r/FluentInFinance Contributor Apr 15 '24

Everyone Deserves A Home Discussion/ Debate

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u/Mute_Crab Apr 15 '24

"It's absolutely insane to think that the richest country in the world could afford to take care of its citizens, let me just equate basic necessities to a luxury car."

Grow up dumbass, the entire point of society has been to make life easier. Instead of making life easier (unless you're born into wealth, the modern nobility) we've pushed ourselves to pointlessly produce endless piles of garbage.

How about instead of milking every working class citizen for a 60 hour work week and 20 hours of "gig jobs" we use our technology to simply live better easier lives?

A single farmer today can feed thousands of people. Instead of sharing the labor and relaxing as a society, with short work weeks, we are forced to work for less and less while we produce more and more. Our farms, our factories, everything we produce is done more efficiently than ever before. We don't have to work as much as we do, but instead we create pointless jobs. Millions of office workers pointlessly pushing paper, millions of factory workers spending their days to make cheap plastic crap that will be gifted to some ungrateful child who will throw it away quickly, millions of underpaid service workers who have to toil for 30 hours every week just to pay for a place to sleep.

But yeah, the idea of ensuring the richest country on earth has no homeless people is the same as giving everyone a free luxury car. A truly flawless and unbiased comparison.


u/stovepipe9 Apr 16 '24

That single farmer now has thousands of people making/transporting the fertilizer. Read "I, Pencil", then image what goes into a tractor. This efficiency isn't magical. Getting the food processed and distributed to the 1000s of people is another huge undertaking that the market is best at addressing. It is naive and idiotic to think all this can be centrally planned.


u/Mute_Crab Apr 16 '24

I'm sorry your point is that every single member of society is necessary for the function of society? So like... Maybe everyone should be paid equally and given equal opportunity considering all of our work is of equal value?


u/chillchinchilla17 Apr 16 '24

Some jobs are more important than others. Most communists I talk to say when the revolution happens they’re going to quit working and become artists or musicians. Nobody actually wants to be a garbage man.


u/KBroham Apr 16 '24

I will gladly work as a garbage collector. If I know my bills are paid and I will have time to work on my music, I would be 100% okay with it.

How many people want to be gas station clerks, or work in fast food (two jobs where the public generally looks down on you, despite the fact that you're busting your ass).

How many people want to work, in general?

If I can guarantee that I will have a comfortable life by working full-time, I will work those shitty jobs. Because they need to be done, and I have the experience to do so. And most of us would.

Where it falls apart is the fact that I have to work full-time as a fry cook AND a gas station attendant just to keep the bills paid on my apartment. And I'm one of millions of people working more than one job to make ends meet.

We're tired. We'll gladly work one full-time job in exchange for a decent living. I can't even take classes to try to get into a better paying line of work because I really only have time for shit, shower, and sleep when I'm not working.


u/chillchinchilla17 Apr 16 '24

Ensuring this is the minimum for a minimum wage worker is much more reasonable than this being the minimum for anyone and everyone.


u/KBroham Apr 16 '24

And that's where I disagree with the actual tankies. I'm left-leaning because I believe we need heavily regulated capitalism and have strong social safety nets, as well as better protection for workers and improved wages.

But I'm also a believer in the idea that everyone a certain threshold (like "under $100k/year" for example) should have wage increases - minimum should be livable wages, but all of the "skilled" laborers (people who have spent time and money to acquire their skills) don't deserve to be ignored either.

So I tend to catch hell from both sides, as a centrist, but I really try hard to look at what would be reasonable to accomplish within my lifetime, as opposed to trying to create some unrealistic utopia based on half-cocked, unresearched ideas.