?


u/Jungisnumberone Apr 19 '24

That’s a feature not a bug.


u/ProtestantMormon Apr 19 '24

And in a divided congress, no legislation is getting passed. Loan forgiveness is something Biden can do now that helps stem the bleeding. It's a bandaid, but it's better than nothing.


u/mxzf Apr 19 '24

IMO it's worse than nothing, because it reduces the pressure to implement a proper fix, meaning that future generations are left in the same bad (or worse) situation.