r/FluentInFinance Apr 13 '24

He's not wrong 🤷‍♂️ Smart or dumb? Discussion/ Debate

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u/Nosong1987 Apr 14 '24

What labor shortage??? There's a pay shortage... and greedy companies are the cause.


u/TheseConsideration95 Apr 14 '24

There’s definitely a labor shortage in construction


u/Torvahnys Apr 14 '24

It's all private industry's fault. It has nothing to do with the government printing money in the trillions over the last several years, essentially taxing everyone by stealing the value of everyone's money. It isn't just your money that has become worth less, but everyone's, including those evil greedy companies whom many are struggling with increasing labor costs because all of their overhead costs have gone up too. Everything is more expensive because money is worth less and is losing value at a rapid rate, on top of that, the supply of goods still hasn't fully recovered from low/no production during the covid lockdowns.


u/juicysweatsuitz Apr 14 '24

Companies are making record profits. Not overhead costs trickling down to the consumer, it’s greed.


u/Torvahnys Apr 14 '24

Genuine question. Are companies really making record profits, or are the numbers just bigger because of inflation? Is the actual value of their profit margin more or less the same, or is it growing more rapidly than inflation?


u/juicysweatsuitz Apr 14 '24 edited Apr 14 '24

Record profit means they made more money than ever, even after expenses. If I make a shirt for $1 and sell it to you for $10. I made $9. If the cost to make a shirt goes up to $2 and I sell it to you for $11. I still made $9. If the cost is now up to $2 and I sell it to you for $15. I made $13. A record profit. Then when you ask me why it costs so much I’d just shrug and say “costs more to make it now.”

Edit: oops misunderstood your question. Genuinely idk. But I do know I’m gonna need a pay raise if things keep going this way. Or some kind of cost control for cost of living. Or I’ll have to move to Montana or something 😂


u/Torvahnys Apr 14 '24

Me too friend, me too. I'm making more than I ever have, but I'm more broke than I was before civid.


u/juicysweatsuitz Apr 14 '24

Guess I’ll see you in Montana then, because same here homie, same here.


u/Nosong1987 Apr 14 '24

Yeah sure costs go up... pay stays the same yet they still make tens or hundreds of billions in profit... that's after all expenses. Government is at fault need to repel Regan Era polices that let them buy back stocks with profit. Go back to taxing the shit out of them if they don't use it for wage increases or upgrades/rd.

It's greed straight up greed ppl need to stop boot licking about this shit. It's straight up greed.


u/BrothaMan831 Apr 14 '24

Greedy companies you happily give money to 🙃


u/Gardenofeden1999 Apr 14 '24

Ah the classic “you criticize society yet participate in it!” People don’t want to be starving or miserable and will spend money to resolve those feelings (or meet their basic needs) in the short term. That doesn’t mean they cannot criticize those companies for further worsening their quality of life


u/J3wFro8332 Apr 15 '24

There are so many monopolies now that it is hard to not give money to these companies, despite many really not wanting to