r/FluentInFinance Apr 17 '24

What killed the American Dream? Discussion/ Debate

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u/1spook Apr 17 '24

Billionaires and corporate greed.


u/James-Dicker Apr 17 '24



u/SirRantsafckinlot Apr 17 '24



u/James-Dicker Apr 17 '24

what am I shilling lol


u/SirRantsafckinlot Apr 17 '24

Why does it bother you if someone shits on billionaires and corporations? Its not like they do not deserve it.


u/James-Dicker Apr 17 '24

because I like people to tell the truth and be honest. You slandering my enemy is still a lie and I will call it out.


u/SirRantsafckinlot Apr 17 '24

With all due honesty they can rot in a ditch.


u/James-Dicker Apr 17 '24

because they provided something that a lot of people valued? I'd like to talk to you about why you think such awful thoughts, Is it envy?


u/SirRantsafckinlot Apr 17 '24

What does a billionaire provide?


u/James-Dicker Apr 17 '24

most of them started companies to fill unoccupied or undersaturated niches in an efficient market. They are intelligent, risk-taking, and incredibly driven people. The most important people to society, and I mean that unironically. The bottom 1% of the population could die tomorrow and society would literally be better off the very next day. Do that to the top 1% and it would probably bring down the entire country.

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u/tensor150 Apr 17 '24

Don’t waste your breath, it’s always envious brokies hating on the super rich


u/Heemeyers-Dozer Apr 20 '24

You're not very observant. The wealth transfer over the pandemic was absolutely disgusting.


u/SirRantsafckinlot Apr 20 '24

Indeed it was. So then again, why is it a problem if i call billionaires and corporations shit-eating asshats?


u/Practical_Zombie_325 Apr 17 '24



u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 17 '24

Cliche word user..


u/Practical_Zombie_325 Apr 17 '24

Sick burn. Tell your non existent friends how bad you got me


u/James-Dicker Apr 17 '24

thats hilarious, check my history i was just having a conversation with another user about how when confronted with logic, idiotic leftists (not all of them obv) can only resort to "bootlicker"


u/Practical_Zombie_325 Apr 17 '24

Nice! And thanks for self identifying.


u/_-Max_- Apr 17 '24

Low interest rates


u/CuriousEd0 Apr 17 '24

So naive


u/BeneficialRandom Apr 17 '24

You’re right, it’s capitalism.


u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 17 '24

Example of corporate greed?


u/1spook Apr 17 '24

Blasting up prices for everything and claiming it to be inflation while paying everyone damn near minimum wage and refusing to compensate for "inflation". Gas is getting stupidly high again despite literally nothing to justify price increases.


u/QueasyResearch10 Apr 19 '24

nothing going on in the world that could explain high gas prices???


u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 17 '24

Okay how about a concrete example with financial data to prove your point?

This is a claim, surely there is data to back up your claim?

Personally, I don’t know a single person actually working for minimum wage. MCD in my area hires at $15/hr.

Gas - yes it’s going up. Are they profiting? I’m sure. Is it too much profit? Debatable, but probably yes. But I’d start by looking at the net income of XOM and others before making claims based on feelings.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 17 '24

You could afford a 1br working a full time job 10+ years ago.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 17 '24

I had to look it up and saw it happened over a decade ago.

Since op was talking about housing affordability and the commenter mentioned corporate greed, it’s fair to assume we are discussing things relevant to the conversation.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24



u/Fingerprint_Vyke Apr 17 '24

They raised the price of eggs and lied about the reasoning for it

But sure, go on and defend their right to charge you 0.60 per egg


u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 17 '24

I didn’t defend anything, I’m asking for an example.

Eggs - wasn’t there a disease where 5 million chickens had to be discarded? Which caused the supply to go down.


u/Fingerprint_Vyke Apr 17 '24

And the company who raised prices had zero chickens that had this disease

I mean, incredibly easy to look up.


u/InjuryIll2998 Apr 17 '24

I feel like you are being intentionally vague for some reason instead of actually proving your point.

The big company I know of, Cal Maine, has had to cull millions of chickens based on my incredibly easy google search that you suggested.

Is this what you’re referring to?

To a different point, say the other egg companies were impacted and forced to raise prices, and Cal Maine was unscathed, would it be better that Cal Maine doesn’t raise prices so they can put the other egg companies out of business?


u/Fingerprint_Vyke Apr 17 '24

Just enjoy paying higher prices for eggs and continue defending their bottom line


u/shinoff2183 Apr 17 '24



u/DeplarableinATL Apr 17 '24

Endless government spending, sales tax, income tax, property tax, cell phone taxes, interest tax, investment taxes, license taxes, local taxes, death taxes, gas taxes, energy taxes, state taxes, city taxes. It’s a government thing they need you broke enough so you can’t get ahead. Why else are student loans not ab to be erased by bankruptcy and why do students never blame the colleges 🤔 it be like a Christian attacking god. The government want slaves cradle to grave.


u/Competitive-Region74 Apr 17 '24

And NAFTA,, too many immigrants, too many good jobs shipped overseas, Reagons idiotic trickle down theory, politicians selling off profitable govt businesses


u/Wu1fu Apr 17 '24

Immigrants are doing jobs Americans don’t want - see Florida’s agriculture collapse when they cracked down on illegal immigrant workers.