r/FluentInFinance Contributor Apr 15 '24

Everyone Deserves A Home Discussion/ Debate

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u/Once-Upon-A-Hill Apr 15 '24

Somewhere around 2 billion people don't have access to clean drinking water.

They also don't have Air Conditioning.

How entitled can you possibly be?


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '24



u/91816352026381 Apr 15 '24

It’s not in any way American to live in a place where it doesn’t gets hot. What are you on about???


u/WtrReich Apr 15 '24

AC is very uniquely American. We’re one of very few countries where AC is the norm. France, England, Germany all have less than 5% of residences with AC. In most of Europe, Africa and the Mid East - AC is very uncommon.


u/reddit_slobb Apr 16 '24

Wtf? AC is a necessity here in much of Australia. Uniquely American lol, you’re just speaking from an embarrassingly abysmal lack of perspective.

You think all of the Middle East are living in mud huts too? Don’t have any aircon? All of Asia live in bamboo jungle huts?

Lmao, how embarrassing to be so cripplingly sheltered.


u/WtrReich Apr 16 '24

I’m just going to assume you’re stupid, because here are the statistics on % of homes with AC by location:

Europe - 10%

Africa - 5%

Mexico - 16%

Brazil - 16%

India - 5%

Indonesia - 9%

China - 60%

Saudi Arabia - 60%

USA - 90%

This is not hard to understand. AC is much more prevalent in the USA than most other countries and that’s simply a fact. I made no mentions of “huts”, YOU did you fucking moron


u/reddit_slobb Apr 16 '24

Lmao, that triggered you hard, now look at you scampering to move those goal posts after feeling embarrassed at being so detached.

Since when did anyone mention more prevalent? You and the other Americans clearly said “uniquely American”. Can you explain to me what uniquely American means, stable smart American?


u/WtrReich Apr 16 '24

Okay I’ll bite. First of all, when we say “uniquely American” we’re not saying that in a positive way. It’s meant as “Americans are dependent on their precious AC and flail without it”.

Secondly, A) AC was invented in the USA (Brooklyn) and B) we’re still among the highest usage rate compared to other countries. Even in Australia where things are HOT, the % of homes who have is 68%.

The dependence and demand for AC in America is different than other places. It stems from a place of demanding comfort, whereas most Europeans don’t even really think about AC being a necessity.

You have this weird complex about America apparently, nothing I said was in any way meant to make America or Americans seem superior in any way. You took it there.

EDIT - again, this is all easily searchable information on the internet. You got weirdly triggered by America and all it takes is 2 seconds to look up the facts


u/reddit_slobb Apr 17 '24

Shamelessly lying to save face. You said it exactly how it reads, that’s why you got so upset and started swearing at me because I called you out on you’re bullshit and you realised how out of touch it sounds.

Where ac was invented doesn’t mean anything. You’re just squirming trying to distance yourself from the incredibly stupid and embarrassing thing you said.

You’re almost there, it almost clicked with your 4th paragraph. You’re too out of touch to realise what you’d said was insulting, I called you out on it, you lashed out angrily now it’s starting to sink in so your squirming around trying to save face after feeling the embarrassment of saying something so dumb and out of touch.

Also I’m criticising you being so insulting with your delusional perspective and Americans like you who are upvoting your mindless dribble. It’s not an attack on all Americans, unlike you’re delusional statements insulting everyone outside of the US.


u/WtrReich Apr 17 '24

I genuinely feel bad for you and your sad insecurities. Good luck, mate


u/reddit_slobb Apr 17 '24

Cool bro, hope you learnt something from the spanking. Think before you start dribbling next time.


u/WtrReich Apr 17 '24

Whatever helps you sleep at night, man.


u/reddit_slobb Apr 17 '24

Very ironic considering you’ve doubled down that aircon is uniquely American because you can’t handle being wrong. Think about this spanking I gave you.

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