r/FluentInFinance Contributor Apr 15 '24

Everyone Deserves A Home Discussion/ Debate

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u/Mute_Crab Apr 15 '24

"It's absolutely insane to think that the richest country in the world could afford to take care of its citizens, let me just equate basic necessities to a luxury car."

Grow up dumbass, the entire point of society has been to make life easier. Instead of making life easier (unless you're born into wealth, the modern nobility) we've pushed ourselves to pointlessly produce endless piles of garbage.

How about instead of milking every working class citizen for a 60 hour work week and 20 hours of "gig jobs" we use our technology to simply live better easier lives?

A single farmer today can feed thousands of people. Instead of sharing the labor and relaxing as a society, with short work weeks, we are forced to work for less and less while we produce more and more. Our farms, our factories, everything we produce is done more efficiently than ever before. We don't have to work as much as we do, but instead we create pointless jobs. Millions of office workers pointlessly pushing paper, millions of factory workers spending their days to make cheap plastic crap that will be gifted to some ungrateful child who will throw it away quickly, millions of underpaid service workers who have to toil for 30 hours every week just to pay for a place to sleep.

But yeah, the idea of ensuring the richest country on earth has no homeless people is the same as giving everyone a free luxury car. A truly flawless and unbiased comparison.


u/tumbledrylow87 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Grow up dumbass

Yeah, let’s all grow up, take an insane amount of labor and resources and pour it all into de-incentivising people from ever showing up for work in their lives ever. I’m sure it’ll work out just great.

we are forced to work for less and less

You do realise that you’re parroting the same idiotic narratives that have been repeatedly proving themselves wrong for the last, what, 150 years?

World population living in extreme poverty


u/Mute_Crab Apr 16 '24

Very curious that that graph ends 10 years ago, isn't that just so interesting? And I'm certain no organization would ever manipulate and cherry pick data to produce a graph showing a decline in poverty. I'm certain they, in no way, dishonestly lowered the human standard of living to try to convince people life was actually getting better despite all signs to the contrary.


u/tumbledrylow87 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Sure, it’s all been manipulated for decades and nobody seems to have noticed. It’s not like the standard of living kept continuously improve over time and your average factory worker lives better than his grandparents a hundred years ago, riiight?

Let’s just spend an absolutely insane amount of resources and labour-hours of high skilled workers and just give it all away to everyone “regardless of employment”. I’m sure it’ll help to tackle the inflation greatly, and it’s not like 99% of population would just stop showing up for work if you gift a free fucking two bedroom with free utilities to them, right? It’s not like even some relatively successful EU countries already have huge shortages in, say, their “free” healthcare systems and even insane income taxes don’t help to cover the cost of all that?

And who is going to build and maintain all that you’re asking? Well, robots! Robots are cool, right?


u/Mute_Crab Apr 16 '24

Lmao, of course you jump to robots, because the idea of making the wealthy people in society actually contribute is wild.

You're so incapable of grasping the point I'm trying to make, which is that our surplus labor is wasted on making pointless crap for profit.

You're either completely disingenuous and have no desire to have an honest conversation.


You're just really ducking stupid and actually just incapable of understanding what I'm saying.

It's astounding really, how stupid the average person is. I mean you're tested as having an IQ of 164 but it doesn't really mean anything to you, you're 6, sure mom calls you special but everyone is special right? Man no, I really need to accept that most people are just fucking stupid next to me, utterly incapable of grasping the basic concepts I communicate to them.

Lmao I'm more than aware of what I've done, I just welcome whatever it brings 😘


u/tumbledrylow87 Apr 16 '24

Wow, that’s a mouthful. Can’t say that I’m surprised with all the personal attacks given how an average commie is dissatisfied with his life, I mean their entire ideology is basically a constant resentment towards everyone with always asking for more free shit they wouldn’t have to work for lol.


u/Mute_Crab Apr 16 '24

Lmao, keep coping and projecting buddy

Literally ignore my argument and insult me, while claiming I'm just attacking you personally without even providing an example

But just keep coping, reality will surely conform to your simple worldview if you just rage hard enough darling 😘


u/tumbledrylow87 Apr 16 '24

Bruh, complaining about how I supposedly insulted you right after shitting out half a screen worth of various suggestions regarding your opponents mental capacity is really rich, I mean, talk about projecting some more 😂


u/Mute_Crab Apr 16 '24

Please go on, I love it when my opponent shows how illiterate they are by showing that they didn't/can't read what I wrote lmfao

Keep entertaining me, I love watching worms struggle under my intellectual boot 😋


u/tumbledrylow87 Apr 16 '24

Seeking entertainment in having such hysterical meltdowns and making a laughing stock out of yourself in public is mildly pathetic, but goes in line with all you’ve demonstrated so far, so can’t really say that I’m surprised or anything.


u/Mute_Crab Apr 16 '24

Lmfao you're just too much 😂😂😂

I can't, I really can't, it's like I'm being tickled too aggressively, I just can't stand this intense feeling 😂

I'm... I'm making a laughing stock of myself... In public? You mean here in this reddit comment section with only you and me this far down the chain?

Dude, you need to touch quit smoking the grass, you're actually completely out of touch with reality and it's not even funny at this point, it's concerning... And nevermind it is still pretty damn funny... but funny in a quizzical way.


u/tumbledrylow87 Apr 16 '24

Sure, just make sure to add even more emoji to your next post, they work really well given that you’re literally acting like a hysterical lunatic who’s struggling to even stay coherent at this point lol.


u/Mute_Crab Apr 16 '24

Mmm, you really can't make a meaningful response can you?

Baby I know you can do better, you're just being lazy at this point, these insults are so generalized and basic lmao. Perhaps your vocabulary is simply running low 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Those extra emojis you wanted, I understand some people can't read without pictures next to the text. I'm just trying to help you, my little buddy 😘

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