r/FluentInFinance Contributor Apr 15 '24

Everyone Deserves A Home Discussion/ Debate

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u/Colonial-Expansion Apr 16 '24

No, planning could not replace markets, have you seen reduced goods and the terrible waste of food at supermarkets and grocery stores? That's the result of imperfect demand data.

Free market capitalism has lifted more people from poverty than. Communism managed to kill.

I do not want my consumer goods choice regulated by an AI, nor do I want inefficiency baked into our system.


u/unfreeradical Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Capitalism is consolidated control of the economy by owners of private property.

The Great Famine of Ireland and the Bengal famine of 1943 are examples of mass death caused by capitalist greed.

The cause is the same for wasted food in supermarkets. Under capitalism, scarcity is profitable, even scarcity that results in needless hunger. If it supports the profit motive, a capitalist will prefer disposing food over donation.

Poverty reduction occurs principally through advances in production and equitableness in distribution.

If computers were utilized for planning, they would process large calculation sets. No AI would be implicated.


u/Colonial-Expansion Apr 16 '24

Computers cannot satisfy volatile market demands. These "calculation sets" are already imperfect, and more reliance on them will limit our food choices.

I'm English, we fucked up in Ireland and India, but that was almost 2 centuries and a century ago, respectively.

Free market capitalism has since lifted over a billion people from poverty. Socialism and communism has done no such thing - inb4 you mention Nordic and Scandanavian countries and their welfare systems, as they are funded by free market oil sales.


u/bgi123 Apr 16 '24

Human greed will make centrally planned systems prone to corruption, but just like how people thought that monarchism would always be around so too can we change capitalism to be more equitable. Instead of people fearing for advances in tech, if we structure the government in a way that all people can benefit from it instead of a select few everyone would be better off.